
War Children


Suddenly everyone became silent and alert in the classroom. Jin had paused Call of Duty on the play station and everyone wondered what on earth had happened outside of the room. “Did… You hear that?” Jeongguk asked, wondering if it was just his stupid imagination or not. Another scream sounded through the hallways and not much later there was complete chaos in the hallways. “What is going on..?” Hyeri asked, obviously in shock and scared of what had happened. Finally one of the boys, Jin stood up to see what had happened. Firstly he looked through the small window on the door but was unable to find out what had happened since the hallways were too crowded. So he had no choice but to open the door slightly. He saw student fall and just being stepped on. Everyone was too selfish to save the others from something that all nine kids were unaware of. Still unable to find the cause he closed the door.

Luckily for the youngsters, not much later they heard that the principle had picked up the microphone that was connected to the speakers in all classrooms. Hopefully he was going to give an explanation of what was going on. *Attention students, attention students. Our school has been invade- *The speakers remained silent for ten seconds before something was heard again. *Get out! No! Stay away! NO! AAARRGG!* And the message ended like that.

Now everyone was aware that something horrible was going on. Taehyung too wanted to see and know what was going on outside. He walked towards the door and looked through the windows. The hallways became slightly less crowded and he was somehow able to see what was going on. However when he noticed the strange creatures wearing uniforms from this high school he couldn’t believe his eyes. Every creature had at least one body part missing and were looking bloody and pale. Their eyes too, were strange. They were completely white. Taehyung couldn’t think of anything else but one word. But he never thought that something like that would exist.

“Z-z-zombies…” He quietly said while still looking through the window. He was frozen in his position because of angst. “Yah! V-ah! Right now isn’t the moment to joke around.” Namjoon replied. “Zombies don’t exist.” However Taehyung didn’t laugh nor react. “Tae? What’s wrong?” Hoseok then asked, starting to believe what Taehyung had said. Sookyeon walked towards Taehyung and nudged his arm. “What’s wrong..?” She asked. The only thing he did at that moment was slowly raise his finger and point outside of the window. Naturally Sookyeon looked outside. Immediately when she saw the scene outside of the classroom she started screaming loudly, which made everyone startled. They all immediately ran over to the window. “Dude… You.. Weren’t lying?” Jimin said, trying to keep calm. Everyone immediately started to approach the tiny window. A few gasped at the sight while Namjoon and Yoongi remained completely silent, probably because of shock and disbelieve.

After the moment of silence, that still wasn’t enough for everyone to capture what was going on, Hyeri finally decided to speak up. “We should get away from here..” All eyes were on here, since of course they had no idea how the they could be able to get out of here. They all remained silent because they didn’t know what to say, except for Hoseok, he said what the others wanted to say. “And get ourselves killed?! No way in hell.” He said loudly while tapping his foot on the ground. All attention shifted to him now. And because of those words they all started to brainstorm because they knew that if they would stay there any longer, they would get themselves killed, but if they tried to get away. Well, they would get themselves killed too.

Minutes had passed without anyone exchanging words, which was quite a wonder because;  1. There still hadn’t been any zombie near them and 2. The room was filled with the loudest people of school. At that moment Taehyung had said something to Jeongguk. No one knew what but both of them got in action and started moving furniture and looking in every corner of the room. Logically everyone stared strangely at them. “.. Have they lost their common sense?”  Yoongi asked, which made everyone laugh slightly to themselves. Suddenly Jeongguk yelled towards Taehyung. “Found it!” Taehyung immediately ran towards the maknae. Everyone was still clueless of what on earth was going on but kept on following both of them with their eyes. Taehyung high-fived Jeongguk. “Okay, we basically were looking for a airshaft that we could actually crawl in and luckily this awesome guy found one. We could move through that way to get out of here.” He explained, however Namjoon didn’t completely agree. “We’re not in movies, is that even sa-“ He got interrupted in the middle of his sentence when suddenly loud banging was heard on the door. Everyone immediately became silent and looked at the door. Sookyeon looked through the little window and got greeted by zombies instead of student. “Gyaah!” She screeched and immediately hugged Namjoon, who was standing next to her, out of fear. “Okay, never mind! We need to get moving!” Namjoon had changed his mind immediately and seconds later everyone was in the airshaft. Which was quite amazing because they all first had to climb up a closet before they could get in there.

