She Says I'm Gay, Now I'm Gonna Prove Her Wrong

“let's go” Minwoo said as he held Seungji'shand who was busy looking at the 2 people making out. “yah! What are you looking at?” the girl who was making out with a guy said as she felt distracted. “uhm. Nothing” Seungji said as she and Minwoo continued walking. “come on. We better hurry up. We're already late” Minwoo said. The 2 of them reached the classroom and entered. “oh my God! Are you two going out?” one of their classmates yelled. “huh? What? Of course not!” Seungji said. “then why are your hands linked together?” another one shouted. Seungji and Minwoo looked at their hands and quickly brushed each others hand away. Seungji glared at Minwoo while Minwoo mocked Seungji and went to his seat.


“Okay, as I was saying, start counting off from 1-23.” The teacher said. “huh? Why? 1-23? it's like half of us here.” Seungji said. “ I know, I'm not dumb. It's for your project in Physics. It's by pair. Since you are 46 in this room, It's better that way. Now start” The teacher said. “1...2...3...” the students continued counting. “ 23” Seungji said. “1...2...3..” the other students said. “ 23” Minwoo replied as he was busy looking at himself in the mirror. “wait, what? 23? seriuosly?” Minwoo said. “woah, no way. I don't want him to be my partner. Please! He's gay” Seungji complained. The whole class laughed at Minwoo. “oh shoot. I told you I'm not gay” Minwoo said. “ HAHA. So you're gay, huh? I almost had a crush on you. Good thing the truth went out” a student said. “ well, what the heck? Believe in whatever you want to believe in but I'm telling you guys I'm not gay” Minwoo said as he stood up and took his bag.


“yah, yah, yah! Where do you think you're going?” the teacher asked. “ None of your business” Minwoo said as he left the classroom. “ oh no. You made Minwoo mad” a student said. Seungji cannot hide the fact that she felt guilty. The teacher didn't mind Minwoo and proceeded to her lesson. “Ma'am, may I be excuse please?” Seungji asked as she raised her hand. “ why?” The teacher asked. “ I.. I feel like..uhhhhggg.Throwing up” Seungji said as she pretended to feel like vomiting.


“fine fine, hurry back.” the teacher said as Seungji walked away. “Now, I have to find that guy” Seungji said. She looked around the campus until she finally heard a girl crying. “ I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but my heart is taken now. I decided to focus on her. It wouldn't be fair to you right?” Minwoo said to the girl. At that moment, while Seungji was hiding behind the lockers, she felt Minwoo's charisma. Her heart started beating faster and faster. “ yah, stop staring. You might fall for me” Minwoo said as Seungji was still busy processing the feelings she felt. “I.. uh,. What? Of course not. I won't fall for you. I told you you're gay. I'm not gonna fall for you. I don't even find you handsome” Seungji said as she looked down. “really? Look me in the eyes and tell me that” Minwoo said.


“aiish. Just leave me alone, okay?” Seungji said as she turned around, ready to leave. Minwoo grabbed her hand and let her face him. “ I'm gonna make you fall for me.” Minwoo said as he kissed Seungji on the cheeks and left. Seungji stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do.



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gahh~~~~I feel bubbly its cute heheh
Update Sooooon :))
Im a new reader BTW :))
okay~ this fic looks interesting.. *subscribe*
But I'll read it later :D
*please update
--nerdyexotic #6
Yahh!!! Minwoo!!!
aigooo minwoo's making me go kyaaaaa >.< update soon ~ :D
Yeah! It sounds really interesting! I wonder what it would be like... xD
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
Update soooons!!! :)) this sounds interesting