f i v e

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It has become quite strange. How is one to find his way,
when he already abandoned his hope and continued to be imprisoned by his own memories.


"Happy Birthday!"

Miyeon and Jimin cheered as they hold out a cake in front of their daughter. It was her fifth birthday and even if they decided to celebrate it with themselves, the couple made sure that they made the day special for their one and only daughter.

The little girl cheered as Miyeon hugged her from behind and leaned in towards her.

"Baby girl, make a wish."

The girl nodded and as she closed her eyes making her silent wish, the couple looked at one another smiling. When the girl opened her eyes, she blew the candle and her parents cheered.

"Happy Birthday baby girl!" Miyeon grinned placing a kiss on her daughter's cheek. 

Jimin placed the cake on the table and went towards their daughter, placing his strong arms around her and gave her a peck on her other cheek.

"Jiyeon baby, Happy Birthday!"

The little girl giggled as she hugged her parents happily, "Thank you Umma and Appa!"

Their loyal butler bowed in front of them and held out a camera, "Shall I take a photograph, young master?"

Jimin nodded with a smile, "Yes, thank you Jonghyun."

The butler bowed with a smile and the family moved closer as they positioned for the camera. Jonghyun raised the camera and looked through the viewfinder, "Say cheese, Hana, Dul, Set!"


It was picture perfect.

The butler bowed once again before walking away. Jiyeon happily clapped her hands and faced her father.


"What is it baby Jiyeon?" Jimin cooed making the girl giggle.

"Where is my gift?" she asked holding out her hands. Jimin laughed heartily and grabbed a box from underneath the table. Jiyeon jumped with glee as Jimin handed her the box. She placed the box down on the table and excitedly opened the present. Jimin caught Miyeon's gaze and shrugged with a smile making Miyeon giggle. 

The box revealed a doll which Jiyeon pulled out happily and hugged it excitedly as she faced her father, "Appa! Thank you! Saranghae!"

Jimin laughed at his daughter's cuteness and leaned down to peck her cheek, "I love you too Jiyeon. Did you like Appa's present?"

The girl nodded happily as her arms tightened around the doll. Miyeon hugged her daughter and placed her chin on her little shoulder while caressing her hair, "Would you like to give you new present a name?"

"A name?" Jiyeon tilted her head to the right as her mother nodded.

"Okay! But I don't know what to name her." Jiyeon pouted.

Jimin placed his hand on his hips, the other tapping his chin, "How about JiJi? Mimi? Yeonyeon?"

Miyeon mentally facepalmed herself, "You at giving names Darling."

Jiyeon laughed as Jimin pouted at his wife. Jiyeon looked at the doll before smiling widely, "How about, Karissa?"

The couple looked at their daughter, then at the doll, then a each other. Jimin shrugged with a smile while Miyeon giggled. She kissed their daughter's temple and looked down at the doll.

"Karissa, I like it."

Jimin wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter, giving them a warm hug.

"Then, Karissa it is."




Taehyung stood with mouth wide opened as he stared at the old looking mansion that appears to be Karissa's home. Karissa was about to walk thru the gates when she turned around to see the young man, still gawking at her house. She walked closer to him and pushed his chin up making Taehyung looked at her.

"You might catch some flies." She said with a pokerface on making Taehyung blinked at her a few times. A soft laugh came out from Taehyung's pretty lips. Karissa tilted her head at him before pointing at her house.

"I'm right in front of our home now."

Taehyung straightened up and smiled at her, "I know."

Karissa nodded and the two stood awkwardly in front of her house gates. Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck and opened his mouth to say something when Karissa beat him to it.

"Do you want to come inside?"

Taehyung's eyes brightened as he eagerly nodded his head. Karissa blinked a few more times at him before opening the gates and lead him inside. Taehyung let his eyes wander around and cringd his eyebrows when he saw the lifeless garden and the swing at the veranda. He abruptly stopped and looked up and down, mouth slowly opening as he checked the mansion up close.

Karissa turned to look at him and blinked, studying Taehyung's expression. Seeing that he has no intention to move from his place, Karissa opened to speak, "Is there something wrong?"