Seokjin, who was up in front, looked through the tiny holes to see where they were at that moment. “We’re above the gym now. Where do we go?” Jimin who was in the complete back of the row replied Jin, “We need to get off here for weapons, how many are they?” It was crazy how amazing and calm Jimin could act in a situation like that. It was as if he took it from a scene in a movie. “Completely empty for some reason, but we’ll need to be quick.. You never know.” Jin replied afterwards and opened the passageway for them. He crawled out of the ventilator and jumped off the lockers. Everyone got out after and they went to the equipment room. Hoseok, who was in front cursed when he reached the door. “, it’s locked, what to do?” Luckily Namjoon stepped up. “Get out of the way.” He kicked the door real hard until he finally managed to break open the lock. “School locks always ..” He slightly chuckled proudly at his achievement.

Taehyung immediately took the baseball bat while the others took a hockey stick. There weren’t many other choices, and they all figured it was the best choice. “Okay, we need a plan.” Yoongi spoke up. It was pretty obvious that they needed one. “The school busses and cars are next to the gym and there’s an exit over there, if we go to the teachers’ room first to get the keys we can go with a car.” Taehyung said seriously, however it made Hyeri laugh instead. “And you think we can survive until then? We don’t even have a plan. Be realistic V.” He glared at her angrily because she rejected the plan even though he knew it was true. “We could make a run for it?” Seokjin said. “I know it’s almost suicide, but we have a better chance of surviving that way than going back all the way to the teachers’ office. Most zombies are in the building at the moment, if we’re quick and quiet we could make it.” Everyone agreed silently. “And what will we do afterwards..?” Sookyeon asked afterwards. Her voice was shaking and she could start crying every moment. Namjoon noticed it and rubbed her back softly while saying comforting words. 

“Afterwards.. I don’t know.” Jin said, he too was scared everyone was, but he couldn’t afford to show it in this situation, he was the eldest so he felt like he had the responsibility to do everything in order to survive.” … I want to see my mom..” Hyeri spoke up. “Me too.” Jeongguk agreed. Namjoon started to comfort everyone, since that’s what he’s best at. “Guys, first we need a place to stay tonight. I know it , but we’ll find our parents afterwards, okay? Just send a message or call them when we found the place. Everything will be alright, don’t lose hope. Nothing is known, so there’s a chance that they’re still alive.. That also brings us to what to do next, find the nearest house to stay overnight.”

After everyone rested for twenty minutes and got the chance to calm down a bit for the real challenge and nerve-wrecking part. They all got up, tightened the grip on their weapons, Hoseok opened the door and they all quietly ran towards the exit of the gym. Once the door was open everyone looked at every direction. “Ten in total,” Jimin said quickly, “three at the complete left, four on our right, another one ten meters in front of us and three others outside of the campus.” Everybody looked shocked at him. “What the..” Yoongi didn’t bother to finish his sentence since he had to stay concentrated.  “Let’s go straight forward.” Namjoon stated and no one disagreed. “Now.” Seokjin whispered loud enough for everyone to hear it.

All of them ran towards the exit at full speed and as quiet as possible, which was easier than expected. Until Hyeri fell on the ground that was. She screeched slightly which got the attention of the zombies that had been wandering  around. They all ran towards her, which made her terrified. Jin, who wasn’t going to let her die at that very spot, started to sprint at full speed towards her. Jimin also started to run towards his younger sister since he didn’t want to lose his one and only sister. Both of them started smashing the heads of the zombies that came in their way. Then Jin grabbed Hyeri’s hand pulled her close to him and started running towards the exit. Both of them passed the others, who had frozen to spot, Jin noticed it and yelled at them, telling that they had to keep moving. Which they eventually did.

