Minho's Musings


Sometimes, late at night is the best time to think things through. Being the only one awake in the dorm one night, take a glimpse into Minho's thoughts when he's down.


Another oneshot from Aiko! This just came to me one day while I was sitting at work. What would someone be thinking in the darkness, being the only one awake in the dorm.

I've had that experience, being the only one awake in the house. It's the best time for thinking, I'm convinced of it. I hope you like this oneshot about Minho. It's the first one I've done with Minho, and I hope I got into his head right! Enjoy!

=) Aiko


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Chapter 1: I liked it. Nicely written. Thank you for sharing it to us.
Found this in the random story.
it was really good. i hope you do more.
SweetLikeHersheys #3
@idticd @DancerYun909 Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
SweetLikeHersheys #4
UGH Aiko ur so amazing, child. This is sooo great AND its about my man Minho...I was like AAAH too much awesomeness for one fic...<br />
But yeah. I love it. NEXT UP IS YUNHO IN 'CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT.'<br />
I'll be waiting. (To strangle you if you don't do it.)<br />
~Jaiya <3
This is really good, especially the way you went into depth with Minho's thoughts [idk how to phrase that properly, but you know what I mean, right?] Good job! :D
DancerYun909 #6
Wow. I really like it.