하루하루 (DayByDay)


Baekhyun loving Chanyeol more than everything but he have to leave him forever. Baekhyun is planning many ways to avoid himself from meeting Chanyeol. He ask for Kyungsoo's help. Will Baekhyun success? Why Baekhyun have to end his relationship with Channie forever? *Originally typed by byunbaekbutt92*


Chanyeol is looking on a stone. Baekhyun's name on it. He cannot accept the fate. "God loves him more, Yeol. Let him rest in peace," Kyungsoo relief him. "But hyung I cant... i'm hating him before he dead!" "Let him alive one more time.. I want to say I love him.. I want to confess everything," Yeol cried on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "Yeol, I'm sorry.. actually.." "What hyung?" "Actually, youre not wrong. Baekhyun wanted this way. He wants you to hate him" "But why? What are you talking?" *Flashback* Baekhyun wokeup from his bed. "Huarghhh..." he yawning. Suddenly, he sniffing. He smells something good, its familiar... "bacon!" He jumped and ran downstairs. "Good morning my love," Yeol kissed his forehead. "Youre cooking my favourite breakfast, dear?" "Why not? You like it?" "Ofcourse! Lets eat together," "Eh.. Baek...I cant..." "Why?" "I cannot share my breakfast with someone who didnt brush his teeth!" Baekhyun tickles him. "Youre teasing me! Alright alright, me too.. I'm not going to share my lovely bacon with an ugly yoda like you," he points Yeol's chest. Yeol grab it. "Oh yeah Lee SunMi subaenim?" "Stop calling me like that yoda!" They are chasing each other. They have a good breakfast that morning. "Baek, today we dont have any classes right?" "Yeah.. why?" "Lets hang out with me," "What?" "What did I say just now?" "Hang out with me?*points himself*" "Oh sure darling lets hang around," "Yeol youre so..." "cute right?" "Yeah my boyfriend is so cute...*pinch Yeol's cheek* wait I'm ready in 10 minutes," Chanyeol waiting for his girlfriend downstairs. 5 minutes..10 minutes..15 minutes..20 minutes.. almost half hour he waited on the squishy sofa. Where is Baek? He curious. "Baek, Are you still there?" no answer. He stepped the stairs carefully. "Is this a prank or?" He asking himself. Suddenly..."Oh my lord Baek!" Baekhyun fainted on the floor. "Baek, Baek," he shaked Baek's body. Luckily he still breathing. He quickly brought Baek to the hospital. "Sorry sir youre not allowed to enter, please wait outside" He paralyzed. He thought today they will have fun but... "Do you know Byun Baekhyun?" "Yes," "May i know your relationship with him?" "Were just..friend. Yeah, soul mate I mean school mate, doctor how's his condition?" "He's gonna be alright, he just need to take a little rest" "I'm glad to hear that, thank you" "Yes, you may visit him now" He opened the door. "Darling are you alright? You scared me," he hugged Baek tightly. "I'm okay Yeol dont worry, try look at my fingers.." "Whats wrong with your fingers?" "Try looking at it," "Then?" "Grab it.." "And..?" "Its good right? My fingers are beautiful," "Baek.. such a.. diva" "I know I know," he giggles "I just want to make you smile," "Baek please promise that you wont leave me forever?" "Yeol, we did it before.." "Promise?" "Yeol I'm hungry get me some food..." "Baek.." "bbuing bbuing" "Stop it! Youre so cute I cant... let me kiss you!" "Oh no god help me an ugly yoda wants to kiss me!" "I'm glad youre alright," "Yeol I already said I'm alright, dont worry of my condition I'm not a kid anymore," "Yeah Baek youre not a kid.. but.. youre a baby" "Ahh stop it..dont kiss me twice a day" "Youre not like it?" "No.. I enjoy it" "Baek.. actually I have a reason asking you for a date today," "Oh why Yeol?" "I wanted to give you this," "Wow a couple ring! Youre so sweet Yeol! I'm happy to have such a nice and romantic boyfriend like you," "Me too, Baek. You must wear it everyday, okay? Dont give it to other people.." "How can I give it to others? Youre my first lover I love you!" *The next day* "Baek lets have a..." Baek is not at his room. Where is him? "Baek.. where are you?" "Baek..?" After tired searching, Chanyeol decided to call him. "Hello?" "Baek where are you? How could you left me..." "tuut tuut" "Baek? Baek?" Chanyeol upset "How could he left me that way?" *At the school* "Baek why are you leaving me alone at home?" "Sorry Yeol but i have to send my tesis early today.. sorry," he hugged Chanyeol. "Why are you hanging up your phone?" "Thats because.. theres no connection here," "I'm sorry Yeol dont mad at me, lets have our lunch together okay?" "Baek why are you.. usually youre not acting like this??" Baekhyun released his hug. "What am I look like? A ?" "Baek since when youre cursing?" "I'm asking you am I look like a ??" "Yes!" Baekhyun's face looks upset with Yeol's answer. He was suprised. "Baek I dont mean to..," "Stay away from me!" "Baek, listen" "No! Go away! I hate you!" "Baek," Baekhyun take out his ring. "Look at this ring, I'm taking this out. Know what I mean??" "Baek are you serious?" "Go away pabo!" Baekhyun ran to the toilet. His heart hurts. Why could he say that to Yeol? "Its okay, for my sake" "Baek are you okay?" "Oh hyung..hi," Baek wipes his tears. "What had happened?" Kyungsoo asked. "Hyung.. help me please?" *At the canteen* "Why Baekhyun looks so weird today?" He look at the ring that he give Baek yesterday." He's on a period maybe," *sigh* "Maybe I should persuade him in a romantic way.." *At home* "Baek,youre home" Yeol celebrate Baek at the door. Suddenly.. "oh hyung youre also here?" "Why you dont like it?" Baek asked Yeol in a rude way. "Baek.. you still