
Love 'sick'


"Umma, I'm going out." Dongwoo walked into the kitchen to find her making fresh kimchi in the back patio. "I'll be back soon." He smiled at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. 


"Ah, alright. Don't come home too late and get me milk on your way back!" She yelled as he was already on his way to the front door. "Alright!" He yelled back and put on his personalized green sneakers. He was smiling as he walked through town. This was his new home. It was small and cozy, it felt like a very comfy and welcoming neighborhood to him.


There was no place that he had in mind to walk to.  All he wanted to do was get to know the townspeople and familiarize himself with the small village. Dongwoo hummed and whistled as he nonchalantly strode across the mid-busy daytime town. The nice suburban area had some modern all buildings scattered here and there, but most of the land was out and in the open. He walked a good mile before stumbling upon the tallest building this little town could offer. The hospital. 


He relished in the sight of a pale tan building that went up to about 20 floors high. Wahh, it's pretty tall... He approached closer into the front door. A fairly small piece of paper written on with a marker read 'Can Volunteer Here.' A smile played onto the dino's lips once his eyes stumbled upon the notification. "I got it!" He exclaimed and excitedly rushed inside. 


"How can I help you, sir?" The nurse at the counter questioned. 


"Hi," He gave a bright smile to the lady,


"I would like to inquire about volunteering here." 




It was genius. Volunteering at the hospital would let him get to know the people a little more and it also does good to the patients and nurses. "Oh why that's wonderful!" The nurse gleed in joy and quickly scrambled to grab papers. "If you'd only fill in this form for a little of information first."  Dongwoo gave a curt nod, receiving the dirty white clipboard with the form and a pen on the metal clasp. 


"I'll go fill this out then." He smiled at her and went to go grab a seat. It was a standard information form. On top of the form, it labeled 'XXX Hospital Volunteer Form'. 


Name: Jang Dongwoo  | Gender: M F

Date of Birth: 90.11.22 

Reason of volunteer: ----

Phone/Cell Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX

For caution please; list any allergies: ----

Any previous or current severe diagnoses:----

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"Great," The nurse working the front counter spoke,"Come in tomorrow so we could discuss when you'd like to come in." She smiled and hid the clipboard among the cluster of her work desk. Dongwoo gave another bright smile and stalked off after greeting the nice lady goodbye. 




"Milk.. milk.. milk.." Dongwoo muttered as he searched for the dairy section of his local E-Mart. It was his first time inside this grocery store which looked quite different than the one he had grown up with back home. "Ah! Here it is!" He cheered inwardly and reached out for a carton but was stopped when it grazed upon another. Dongwoo looked up and saw the face of a pretty brunette with dark brown eyes staring back at him. For a moment he was mesmerized and it seemed like she was too considering the lack of movement and vocals. Dongwoo blinked,"I-I'm sorry..." He spout the first sentence and reluctantly reached away from the quite awkward grasp. 


"I'm sorry too.." She replied shyly. "H-Here, you can take it first." She gestured towards the carton of milk. Being a gentleman, he kindly refused," No, it's alright. Ladies first, right?" He gave her a big smile. She smiled back and slowly took the cartoon and added it to her basket. "Thank you. I'll.. be on my way now." 


"W-Wait!" Dongwoo semi-panicked suddenly (not knowing why) and reached out a hand to her shoulder once she turned to leave. "May I know your name?" It was quiet for a small moment and it made Dongwoo rethink his question. She might think i'm a creeper.. goddamnit Jang Dongwoo! "I-I'm new here! I just want to get to know the people around here! I don't bite! Really!" He covered. 


The girl covered and laughed. "It's fine, I'm Yeon Joo. Choi Yeon Joo and it's nice to meet you." She held out a hand for a shake. Dongwoo smiled knowing it turned out alright.


"Jang Dongwoo." He shook her hand.


"And I hope I see you again one day."

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