
The Cursed Case

He stood before us, wearing a black cloak. His hair was perfect, with the color of light brown. He had a strong appeal to him, but he seems easygoing. He has most definitely changed since high school; he slimmed up. I guess he traded in the glasses for contact lenses. I like his appearance like this. He is quite attractive. Xiumin took his cloak, exposing Baekhyun’s grey sweater. He looked good, though he was wearing simple clothing. Maybe I feel this way because I haven’t seen him in a long time.

“Bakehyun”, Kris mocked.

“How did I know you were going to call me that”, Baekhyun smirked.

“You slimmed down, so I guess I can’t call you it anymore.”

“I traded my Hostess obsession with fruits and vegetables.”

“It worked well for you”, Kris spoke.

“Why are you here”, Chaerin asked, cutting to the point.

“I had a feeling you were looking for me”, Baekhyun winked. “Ah Chanyeol Park. You haven’t changed one bit since high school, still tall and still handsome.”

I cringed when he said handsome. It’s something my father would say to make me feel better about my looks. He knew I wasn’t going to live up to his, so I guess he tried to make me feel better. “Hey” I shyly spoke.

“Hey is all I get. You were class clown of 2014. My supposed counterpart”, Baekhyun smiled. Since our school was large, Baekhyun and I were supposedly the class clowns. Ironically we never truly met. We were often mentioned to each other, but I secretly believe we were a pair that didn’t need to meet.

“A lot has changed since high school”, I stated.

“So why did you come back to Brookdale?” Chaerin questioned.

“Wow, so blunt. I thought we could chat. Have some tea and then talk about why I came here.”

“Well that’s not how it’s going to work. This is my house and once you enter, you answers the questions I ask of you, or do not come at all”, Chaerin replied.

“Fine. I came back to see how the city was doing. I heard that it was going down the drain. It was supposed to be a short visit. I eventually got sick from being in this bilious environment. I stayed a night in the hospital. It was quite there. I need a nurse for my pain, but I could not find one. I wondered around the hospital, when I found a metal wall. Stunned, I immediately did my research on it once I got back to England, but I was blacklist across the country for reporting about “untrue” events. Reporting is in my blood so I came back here to at least find something. I did. It was Sandara Park’s death.”

“What led you to us?” Chaerin asked.

“A tip that you guys were going around town. I thought it had something to do with the hospital. That’s what you guys are searching for right”, Baekhyun inquired.

“No”, Chaerin stated. “We were looking into a boy.”

Baekhyun was surprised by Chaerin’s answer. Not only was he, but I was too. Why would she lie? We need Baekhyun. He is our major lead. Didn’t she say that?

“May I ask about this boy?”

“Classified”, Chaerin stated.

“Okay. Then what are those articles on the desk. Come on Chaerin. I thought at least you would be smarter than that, but if you don’t want my help then so be it.”

“We need your help”, I stated. “We need you. Sit.”

“I’ve always wanted you to need me Chanyeol Park”, Baekhyun smirked before taking a seat at the table. Chaerin rolled her eyes at his action. I wonder why she doesn’t want his help.

A shriek ran through our ears. “That sounds like Zelo”, I stated racing out of the dining room. That scream was filled with titillating horror. My skin became cold as I walked into the where Zelo was sleeping. The room was dark and had an eerie silence. I crept in the room alone. “Zelo” I whispered. I noticed the curtains were shaking. Chaerin had velvet curtains, with thick padding, so Zelo must have been quite scared to make those move. I walked over with relief to comfort the boy. As I pulled back the curtain, I was greeted by the rotten man. “Not here”, He whispered, causing me to fall to the woodened floor. My breath became heavy. Fear engulfed my mind. It’s the darkness. He only comes during the night. He’s not real.

“Did you find him?” Baekhyun asked switching on the light to the room.

“No”, I stated picking myself up from the ground.

“He‘s probably in the closet”, Baekhyun stated opening the door. He walked into the large closet. As soon as he walked in, Zelo ran out. His body crashed into my arms. Fear was expressed in every breath he took. I wrapped my arms around him as my father would to me.

“What’s wrong with him?” Kris asked.

“I don’t know”, the boy was shaking in my arms. He felt cold, almost ghost like. I don’t know what happened to him, but I could tell that he was extremely terrorized by something.

“Xiumin, would you mind making him some tea”, Chaerin asked.

“No. Make him some hot milk. That’s what my dad would do when I got scared at night”, I stated.

“As you wish”, Xiumin replied.

“Are you okay?” Baekhyun asked drawing near the boy. When Baekhyun got too close for comfort Zelo buried his face into my chest. It was strange behavior from a seventeen year old, but he was a teenager that had his childhood stripped from him. He probably doesn’t know what love feels like.

“We should give him some space”, Chaerin stated.

“Chanyeol stay”, Zelo shouted. He gave me a command that dogs receive. I looked at my friends and they knew it would be best for me to stay. Baekhyun left with them, but Zelo completely avoid Baekhyun’s gaze.

“You want to tell me about what happened?” I asked.

“No”, he replied, repeatedly shaking his head. What scared this kid?

"Here's the milk", Xiumin stated. He had wide eyes as he entered the room. His bewilderment probably came from the sight of us, still being on the floor.

"Thank you. Just set it on the dresser."

"Alright", Xiumin followed my command. "Is he in shock?"

"No. I just think he severely shaken up."

"What do you think caused his behavior?"

"I don't know. He probably had a night terror."

"It must have felt very real for him."

Maybe Xiumin isn't that creepy. He seems genuine, but there is still something about him that makes me wonder.

"I'm sleepy", Zelo stated breaking away from my arms.

"Ok. You want to go back to your bed?" I asked.

"No. He was there", Zelo replied.


"The man who was standing outside of the window at dinner."

Xiumin and I both stared shocked. I'm not sure why Xiumin was surprised. His face led me to believe that he knows what Zelo is talking about. I'm not crazy! Zelo sees him too.

"I'm sure it was just a dream", Xiumin stated leaving the room.

"It wasn't a dream. He is real! He has rotten skin, dark brown hair, his voice sounds like a warning whisper", Zelo rambled.

We are seeing the same man. Our descriptions match exactly. I should feel no excitement from this, but I have been proven sane. "What did the man tell you?"

"He said there is a fox hidden in the sheep, and that fox will strike."

Heyyyy beautiful people! are you enjoying?

Ah I bet the confusion is really sinking in for you guys. Is Chanyeol really sane? Tell me what you think? I really want to know. I also want to know your theories about the case

See you next time!!

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striped-dress #1
Chapter 9: I ... I am so confused @-@ But in a good way c:
Chapter 3: I am writing a fic with similar themes and I was going through a writer's block but this fic really inspired me out of it.
I wish there were more mystery and psychological fics along the level of this one.
Vonnstantina #3
Chapter 9: This story is pretty much one of my favorites. Really liked the creepy and dark aspects of it.
Chapter 6: creepy... creepy.

Gladly I'm reading this while the sun is still up.
Chapter 5: I've been waiting for Baekhyun to appear. Anyway this chapter is a little bit creepy
Chapter 3: this is really cool. hohohoho!
blackwonderer #7
Chapter 10: wait this story is complete already????? but it's hanging, it's like the story is not end yet
what to expect now???