mad at me? I'm sorry I didnt mean to..." "Yes I am! I'm sulking with and you do nothing!" "So what I have to do?" "What you have to do? Go die please!" "Baek why are you like this? You are not loving me anymore?" "What? Do we have relationship anymore??" "Look Yeol, this is my new boyfriend, Kyungsoo" "Hi Yeol nice to meet you," "What? Hyung?" "Atleast he's more caring than you Yeol" "I love you more than I love myself Baek, give me a chance!" "No we are finish here," Baek stare at Yeol. "Kyungsoo my dear lets go upstairs," *at Baek's bedroom* "Baekhyun do you think its a good solution?" Kyungsoo asked him. "I dont know hyung.. lets just follow the flow and see what happens," "but Baek I dont think you should do this. You can explain to him in a good way," "no hyung, I dont want him to know what had happened. I dont want him to worry about me. I just want him to focus on his studies, he will sitting on a big examination soon.." "I feel you Baek, but he will hating you soon," "Its up to him to hate me or not! He knows me very well, he must know why I did this," "But Baek," "Hyung you already promised me to reveal the truth after I gone right?" "Baek youre gonna be fine," "No, the doctor said I can live just for a few weeks left, my cancer..." he cannot finishes his words "just help me hyung, I love him.." "Yes Baek I will..." Kyungsoo hugged him. "Yeol where are you going?" "You said we are end? Why are you asking? Did you still care about me?" said Chanyeol while packing his things. "Chanyeol, think twice" Kyungsoo avoiding him to left the house. "Ah hyung, take care of your new girlfriend. He's sensitive. Take a good care of his feelings, or you will be just like me.." "But Yeol you still can live here, if you want.." Baek offered. "Baekhyun, I cannot live with someone that hating me," "Its up to you, good bye" he left Yeol, goes to his bed. "He didnt.. avoiding me?" "Yeol are you sure you want to leave him?" "Yes hyung, *sigh* could you please leave me alone? I need privacy.." "Actually Yeol I couple with Baekhyun.. is not for hurting you.." "What? Not hurting me? Hyung, we're deeply in love for a long time. Such a lie if I'm happy with you two," "Yeol forgive me, I'll tell you the truth later.." "No need to explain more hyung, its okay for me. Seeing him happy with you is enough for me," "Take care Yeol," he just nodding. *At Baek's room. "Hyung, is Chanyeol okay?" "I bet he will okay soon," "Oh my lord, please protect Chanyeol. Please open his heart to accept the reality soon, I didnt mean to hurt him, Oh my god I'm so scared.." Baek covers his mouth with his fingers. "Baek, its okay. I'm here dont get scared," Kyungsoo hugged him tightly. *A week later* "Baek what would you like to eat today?" "Yeol...." "Baek, no its me Kyungsoo.." "Yeol... you serve me bacon just like that day? Oh my god youre so sweet.. my cutie boyfriend here come nearer I wanted to hug you.. I missed you a lot.." Kyungsoo just following his words. "Oh no, Youre not Yeol! Yeol's body is different, his body is wider, youre tiny!" "Baek I'm your hyung," "Hyung... I want Yeol... I want Yeol back.. I love him.. I want to confess my love for the last time before I die..." "Baek, remember the last time you said to him before? What did you say?" "Hyung... I didnt avoiding him... I want him back..." "Baek you cant, he's studying overseas.. maybe you can leave him a letter?" "Here, write it here. I'll give this to him later after he finishes his studies.." Baek take the white paper slowly. He cannot.. where is Yeol? He wanted to see him before he dead. He missed him so much. Yeol where are you? *End of flashback* "He wrote his last words here," Kyungsoo is handing a white paper to Chanyeol. "Yeollie my sweetie boyfriend.. you have to know I missed you so much! I didnt mean to hurt you feelings.. but I just wanted you to forget me and our memories all this time before I die. Please focus on your studies! Do not skip classes like we did before.. its not good.. but its fun! ㅋㅋㅋ Yeol.. you must find a good girlfriend (like me) and love her all your heart. Do not think of me for your whole life. Thats such.. wasting your time? You need to continue your life, my dear. There are many things you have to do. Dont worry, I'll keep my eyes on you from the sky. If you miss me, please pray for me. Let's meet in heaven! And lastly, keep your cheerful image my happy virus!~ sincerely, your cutie girlfriend.." Yeol cannot stop the tears from flowing. He's sobbing badly. He really missed Baekhyun, his first lover. He's blaming himself. Why would he follow his feelings that day? "Baekhyun why would you do such things like this? You can be honest..." Yeol grab the paper tightly. "Baek said, he dont want you to think about him anymore after he gone. He knows that you love him very much, but you have to continue your life Yeol.." "Baek.. he was so kind!" "You must accept the fate, Yeol. Hurm looks like I have to go. I have to attend my class about an hour later. Be strong man," "Wanna me send you to school?" "It's okay, Jongin will pick me up. See yah," *At Chanyeol's house* He dont know what to do anymore. He rattled. "I must be strong and continue my life," "Oh dear God give me strength to face your trials.." he covered his face. Suddenly, he see something. A frame.. it was the last picture he took with Baek. "Baek.. Even if I married, I'll still memorize you in my heart. Youre my first lover. Day by day, I'll waiting for my time to come, so we can meet and happily live in heaven..."


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