
War Children


“Our school has been invaded by-“ “Get out! No! Stay away! NO! AAARRGG!”
“Z-z-zombies..” “Yah! V-ah! Right now isn’t the moment to joke around.”
“We should get away from here..”  “And get ourselves killed?! No way in hell.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Chanyeol.”
“What the hell is going on?!” 

“Hyeri?” A voice said from behind her. She turned around and saw Jin approaching her. She too started to approaching him and when both finally met she hugged him tightly, of course Jin got shocked by her actions but softened his expression when he heard her crying in his chest. He lifted his right hand and patted her back softly. “It’s alright.. Everything will be alright. We’ll survive.” He could hear Hyeri mumble softly into his shirt but didn’t understand anything because she was crying so much.

After a while she had finally calmed down and broke free from the hug, although she definitely wanted to stay in his arms for a longer time. “I want to see my mom.” She said clearly while wiping her tears. “I know.. We’ll see her. She’s okay.” Jin assured her. “You don’t know that..” “That’s why..” He took something out of his pocket and Hyeri was eager to find out what was hidden in it. Suddenly he showed her a cell phone. “Where did you get this?!” She asked excitedly. “Quickly grabbed it before leaving.” He said proudly and chuckled afterwards. Immediately she took the phone out of his hands and dialed the phone number of her mother. The phone kept on dialing and dialing, she got more impatient but refused to hang up. And luckily because at that moment someone picked up. “Yeobseyo?” Once she heard the voice of her mother she cracked in tears. “Eonma..” “Hyeri?! Hyeri?!” Her mother cried out. “Where are you?! Are you okay?!” Hyeri got stormed by questions. “I’m fine.. I’m at some place nea-“ Before she could finish her sentence the connection between them completely faded. “Eonma?! Eonma?!!”

Both Hyeri and Jin went downstairs. After the connection had broken down Hyeri had another panic attack, which is why Jin was holding her close to him as they went back to the others. The first to notice the two was Suga. He was about to tease both of them but that was before he saw that Hyeri had been crying. “Hey.. You alright?” Yoongi asked her as he approached both of them. She nodded, but her face definitely said the opposite. Her eyes were puffy. Makeup was completely ruined and her hair was completely messy. “Yah… You can tell me the truth.. Y-” “It’s fine, she just needs time.”Jin cut him off. Suga nodded and left her alone.

Everyone was preparing food for dinner, Hyeri was feeling better but Suga kept an eye on her. “Hyung, can you help me set the table?” Jeongguk asked him. “Huh..? Oh, sure.” He smiled and took chopsticks while the maknae took the bowls. They placed everything on the table and when they finished they decided to join Taehyung and play some videogames. “Dinner’s ready!” Chanyeol, the guy they just met yelled from the kitchen and everyone headed towards the tables. Once everyone took a seat Rapmon decided to start the conversation. “Okay.. Let’s introduce ourselves now that there aren’t any bats or other weapons present.” Taehyung glared at Chanyeol and he smiled apologetically in return.

First up was the quiet boy of the group with the sharp jaw line. “ Ehm, hi.. I’m Sehun, I’m the Maknae in my group of friends.” “Don’t mind him.. He’s always shy at first.” Someone on the other side of the table said. “I’m Suho by the way.. If there’s anything you need, you can ask me.” He said kindly. “Oh, I’m Chanyeol, the happy virus, that means that I’ll always try to make you all happy!” He said and laughed immediately afterwards. “Aren’t you showing off a little too much?” The guy next to him, with the eyeliner, asked him. “I’m Baekhyun, mostly around this dork here since he can do really stupid things.” He smiled and bowed. “Yah.. Hyung!~” Next up was the guy with the darkest skin, who kept his introduction short. “I’m Kai, nice to meet you.” And lastly the cute shorter one. “I’m Kyungsoo, but you can call me D.O.” Afterwards Bangtan, Sookyeon and Hyeri introduced themselves too and they finally got to eat some food. The dinner time wasn’t long since they all had to stay alert. Suho suggested to go to sleep early and take shifts during the night, everyone agreed so they all went upstairs, except for Suho. Everyone enjoyed their own free time for a while before they went to sleep.

To everyone’s surprise nothing happened that night, but that didn’t stop them from moving of place. All the survivors started waking up fully rested, well except for the sleepy heads in the pack. After an hour all the sleepy heads started to wake up, there was one exception though; SUGA. Of course Hyeri decided to wake him up since they weren’t going to wait any longer, nor leave him behind. “Oppaa!~ Wake up!” Hyeri said loudly, but no response, she could expect it since he was a real deep sleeper. “OPPA!!” She said louder. Still no reaction. She approached him and softly hit his shoulder. Again no reaction so of course she decided to hit him harder. “Wake up!” She said loudly. Afterwards she slapped him on his arm. Well that was her plan.. When she was about to hit him he took her by her wrist and pulled her towards him. “Y-ya! Suga what do you think you’re doing?!” “Mhhhmm, quiet down will you…” He replied with a husky voice. He hugged her from the back, face completely hidden in her long silky hair. Hyeri gulped once and turned around on the bed, which was quite a challenge because he held her so tightly, and pushed him off the bed. “You awake now?!”

When Suga was finally awake both of them started helping the others with packing the most important things since everything had to be as light as possible. “Hyerii~” Suga placed his chin on top of her head. “Hmmm???” She felt her heart beat faster by the physical contact they had, as always. “I’m bored, let’s do something else.” He said. “Ya, you’re not a little kid anymore.” Moments like these really did make her wonder why she had a crush on him and probably in the future too.

After an hour or so of packing everyone finished and they all headed for the entrance of the house with their weapons. First Suho looked through the window next to the front door to see how many zombies there were. And there were a a lot. “Okay… There are many of them.. We’ll have to be as quiet as possible so avoid any possible sounds, that’s the only way they won’t notice us.” Everyone nodded. He never failed to amaze the others with his leadership. Namjoon quietly opened the door, one by one everyone went outside, some even tiptoeing. Everything went smoothly, they were even surprised they got to the next street without being noticed. However just when they were about to be able to see the evacuation team one of them dropped his backpack, Kyungsoo. Pure chaos came at that moment. Zombies started rushing towards him at full speed and so did his friends. Bangtan also ran towards D.O, along with their friends. Jimin held his sister close to him since he didn’t want her to be attacked again. Together the siblings ran towards D.O. and hit every zombie they passed, it really looked like a scene from the movies.

But were they all going to make it out alright?

Short update.. Sorry 'bout that. But atleast I made an update right? kekekekeke Anyhow, thanks for your support, keep supporting me!~ <3 Ohhh btw, have you seen the new MV of BTS 'Boy in Luv'? I bet you did, since it got published around 10 days ago!~ Anyhow when I first watched it, it was so addicting!!~ Ahh, I literally forced my friends to look at it because it's so good.. hahahahahaha.~

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DirtyWea #1
Chapter 2: Wow I can't wait!! Update soon, please!! <3
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 2: Somehow I hope somebody's going to be injured :D
This makes more fun and action :D
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 1: I liked it. Really.
I love zombie stuff and thanks to The Walking Dead I love zombies even more :D
megamax #4
Chapter 1: Daebak! Update soon authornim.
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Nice nice.
Can't wait for the update^^
Kyumin #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^