• Creepy Smile

Tongue Tied
Chapter 2
Morning came and I was still tired as hell. If Saera hadn't knocked on my door just now, I think I would've slept through the whole morning. Which isn't ideal for me because I'd get extra work for missing class, and that extra work might clash with my tennis schedule.
I reluctantly got off my bed and dragged my feet to the bathroom while scratching my itchy waist. It's unfeminine I know, but the habit grew on me. I do it every morning without a care since no one else is there to see me doing it.
After my shower, I dressed up in my uniform that I always iron the night before, and I head downstairs as soon as I finished fixing my hair and packing my things.
As usual, mom had already prepared breakfast and Saera was still in her room, probably putting on her make up. That girl loves to dress up.
"Morning, mom." I took my seat around the table and started eating. Mom makes the best pancakes ever. I tried making it the way she does but mine never really fluffs out like her pancakes.
By the time Saera entered the kitchen I was already down to my last pancake. "You better hurry up. I can only wait for a while." I ate the remaining pancake in one go and cleaned up my plate by the sink while chewing my food.
I waited for Saera in the livingroom. I started fiddling with my penguin phone charm, when surprisingly Saera finished sooner that I expected. "Did you even eat at all?"
"Yeah. A pancake." she smiled at me.
"Just one?"
She merely shrugged with her bag on her shoulder and a coffee mug in her hand. "I have to watch what I eat, unlike you." I shook my head. "How do you do it unnie? You eat like an elephant and yet look at you!"
"I exercise, you should try it some time." I chuckled and headed straight to the main door. "Mom, Dad! We're going now."
"Have fun in school, girls!" Dad shouted from the other room.
I looked around the neighbourhood when we stepped out of the house. It was cleaner than our previous neighbourhood and much more spacious. I'm so happy dad finally got his well deserved promotion. Now we're in a much better estate and it's closer to school too.
"I'd rather starve than sweat." Saera giggled.
I looked at my little sister with a serious face. "Don't you dare. I am not going to let you become anorexic. Not in my watch." Saera tried to loosen me up saying it was a joke, but I don't find jokes like those amusing. Not one bit. "You know better than that, Saera. Mom and dad don't work this hard just to have you falling ill on us." I sighed softly.
"I'm sorry. I'll eat, I promise." she said. I was afraid my mood would stay bad, I didn't want to stay mad at her and make our trip to school awkward.
I walked towards our small gate and took in the new morning scenery when a black backpack caught my eye. It had a logo printed on it as it sat innocently on the front door of the house beside ours. "I feel like I've seen that before..." I muttered.
"Unnie, you aren't mad at me still, are you?" Saera caught up with me when I spaced out.
"Huh?" I snapped out of it. "Oh... Nah. Just take care of yourself and don't get sick." I messed her hair and we began walking to school.
Despite the fact that the familiar backpack bugged me the whole morning, by lunch time I had already forgotten everything about it the moment I saw pizza in the lunch menu. "OMG. Pizza!"
"Wait! Damn it!" Baekhyun screamed after me. He doesn't understand the loveliness of thin crust, pepperoni pizzas. One does not wait for pizzas to run out.
I got in line but ended up really far away. It seems everyone found out about the pizza sooner than I did.
When the queue drew closer to the hotplate, I saw that there were only 4 left and there were 6 people in front of me. The first two got a piece each, the third person went for lasagne, the fourth skipped the pizza too and went for a salad instead, but the fifth one decided to be greedy and got two slices of pizza leaving none for the sixth and none for me.
Baekhyun started laughing the moment I brought a tray of lasagne and bottled water. "Shut up." I hissed.
He chuckled before pushing his tray to me. It had a slice of pizza, but as tempting as it looked I refused it almost immediately.
"No thanks. I don't like ty food." I stuck my tongue out and gingerly poked my lasagne.
Baekhyun made a face that said I was over reacting. "Oh c'mon. The girl didn't even give in immediately like the others." he smirked.
He occassionally does this. Flirt his way to his lunch whenever he's too slow or too lazy to line up with me. His 'player' tendencies almost always gets him the best dishes in the menu in exchange for a kiss or whatever flirting he does.
"You should be arrested." I scoffed.
"For being handsome? I know right." Baekhyun's smirk only got bigger. He took a bite of the pizza that I refused. "Mmm... It's so good."
"No I meant for manipulating girls." But that too. I didn't bother adding the last part in fear of making his head bigger than it already is.
Baekhyun is definitely one of the guys in school who possess handsome faces. But even though he has those beautiful eyes, I don't feel attracted to him. I did at one point, but the way he treats me isn't really the way I want to be treated in a relationship.
So yeah... friendship all the way!
"Hey." Baekhyun elbowed me at the side. I looked up while taking a piece of lasagne.
"Hmm?" I looked at him questioningly as I chewed my food. The lasagne wasn't bad at all.
