1/1 december love again and again

december love again and again

Title: december love again and again
Pairing: BaekYeol
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Angst (Slight maybe?)
Word-count: 1024 words (This is me editing it 5 seconds late when i realised i forgot the word-count and- YAY! its over 1000
 (๑^っ^๑) )
Summary: Baekhyun has never really liked christmas, or december in fact, and now he hates it more, but can the word ‘hate' really be applied?

(I just realised I don’t have any BaekYeol fics o(╥﹏╥)o sorry guys)

(By the way guys, this is several december(s) in a row… or something like that.)


"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew."


Baekhyun didn’t especially like how the spirit was when the tiny white flakes started to fall from the sky, he didn’t like the taste of peppermint in his mouth, neither did he like a bright green, red or yellow lights flashing constantly.

But this year he just hated it more.

This year he hated how everyone was so happy, how everyone was exchanging gifts, he especially hates when couples 'accidentally' stumble under the mistletoes and then kiss like no one was there but them.

But Baekhyun had once like christmas, a lot actually, he used to like christmas when Chanyeol was around, when they were one of the couples happily kissing whether or not they were under the mistletoe.

But when Chanyeol broke up with him just before christmas, the Baekhyun his friends knew changed, no more chatterbox Baekhyun who laughed at every joke, no more umma Baekhyun that had mild OCD (well, maybe not mild), no more prankster Baekhyun.

Baekhyun shut himself out from the rest of the world, for a few weeks before Jongdae decided to drag him out of his crappy apartment and to where he worked as some creative designer job that Baekhyun couldn’t remember. 

(He later found out it was creative director but he decided to not give a about it.)

So when Baekhyun got a job as one of the other creative directors there (since the old one quit out of Jongdae’s crazy pranks) , he puts his attention onto every single client’s project. 

For a few months or so, Baekhyun was somewhat back to normal, joking around ever so often, working as hard as ever, pissing off their boss, Wufan, with the pranks in his office.

But it was on christmas eve when someone new joined the company as a newmarketing director.

So when Wufan strolls into his somewhat medium sized cubicle in the office with someone as tall as him following behind, Baekhyun tries to convince Jongdae to trade cubicles with him (no matter how tiny Jongdae’s is), Jongdae doesn’t allow, because the new person who joined was Park ing Chanyeol.

So for the next few weeks it was awkward ‘hellos’ in the morning when they bumped into each other, mumbled ‘oks’ when they had to tell each other about the project.

And then christmas came… again.

And that christmas, Joonmyeon decided to me dumb (in Baekhyun’s point of view) and suggested this ‘secret santa’ thing to happen in the office, and just with Baekhyun’s horrific luck, he got Chanyeol.

Now Baekhyun is walking throught the department store, cringing inwardly at the bright christmas colours and sappy decorations. So when he walks past a ‘hats’ section for men, he spots several somewhat furry hats lined up, he simply picks the black one up, instead of the red one, because somewhere in Baekhyun’s mind he remembers that Chanyeol already has the red one.

So around three days later their present are in a messy pile on the floor, along with the rest of the office crowding around it scrambling for their gifts.

Baekhyun simply stands to the side, waiting for the somewhat massive commotion that can happen, even with twelve grown man in the office, to blow over before he simply strolls up and picks up the last gift on the floor, which was clearly his.

He slumped back into his office chair and ripped the wrapping papers up, and what he spots is a shock, it was a ring, which looked painfully familiar before he realised it was somewhat similar to the one he had from Chanyeol, but it had tiny squiggles around it.

He took a second glance at the man sitting in the office cubicle next to him, wearing the furry hat that he bought, working silently.

"You know he begged for me to trade slips with him right?" Jongdae said, causing Baekhyun to turn his head and look at him incredulously, until Jongdae just silently nodded before turning back to face his computer.

Silently, he picked up the wrapping paper from the ground, and then he spots a message in a familiar handwriting to him. 

I knew it was my fault, and now i want your forgiveness, so if i still have your heart, will you wear the ring?

He took another glance at Chanyeol and saw a similar ring on his index finger.

For the next few days Baekhyun is buried somewhere in his thoughts, and the ring that his burning a hole in his heart (well in his thoughts). So when Jongdae asks him,”Do you still love him?” Baekhyun snaps out of his thoughts and thinks.

Even after they broke up, everything seemed to remind him of Chanyeol, even now, like how tall Wufan was like Chanyeol, how Chanyeol didn’t like tea, how he was literally in love with hats.

And then something in him snapped.

He was still in love with Park Chanyeol.


So when Chanyeol walks into the office the next day, he didn’t expect to find a purple haired boy dozing off on at his desk with a very familiar ring around his index finger. 

And when Chanyeol wakes him up, Baekhyun leans into the familiar touch of Chanyeol’s big hands, he takes in the familair smell of Chanyeol’s cologne and the familiar spark that sends tingles to his feet when their skin touch.

So when Chanyeol kisses him, he melts into it, enjoying how he can feel Chanyeol’s heart beating rapidly along with his, and the tingles that are sent throughout his body, well that is, before Jongdae decided to throw a paper ball at them with messy scribbles inside to tell them to get a room. And another row of messy scribbles, this time from Minseok, telling them to get a room as well, and telling them that he’s happy for them, except that that part was cancelled out.

When the two sits down for a cup of hot chocolate, Baekhyun realises, that it always happens during christmas, so when Chanyeol asks what, he tells him,




Finally! So sorry if this wasn’t very good, i lost the idea somewhere inbetween, and that my fingers/keybord kept messing with me because when i pressed backspace, i accidently log out of my computer (luckily this was still there when i was done.) and i got pissed… for 5 mins.

(I edited this like three times when 5 seconds later i realised i missed out the wordcount, then a missing word in the quote. Im such a careless person. m(¬0¬)m)

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Chapter 1: It's really good!!! :))) Love this!! :DDD.