JH - Like a Gentleman


*ding dong *


You twitched.

'That must be Jonghung.'

You dragged yourself off your laptop and slowly headed for the door. The beautiful and handsome Choi Jonghung had asked you out. The closer you got to the door, the more the fact was becoming true. You held your chest, feeling your seemingly unstoppable heart beating.

"Good evening, [You]~" He handed you a beautiful bunch of colourful flowers. "Are you ready to go?" You took them and took a deep sniff. It smelled so sweet. After placing the flowers in water, you headed out the door and into his car.

He brought you a restaurant known for its bibimbap, your favourite dish. You beamed as your meal came after his and dove in. He took slow bites as he silently watched you eat. He was always a bit on the quiet side. Until he giggled.

You looked up, still chewing and saw him smile his sweet smile, making you freeze. You noticed that his eyebrows always pointed upward when he did, making him look even happier. It was hard to look away.Then you realized your rude manners and bowed robotically.

"Sorry!! I'm just really hungry, that's all.." He waved his hand saying it was okay. But then you asked why he started to giggle.

"The way you eat is so childish, it's amusing." You slowed down, embarassed. He continued to watch you eat, still smiling.

"Hey, you need to eat too~" You pointed to his dish, barely touched. He nodded and continued to eat.

After finishing your meals, you headed to the nearest movie theatre to watch the latest romantic comedy. You were more of a comedy person but you didn't mind a bit of romance. You felt your face heat up a bit at the romantic parts; you didn't know how to react to it. You turned to Jonghung to see his reaction; you felt your jaw drop as you saw him his lips. 'What..what is he-' He saw you watching him and smiled.

"Would you like that to happen to you?" Your mouth remained open and just stared. You didn't know how to reply. "Come on, keep watching, it's getting good." He gently turned your face back to the screen.

When the movie finished, you felt him gently tapping your shoulder.

"[You] ah, did you enjoy the movie?" You nodded and smiled. The romantic stuff wasn't too bad, you enjoyed it overall. "I think the heroine is a very lucky girl."

"Oh really?" Jonghung brought his face closer. "Actually, I think you're luckier. Ah, no. I am the luckiest. Because I have you.." His lips softly touched your cheek. 'WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS L;KFJSDAJFASJDF ' You had never been kissed by a guy, ever. It was so soft; if you hadn't held his arm you may not have been able to handle it. He laughed as he took your dazed self out of the theatre.

The sun had begun to set when you arrived back at your house.

"Well, it looks like I made it on time." Jonghung got out first to open the door for you. 

"What do you mean?" You tilted your head curiously.

"A good boyfriend brings his girl home before dark. I want you to be safe." He gave a proud grin and took your hand, walking you up to your doorstep. You blushed. You didn't realize his gentlemanly acts until now. In fact, the entire date was pretty traditional: dinner and a movie!

"Well, good night.." You wait for him to go, but he continues to look at you. He starts to leave when-



You remembered the movie, how the girl received a 'goodnight kiss' from the boy. Despite your shyness, you secretly wanted one..but it was too embarassing. You wanted to know how it felt.  

"Nevermind. Good night~" You gave a faint smile and waved nervously. He walked back to you, took your hand and put it down, holding it with his.

It was as if he had read your mind.

You stood there, your body completely frozen and mind blank. Your eyes seemed to magically close, and all you could feel was happiness.

He broke the kiss and looked down at you, his face still close to yours.

"Thanks, [You]. I almost forgot. I should really follow the protagonist's example."

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So sweet~ >_< hmm..but there's something that I need to say about this story..I notice that you put Jonghun's name as Jonghung..It's Jonghun actually..anyway I still love ur fic though. :)
Alwaysx4ever #2
lol I like really like the part where he's bragging because he thinks he's manly. Cute. >_<
"Ya, they're already open."

mwahahah, that was daebak :D
This is adorable<3
omg the scenarios were so cute <3
pandaapple97 #6
I love how Seunghyun managed to sneak into ch. 18 XDDD
Hongki is sosos sweet and Heechul~ xD
I'm seriously going to cmment every chapter you updated. It's. Sososososososos sweeeeeeet!~.~ ♥
Jaejin is always so cute and lovableee!♥
Waaa~ I wanna be kised by Seunghyun in reality too! Hw can that guy be so sweet?