Further, outside of the school, in a park that was placed exactly next to the building they all decided to rest. The park was empty so they didn’t see a better place for now. “Are you alright, Hyeri?” Seokjin asked ones they all sat down. “Y- yeah..” She stuttered, because of the shock she just received. “It’s fine.” He replied while hugging her close to him, which made her feel way more protected than before. “Don’t make me worry like that anymore, okay?” Jimin then said. Hyeri just slightly nodded at her older brother. “Let’s not stay here any further..” Suga said. “We’re not safe here.. We need to find a house as soon as possible, the sun is already hanging low.” Everyone agreed, they started heading towards the exit on the opposite side of the gates they entered through. And after five minutes they already reached the end of the small park. To their surprise, the streets that they ended up being were still occupied with a few people, running for their lives.

Quickly the ran to the nearest house since they wouldn’t expect any zombies or people in it at all. Standing in front of the door they all stopped, slightly scared to actually enter so of course Hoseok asked someone to enter first. “Yessir!” Taehyung said while stamping his foot on the floor and holding his hand next to his face as if he was in a military. Everyone looked strangely at him as he marched inside the house. “What the hell go’s around in his head..?” Sookyeon said softly. However everyone got the shock of their lives as they saw that he got hit with a chair on his head. “F- it’s a human?! Are you alright?” The person in the shadows immediately said when he saw the face of Taehyung. Everyone ran inside to help out the unconscious friend of them. “I’m so sorry..” The unknown guy, whose face was now shown.  “It’s fine.. Just get him to a bed or couch..” Namjoon said while checking if Taehyung didn’t have any injuries. Luckily he was fine, except for the bump on his head.  

While the unknown man helped them move him onto the couch they all introduced themselves since they knew well that they would be stuck with him for a while. “Nice to meet you, I’m Chanyeol. My friends are upstairs, but I guess they’ll introduce themselves when they’re downstairs. And sorry again..” I said, kind of upset. He really seemed nice in everyone’s eyes… Luckily. “Do you know how to survive?” Seokjin asked Chanyeol. “We’re still looking for a plan, but for now the others are taping the windows and putting heavy things in front of it. We’ll do the same downstairs and with the doors. The only thing we know is that we’ll have to move a lot.” While he was explaining everything the others came downstairs, they were with five excluding Chanyeol. Immediately he introduced the others. “They are Suho, Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.” He pointed at everyone so they knew who he was talking about.

Bangtan Sonyeondan helped them covering everything downstairs so they would finally be safe. In the meantime Hyeri was exploring the house. It had two floors and a roof. Pretty big. Of course they would have a hard time to find a room for all 15 of them but that didn’t matter for now. Hyeri opened the door to the roof and climbed the last few stairs she had to climb. She went to the edge of the roof and watched the chaotic scenery. She heard sirens from afar, she saw smoke coming from the streets because of the many car accidents and lastly she heard people screeching and watched how they got eaten.

“What the hell is going on?!”  

So this is chapter one, I decided to add EXO - K to the story.. I'll put that in the description later on. And don't worry everyone, there shall be love in the later chapters hahahaha. I hope you enjoyed it. And also sorry that I updated so late, but You'll get used to it that I update maximum once every two weeks.. I hope you can live with that. Anyhow, if you enjoyed it, please show it by subscribing, leaving comments(I love reading them!~) and voting up! Saranghae!~

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DirtyWea #1
Chapter 2: Wow I can't wait!! Update soon, please!! <3
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 2: Somehow I hope somebody's going to be injured :D
This makes more fun and action :D
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 1: I liked it. Really.
I love zombie stuff and thanks to The Walking Dead I love zombies even more :D
megamax #4
Chapter 1: Daebak! Update soon authornim.
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Nice nice.
Can't wait for the update^^
Kyumin #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^