Sweet Taste of Honey


Bored one day, you decide to create your own game. This game involves nothing more than a pen, a notebook, a hole in a tree, and a stranger. You fill the first page in the notebook with rules of the game and drop it off in a tree in a park about a mile away from your house. Lo and behold, when you check on the notebook the next day you have a response. Not from one stranger, but from six.


Sweet Taste of Honey - A story about bitter love and the sweetness that comes with it if you stick it out til the end.


An Original Darkess Fanfic

Characters are not owned by me, and their personalitys in the story may or may not reflect them.

Any similarities to other stories is mere coincidence. Yet this was inspired by 365 Days (Love Notes)

Fantastic story, highly recommended.


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~Hearts break, but this is a Shredded Heart  like no other



Page 1

Hey stranger, let's play a game.

Goal: To get to know one another as best friends would by the end of this notebook.


       1. Write a short summary about you on the next page.

       2. Every other day come and check out this area to see my response to whatever you have written.

       3. Put the book back in the hole of this tree when you're done reading and writing!

       4. Don't take up more than a page! We only have 120 pages front and back to get to know one another. (Sorry about the odd number, I had to tear some pages out for school :X)

       5. Even if you or I do not fill up a whole page, go on to the next one for your response.

That's it! I hope to be able to get to know you soon!

~A Mysterious Stranger


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Yeolda #1
I was going through my subscriptions and saw this story. I miss this story! Update, please! This is killing me! Wahhhh I hope you update soon. I really like this story.
xmissdiazx #2
the idea is so freaking cool i just wanna drop a notebook somewhere to see if someone actually answers back :3!! (which i think won't happen and they'll keep the notebook instead #fail)
Darkess #3
Right? I hate Pink actually. LOL<br />
and when I was smaller I wanted to find like a god of darkness. but I didn't know how. So I just combined the words 'Dark' and 'Goddess'<br />
Faiiil XD
junhuidu #4
I'm curious as to how you got your username. Did you misspell "darkness" one day and think it looked cool? That sounds like something I would do xD<br />
<br />
Pink... Is very general.
Darkess #5
I'm sorry everyone :( I've gotten really like... lazy with updating. I lost my notebook for a while (Yes, I do write everything in a notebook and they do fill up the whole page (it's a tiny notebook)) but yeah :/ I was trying to figure out most of the plot for a while, but I still need ideas for them to talk about! Any suggestions?
lol Red!~
Maiden_Ashes #7
sweet red~ xD wah!!
Darkess #8
ok just for all of the people that are guessing based on personality and age... none of them are off of age. I'm just sayin :P and their personalities are pretty much all my mind. so XD some of you have gotten a lot right. but >.> :P