Taehyung instantly looked at her wide eyes. Karissa just watched him and a sighed escaped her lips, "If you're afraid to come in, just -"

"NO!" Taehyung waved his hands frantically and bit his lower lip, "I didn't mean to stare at your house too much. I mean, it's interesting but not scary!"

Karissa studied his expression before nodding, "Most people find our home scary. That's why I never told anyone where I live."

Taehyung's face softened hearing the words and silently followed Karissa inside. The inside of the house looked normal. Taehyung expected the inside to be dark and filled with dust of some sort but it was actually the opposite. Aside from the large chandelier hanging at the middle of the room and a large photograph neatly placed at the center of hallway, everything looked normal. 

An old man of his sixties welcomed Karissa with a bow and looked at Taehyung's way, making him bow 90 degrees.

"A-Annyeong." Taehyung greeted as the old man raised his eyebrow.

"He's my friend." Karissa told the man as if answering his silent question and the man bowed with a smile.

"Welcome, young master." the old man greeted Taehyung, making him flustered by the what he called him, "Are you here to stay until dinner?"

Taehyung looked at Karissa who stared right back at him, "Do you mind?"

Taehyung instantly smiled at her with the same bright eyes, "If you don't mind me staying, I wouldn't either."

Karissa nodded and faced the old man, "Ask Mina unnie to prepare dinner, Jonghyun. And could you please watch over Taehyung for a while?"

The old man bowed with a smile, "Of course. Leave everything to me, young lady."

Karissa nodded and looked at Taehyung who's smile never left his handsome face, "Is it alright if I go to my room for a while?"

"Sure, take your time." Taehyung replied cheekily as Karissa nodded again. 

"Jonghyun's here for you if you need anything." she motioned towards the old man who smiled at Taehyung and left him. 

Taehyung grinned at the old man who smiled back at him, "You are young lady's friend?"

"Y-yes, from school." Taehyung said flustered, "I-I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Nice meeting you, young master Taehyung. My name is Jonghyun, the head butler of Park's home." the old man bowed, "It's nice to know that young lady has a friend like you."

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You are the first friend, that our young lady has brought here at home." Jonghyun smiled as Taehyung blushed at his words.

"O-oh." Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. He roamed around the hall and stopped in front of the large photograph adorning the white wall. Taehyung looked up to see a man smiling widely with his arms wrapped around the two

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Chapter 6: Ur story is really awesome but if u could make it more longer it will be nicer i think.. But not so long ofcos even i dont like it haha. But anyways a thumbs up for u ;)
p/s: cant believe its already 2017 when i read this (soon 2018)..and u made this on 2013..
Chapter 6: U know what im about to fight someone when i read "thats the end" coz i swear i dont understand whts the 'red dot' is.. But ofcos i cont read ur note n found out its 'gunshot' like wow how the heck i cant even think bout it..
Chapter 4: Ok now im the one who is in confusion
Chapter 2: I can feel this story gonna be so good
suki_zeki_kooki #5
Chapter 2: omfg...is it me mention here:).....i reallllyyyy loveee this fanfic..seriously..it is soooo realll.....i picture myself in it and i could actually feel the sadness of jiyeon towards her mother...even wanting to change her name..... author-nim im a fan noww..saranghae
Chapter 6: Awww, what a sad story. But thank you authornim for writing it ^^
squishy1024 #7
Chapter 6: Aww. :( This is really sad. Do you plan on continuing with Jiyeon and Teahyung's story? Hahahaha! :)) Thank you for finishing this fic author-nim, now all my "why" questions are answered. Haha. I did not expect it to be this sad though. :( I think it would be more sad if Taehyung did not appear in the fic. :)) You succeeded on making your readers curios more like a roller coaster of emotions. Hahaha. Till next time! ^^
Chapter 3: Is it just me or the chapters are getting sadder and sadder? OTL and why does jimin didn't see the red dot? Btw, that red dot coming over to you is kinda creepy O-O update soon authornim~ and is Karissa the name of their daughter? Hwaiting~ ^^
squishy1024 #9
Chapter 2: Why Karissa? Why? Now that you have the 2nd chapter posted. More question arises. I don't even have the right answer to all those "why" OTL
Chapter 1: That chapter was a bit sad for christmas O-O anyway, keep updating authornim! ^^