I'm Ugly

I'm Ugly

In a dark room, a young man sits at the corner of the room, thinking to himself.

~I’m trying to smile brightly but I don’t like it.

I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful Oh oh oh oh

I’m trying to sing but no one is listening.

I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful Oh oh oh oh~

The young man sang to himself as he remembers the beautiful days that he had spent with the special someone.

~Why am I this ugly?

What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?

I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect?~

“!” The young man cussed as he almost burn himself while cooking dinner for his lover. “! Why can’t I cook a simple dinner for him? Why is it so hard for me?”

“Jae, are you okay?” A deep manly voice asks him when he heard the commotion in the kitchen.

“I’m fine, Yunho.” The young man softly said as he turns to face him to show the older man that he is fine.

“Are you sure?” Yunho asks him in concern. “Baby, I can always help you if your hurt.”

“I’m fine, Yunho!” Jaejoong says in a louder voice.

Yunho looks at him in concern but respect his lover’s decision. “Okay.” He leans in to kiss his forehead. “If you need help don’t hesitate, okay?”

“Okay.” Jaejoong slightly nods his head.

~I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror

Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now

I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape

This world is full of lies~

At this moment, the young man is in his bathroom where he punched the bathroom’s mirror after looking at his ugly appearance.

“AH!” He screamed in anger, his right hand is bleeding from the powerful punched that he did to the poor mirror. “Why? Why did you have to lie to me?” The poor young man break down as he uses the sink to hold up him up.

Then more flashbacks appeared in his head.

“Baby, you know that you are the most beautiful man that I ever met, right?” The older man says.

“Stop it, Yun.” The younger man blushes as he falls for the his charm. “You are embarrassing me.”

The older man chuckles and kisses his forehead.

“How can you call me beautiful when I am wearing a face mask?” The younger man mumbles to himself.

“What is that?” His lover asks him.

The younger man just shakes his head. “Nothing.”


~I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face cause I know I’m ugly~

Jaejoong sing to himself as he leans on the bathroom wall. He just sits there crying out all of the pain that he feels in the moment.

“Pretty? Beautiful?” He scoffed at those words. “Those words don’t belong to me. There never were. Ugly? Ha! That’s the perfect word for me. That’s right, I’m ugly.”

~Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily

My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you

Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you

The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me

Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern

I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out

This world is full of lies~

“Baby, why don’t you believe me when I told you that you are beautiful?” The older man asks him in pain. He is hurt that the other man doesn’t believe him.

“How can I?” The younger man cries. “Look at me! I have this huge scar on my face! How you still say that I am still pretty? There is a ing huge scar on my face, Yunho!”

“The scar doesn’t mean anything to me, Jae. I love you for who you are.” Yunho tries to show the younger man how much his love meant to him.

“BULL!” Jaejoong shouts back. “I know that once you see my face, you will leave me like the rest! This is all lies that you are telling me! You are just like everyone else!”

“Baby, what can I do for you to believe me? I love you. True, at first I am curious to why you hide your beautiful face under that mask. Now that I knew why, it just makes me love you more.”

“BULL!” Jaejoong keeps on cussing at him. “I don’t need your ing sympathy. Just go away! Leave me alone!”

“Baby.” Yunho tries to reach out for his lover but gets rejected as his lover left the place. “JAEJOONG!”

“This place is full of lies. No one would never love me once they seen this ugly scar.” Jaejoong cries as he kept on running far away from his lover.

~I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face cause I know I’m ugly~

“Boo, this is for you.” The older man says as he gives the younger man a bunch of roses.

“Awe, how sweet of you.” The younger man smiles at the older man as he takes a sniff at the roses. “They’re beautiful, Yunnie.”

The older man smiles at him. “I’m glad you like it, Chullie.”

Behind a tree, another young man hides behind it as he spies on the two men who are standing not quite far from him.

“He’s beautiful, Yun.” Jaejoong softly says. “You have find someone who is perfect for you now.” Tears slow cascade as he sees how happy his lover is.

“I wish I was beautiful like him. If only…” Jaejoong cried in pain. “I’m sorry, Yun. I hope you have a happy life without me. Goodbye.”


~All alone

I’m all alone

All alone

I’m all alone

There’s no such thing as warmth

There is no one by my side~

Jaejoong cries to himself in the dark empty room as he hugs his own knees to his chest.

“Why? What have I done to deserve this?” He asks himself as he looks back in the past where he used to be happy. “What did I do to deserve all of these pain?”

“I used to be beautiful.” He said. “I used to have warmth that I cherish.”

Then silent took over as he kept on crying in great pain.

“Where’s my beauty?” He cried. “Where’s my warmth?”

Tears kept on cascading like a river flowing endlessly.

“I have no one beside me now. Just me and myself. No warmth. No beauty. Nothing is with me anymore.” He kept on chanting to himself, thinking that if he kept on chanting those words, he would feel better.

~All alone

I’m all alone

I’m always alone

All alone

All alone

There is no such thing as warmth

Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me~

The young man starts to laugh to himself. “That’s right! I’m always alone. I’m always all alone. Why the am I weeping for?” He starts to bright himself up a bit.

“So, who cares if there’s no such thing as warmth? I have my own warmth. I don’t need nobody to embrace me. , I have gone through it so many times. I shouldn’t be weeping because of this. I’ve been through this many time to break down. I need to get up on feet and live my days like I normally do.”

~I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly and nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face cause I know I’m ugly~

Jaejoong walks on the streets without his face mask on. He is happy to be ugly, and he is happy to show it. No one is going to bring him down again. Being ugly isn’t a terrible thing. Therefore, he walks on the streets with his head up as he passes the people on the streets with a bright smile.

This is his way of being pretty like others. Being brave and face the fact that his beauty isn’t base on appearance but what he got to share to the whole world. 

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Chapter 1: sequel??
YouLostMe #2
CN u make a sequel?
Heechul is tranual and creepy....Joongie is frickin BEAUTIFUL!<br />
Anyway...nicely done! Good job :D
Yun Ho's stupid for leaving Jae Joong. Jae Joong has the most beautiful heart that cares and loves for everying. And no scare can ever make him ugly in my mind or heart. <br />
<br />
Ha its Yun Ho's loss.<br />
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to xoxBigBangxox: yeah... I find Jae more pretty then Heechul too. But I write this way becuz I'm tryin to connect the story with the song. and a face mask only covers half of the face. It only covers your mouth to the nose. and thnx for reading ^^
xoxBigBangxox #6
Im sorry but I find Jae more beautiful than Heechul.<br />
Dont get me wrong Lady HeeHee, you're beautiful too.<br />
<br />
Im confused. Mask? U mean an actual mask to cover him? O_o<br />
Yunnie with Chul? DISLIKE! Lol Yunnie with anyone aside from Jae is bad.<br />
<br />
P.S. - I loveee Ugly-2ne1. <br />
What a Coincidence. I was listening to the song while I was reading the ff lol. xD
Sry, I kno. I dont like Yun with Chul too. T_T but I have to make it like that because it wouldn't fit the song if they do end up together. Thnx for reading and commenting. T_T Although, you hate how it went.
melovjaelovyun #8
what is it? Why yun with heechul? I hate it