
Love 'sick'


Dongwoo huffed as he brought in the first batch of boxes into his empty and new smelling home. It was really hot in the town they just moved into, not even lifting a sweat he was already tired. He quickly jogged out to go grab some more, and saw his mother having a little hard time bringing in some boxes through the front door.


"Umma~" Dongwoo whined and quickly ran to grab the heavy white boxes in her grasp. "I got this, you can just go rest, get a cold drink, or take a nap. I can bring all the boxes and unpack." He gave an angelic smile to his mom.


Mrs. Jang slapped his shoulder, but couldn't help but smile back. "Yah! I'm totally healthy and capable! Don't take me for some weak old lady. It makes me feel old." she scolded, murmuring the last sentence. She immediately slipped behind Dongwoo to go grab some more boxes from the truck. In response, he couldn't help but chuckle and continue bringing the boxes in. His mother was just as stubborn as he was. 


"I'm fine, see?"  His mother stuck her tongue out at her son once she settled her set of boxes next to his. Dongwoo laughed at his mother's childishness. It never got old, and sometimes he wonderedit made him wonder who was more mature in their household. 


"If you're so fine then... I'll race you!" Dongwoo exclaimed and ran right out the door before he could even finish the last word. "Yah! Get back here, you runt!" His mother threatened and dashed out, following his son. 


The Jang family is a very comfortable family. They played and joked as if they were siblings- well at least the mother and son did. Papa Jang was currently overseas for work, but he is also quite the jokester when he's with the family. Kottip, the Jang daughter, was currently also overseas creating a family with her husband. 


Dongwoo and his mother chugged down a whole half water bottle (0r more) in desperate dehydration. "I can't believe you beat me." Dongwoo mumbled sadly while panting. He set down his water bottle on the kitchen counter and laid back on his kitchen chair. 


Mama Jang had -surprisingly- won their little 'competition' and now in punishment, Dongwoo had to wash dishes after dinner and sort out all the boxes to the desired rooms. (Which wasn't really much since he was considering on doing both in the first place.)


He couldn't see ahead of himself as he lugged a tall pile of boxes up the stairs. The newly polished wooden flooring didn't help either. Being the clumsy self he was, Dongwoo stubbed his toe against one of the steps which emitted a yelp from the dino. "Aishh..." He winced but continued walking so he could lay the boxes down. Having done that, right at the top of the steps, he slammed the boxes down in urgency and quickly dived to the floor to grab his toe. 


"Woo-ah, are you alright?" His mother called from below in the kitchen. 


"Ah, yeah! Just hurt myself a little, but I'm alright!" Dongwoo called back while examining his big toe. It was already red and swelling a little. *I should ice that later..* He thought and stood up to continue sorting out the boxes for unpacking. 


Tonight was going to be a long night. 




Dongwoo ran down the stairs with quiet steps a couple hours later. It was already fifteen till midnight. "Umma~" He called sweetly and ran into the living room only to find her peacefully asleep on the couch with the TV on. This made him smile and he quickly ran back upstairs quietly to go grab something. 


He returned not even a second later and laid the warm blanket over his mother then reaching out to slip the remote out of her grasp to turn off the television. "Night umma.." He whispered, leaving a kiss on her forehead before heading back upstairs. 



author's corner;  

Hello~ author-nim here. This was just a little filler intro chappie. Hope it was alright lol.

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