Day 1 Part 1 - My First Day in Korea

Only A Month

My first day in Korea. I wish the time I spent today would have reflected my whole time in this beautiful country.

I stepped off the plane right on time. 1:00PM. 18 hours ago I had departed my house.

I can't believe I  thought that 2PM would be at the airport, waiting to pick me up. They weren't there when I walked into the lobby. Nothing was abnormal in the way the girls acted around me, so of course they weren't present.

After grabbing my luggage I plopped on a bench that was by our designated pick up area. Sticking earbuds in my ears I searched through my 2PM tracks, trying to gt my ears to stop hurting from the incredibly long flight.

After about an hour of waiting I heard a bunch of girls screaming and I saw a mob form around a small group of people. I headed over, and sure enough, there was Jay, Taecyeon, Khun, and JYP himself standing in the middle of the group of fangirls holding a sign with my name on it.

I saw many older girls walk up, speaking Korean. I heard a lot of 'jeonuns'. I assumed they were claiming they were me. As I said before, I'm not fluent in Korean at all.

So, walking to the middle of the circle I say, "Hey guys. I thought you forgot about me. Way to get here at 2PM," in English. JYP smiled in welcome and grabbed my wrist to lead me away from the airport. Taec grabbed my suitcase, which had been left at my feet. Khun yelled something in Korean which I didn't understand, and all three of them laughed. Even JYP looked down at me (of course, I was shorter than him, but not by much) and chuckled. So now I knew it was about me.

I'd seen them for 5 seconds and I was already being picked on.

Great. What an awesome start to my day. Though I was filled with fervor at the thought that 3/7 of 2PM was a few feet behind me. Heck, I didn't even care if they were saying something mean. Because, hello! They were talking. About ME. And that was fantastic. 3/7 of 2PM knew who I was. Not many people could claim that.

We got in their van (Jay drove, which scared me a little) and we returned to their dorm. I thought they'd talk during the trip over, but they were all silent. This was fine. I was taking in the scenery. Seoul was beautiful to me. Of course it was just another city but... it was Seoul. I was fascinated.

Hangul covered shops and street vendors. I tried to read and pronounce what I could. Teaching myself the alphabet had only taken a day, but it was still difficult to read things quickly and to get them right without saying it. Members snorted in laughter behind me.

"Hey, it's better than Jaebeom," I fumed, which got everyone, except Jay, laughing.

Finally we pulled into a parking lot. I opened my door (I was sitting in the front, next to Jay) and I walked around to the trunk to grab my stuff.

"Nah, it's ok. I got it," I heard Taec say behind me.

I thanked him and walked to JYP who was ushering me over. Khun and Jay crowded around as well.

"So. Tell us a little about yourself before we go in so we can translate to them. You obviously don't speak Korean," JYP said to me. He said it kindly, so I didn't take offense.

"Well... what do you guys want to know?" I looked around our circle. Pink Grandpa was trying hard to look anywhere but at me, probably still angry at my car comment. Khun looked adorable as always in casual clothes. Taec was giving off an 'awesome dork' vibe which was so totally him. He and JYP were the only ones looking at me. Taec was smiling. For some reason I had the feeling that he would be the easiest to befriend.

Jay was the first to talk, "I want to know when we can go inside. I'm scared we're gonna be seen by someone."

JYP nodded in agreement. "We can talk more in the lobby."

Khun led the way inside the apartment building, and we followed close behind him. He went inside and bowed to the manager who was at the door. Taec, JYP, and Jay also bowed, so I decided that I should as well. He looked at me curiously and asked me something in Korean. Thankfully I understood the few words.

"Aniyo," I replied with a sigh. He had asked me if I spoke Korean. He smiled, shook his head, and walked away.

Taec put his free hand on my shoulder.

"You understood him?" he asked, obviously surprised.

"I'm not completely useless," I stuck my tongue out at him playfully and was happy when he laughed in response. "Though, that's about all I know."

"Don't worry, I can teach you," Taec said with a smile, helpful as always. "We can get started tomorrow."

"Great," Jay sarcastically stated and headed over to the black leather couch on our right. We were in a giant building with wall length windows.  It was a beautiful building and the luxury of it made me feel uncomfortable, as if I didn't belong. Paintings lined the walls. Beautiful rugs could be seen in front of most doors. These things made me wonder how much it cost just to put this lobby area together.

Jay plopped onto the couch while I wandered over and sat cross-legged on the floor. He lifted his eyebrow at me for not sitting on the couch but didn't say anything about it.

"What do you guys want to know? Basic background info?" I looked at JYP and Taec as they came over and joined Jay on the couch. Taec patted the spot beside him, motioning for me to sit with him, but I shook my head. If I somehow broke it, I 'd have to buy it. Coming from a poor family, I knew where I belonged in this building and in the presence of these stars. I belonged on the ground. I didn't deserve to be seen by them. I didn't deserve to talk to them. But I had been granted a month with them anyways. Maybe they'd be able to change my attitude about some things.

"I'm gonna tell the others that we're here," Khun stated and walked towards the elevator.

"Mmk. Well..." I looked at the three men on the couch in front of me. "I don't really know what to say. I'm a normal girl. I do well in school and love to learn. I have friends, I love music and video games, food is the absolute best gift from God there is, I believe that I'm partially insane at times, but my friends say that it makes up who I am. I don't believe that there's anything super special about me that you guys have to know. What else do you want to hear?" This was the most I had said since they had come to pick me up. Taec smiled and pondered, trying to think of a question. Jay looked at me funny, once again, and JYP looked like he really didn't care.

"Are you excited to be here?" Taecyeon asked.

I grinned. "How could I not be? I'm in Korea! I do believe that this is all a wonderful dream though. I'll be more happy if I'm actually here when I wake up in the morning, I promise. But anyways, I'm thrilled to be here. I can finally learn more about my culture and maybe even learn more of my ancestral language-"

Jay scoffed, "You really do like to learn."

"Learning is my favorite!" I winked which caused Taec to laugh and say something in Korean to Jay.

"Ouch," I said automatically, "hiding things from a white girl." I tsked at him.

"I thought you were Korean?!" JYP said wide-eyed.

"I'm supposedly half and half. But don't I look like a little white girl?" I asked, and JYP nodded.

I heard an elevator ding and automatically turned towards the source of the sound.

"We're ready," Khun stated, stepping out.

Within a few minutes we were standing just outside of 2PM's door. My heartbeat began to race as I realized that, even if this was a dream, I would soon be in 2PM's apartment/ dorm thing. With 2PM. Even if this wasn't real, this was the best dream ever.

"Ready?" Taec asked, and before I could answer, he opened the door.

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xmissdiazx #1
it's nichkhun. it's jaebeom - dude, seriously? <br />
fdgsdfgdfgf jay's a pain in the , just slap him already (?) XD <br />
i loved it and i don't even listen to 2PM :P
liteulkwin #2
oh poor you X( getting picked on pssssh. wait till there's luurvee in the airr 8D
liteulkwin #3