"Look." He pointed at one of the tables at the far end of the room. There Chanyeol sat all alone rummaging through his colourful bag. It looked like he lost something important.
"He's eating all alone," Baekhyun continued. He smirked teasingly at me. "Wanna go eat with your new neighbour?"
"Not now, Baek." I sighed heavily and stood up, not exactly sure why I felt moody.
"Well, someone's about to get her period." I groaned. Baekhyun's right, it's almost that time of the month.
"Byuntae. I'm going to the classroom." I said, not wanting to see his teasing face any longer.
My fork dropped when I was bringing my tray to clear. I bent over to pick it up and saw something black under one of the tables. It stood out amongst the pink glittery accessories and girly shoes that belonged to a group of girls from our class.
It looked like a part of something. When I got closer it looked like a cover for camera lenses and the only one I knew who brings a camera with him most of the time was Chanyeol. I sighed.
"Excuse me." I tapped Eunsung's shoulder and she turned to face me. She was the least stuck up from their group and I was thankful that the lens cover was under her chair.
"Yes?" she excessively batted her fake lashes in a girly way. I cleared my throat when I felt her clique's judgemental looks aimed at me.
"I dropped something and it rolled under your table..." I hesitantly continued. "I was wondering if I could just get it real quickly..."
"Oh!" she abruptly stood up and stepped away from her seat. "Sure thing!"
"Thanks..." I quickly bent and snatched the black cover. "Thank you so much. Sorry for disturbing you." I hurriedly left their group feeling uncomfortable. But where I was headed made me feel even worse.
Chanyeol quickly replaced his worried look with a smile when he saw me approaching his table. "Oh, hey Jaein." he pushed the bridge of his glasses up. "What brings you here?"
"U-uhm... Did you perhaps lose this?" I stammered feeling really nervous. I never really talked to Chanyeol even though we were in the same class. I never really took notice of him before either. I only started to notice him when Baekhyun told me he lived near by.
His eyes widened behind his thick glasses. "Omo! Where'd you find it?" he reached for the cover and I quickly gave it to him. I was shocked when he raised his voice.
"I saw it on the floor..." I explained.
"Thank you so much. My lens would've gotten dirty and scratched if I didn't cover it." he clasped his hands onto mine and started shaking it with gratitude.
What the. I took my hand away from him. He didn't seem offended since he continued smiling widely. It looked really creepy so I took a step back.
"Heh... Look I have to go. I'm glad to have helped. Bye." I quickly excused myself and headed to the classroom.
Afternoon classes went by as usual, only this time I had to avoid any eye contact with Chanyeol. Because every time I did he'd some how smile brightly at me making Baekhyun suspicious about the whole ordeal. He doesn't know I helped Chanyeol earlier.
Baekhyun and I went to the tennis club after school and rode the bus home at six. Baekhyun took a different bus today because he had to go somewhere. It seemed like he was keeping something for me, but I decided not to push it since I was so tired that I just wanted to go home, start my homework and sleep early.
"Honey, dinner will be ready in a half an hour or so." Mom came out from the kitchen door in her apron.
I stopped by the foot of the stairs. "Can I eat it upstairs? I have so much homework today."
Mom smiled understandingly. "Sure. I'll have Saera bring it up."
"No need. I'll get it. I have to drink my medicine anyway." I refused and headed upstairs to my room.
I took out my books and set them in my desk. I turned my lamp on and started on my homework. Thirty minutes into my history homework and I already felt like dying.
I turned to look at my opened window so fast my neck started hurting. But the sight that greeted me was by far scarier than a few days of stiff necks.
Did I perhaps fall asleep and started dreaming?
What the hell is Chanyeol doing, holding a camera outside my window?!
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Update might be delayed a bit as I'm updating DMFC after months of being dormant. But I'm also writing bits of this story's chapter4. So please anticipate! :))


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Chapter 3: Awwww...a chapter dedicated for moi?!*sobs sobs. Gomawo unnie. You're so sweeeeeeetttt.
And you included mino?! Wahhh....speechless.
Chapter 3: Update! Update! Update! Make a chapter dedicated for moi!
Chapter 2: Chanyeol! Y U DO DIS?!?! Why are you stalking her, when you could be with me?!?! Update Unnie! Jaebal!
Chapter 2: Hmmm....I'm pretty sure Baekhyun has a thing for Jaein ^^.
Derpy Chanyeol..luv it ♥♥♥
Update soon!!!!
Creepy chanyeol all the way!!!
Aww seara and sehun are soo cute~~~^^
Chapter 2: oh gosh ... chanyeol why are u so creepy...???
Chapter 1: Awww!!!! Sehun and his innocence ♥♥♥♥ Saera and Sehun look good together...
I hope Luhan is the neighbour ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: pleaaaaSeee updateeee!!!!!
10006442 #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^