The Rotten

The Cursed Case

          Kris and I separated to search the dormant ward. Peculiar that Ms. Sandara Park was the doctor. Sense could not be made out of it. She couldn't have been living that long. The public jokingly calls her a vampire, but were they wrong? The section I took on was the most intimidating. The darkness created a field of imagination. I felt as if I were being watched by the souls that once were tortured through these walls. I walked in, what seemed to be a torture room there was a bed with straps attached to the sides. Broken equipment and syringes lied on the floor. What happened here? This place was kept secret, but it looks like the secret was found out. Like every other secret instead of cleaning it up, they covered it up. As I focused my cell phone light on the bed, I saw a body lying there. I jumped at first sight of it. Once my heart beat calmed down, I kept walking.

"Chanyeol. Chanyeol"

I turned around to see no one. I know my name was called. Who said it? The voice seemed lifeless, but filled with a hint of resentment. I ignored it assuming it was the darkness' clever trick. "Chanyeol"

A voice shouted, causing me to turn around with my heart leaping from my body. "Hello". This was probably a prank by Kris. The voice whispered my name again. "Kris?"

"Try again", the voice stated.

My ear honed the location of the mysterious voice. It seemed to be coming from the bed with the straps attached to it. I shined my light to the area. There sat a man in the , with cuts and rotted skin staring at me. My first reaction was to scream. The yell echoed throughout the ward. Terror was the cause of it. The man stared me down strapped into the chair.

"Hide", he stated. "Hide. They're coming. They're coming. They will kill you as they did your father. Hide" The man yelled before lying back down. I didn't get a chance to process what just happened to me, because I overheard voices coming towards my direction. Was this what the man was warning me of? The voices came closer to me. My brain scattered in thoughts, trying to decide on my hiding spot. I saw that nothing was good enough. My brain then thought of the dead man who talked with me. I hopped in the bed with him throwing the covers over us. I noticed that there was no us, rather it was just me. The man was gone. How? Did I let the darkness fool me? The voices came into the room. I could hear them clearly now.

"The screaming came from in here" a voice stated.

"They must be down here", another voice spoke.

Who were these people and how did they know Kris and I are down here. I hope Kris found a safe place. I forgot about his safety.

"I know they’re down here", a feminine voice spoke.

"Who screamed?"

"I don't know", the feminine voice spoke.

There are three of them. From the sound of their voices, there seems to be two males and one female. How did they know us? If we are the people they are looking for. I would leave my hiding place to ask, but the dead man told me to hide. He mentioned my parents. He said they'll kill me like they killed my father. Come on Chanyeol, you sound delusional.

"I thought you were supposed to be watching them!" The feminine voice yelled.

"I was, but I got held up. It took me a while to get away from her without noticing."

"Well they are on to us now. The stairs should have been locked. Who unlocked it?" The feminine voice spoke.

"I don't know."

That's why it was so easy to find this place. Someone unlocked it. There was probably a sign on the door saying hospital staff only. That explains the rectangular spot on the door.

"We need to kill them."

"Soon. Soon. Once they give us what we want."

The voices then left the room, leaving me alone in deep thought. As I turned to leave the bed, the man from before was right next to me. "Run!" He yelled.




Blurriness filled my eyes. I noticed I was in a bed. Left and right I looked, wondering where I was. This place was a modern home. The room smelt sweet. Confusion warped my mind. I was at the hospital before. Was it a dream?

"You're up", Kris stated walking into the room. "Come on let's eat.

Eat? What was he talking about? Where was I? As I left the room I smelt refreshing crab. I followed the salty scent, recognizing the home I was in. The house was Japanese styled. I slid the door, entering the dining room. There sat Kris, Zelo, and Chaerin. This was her house and firm. The upstairs is a home where as downstairs is where she handles her cases.

"What happen to me?" I asked sitting down.

"I don't know I found you unconscious on the floor. I brought you to Dr. Choi . He said you just needed rest, so I brought you back here.

"Did you hear any voices while you were down there?" I questioned.

"No. I didn't hear anything, but I did find out about Dr. Sandara Park."

Kris heard nothing? I know he can be slower than the rest of us, but I was yelling. Did I make this up? I guess the darkness possessed me, causing me to believe people were there.

"Chanyeol", Kris stated interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry, what did you find out?"

"Dr. Sandara Park, is Dara's great grandmother", Kris stated.

"Her work was hid secret", Chaerin stated.

"Of course, the whole ward was a secret. You think Ms. Sandara knew about this?" I inquired.

"I don't know, her great grandmother died from a drowning accident, so I don't know if she looked into her death", Chaerin stated.

"What does this have to do with our parents? We still need to find what links Dara to our parents", Kris spoke before taking a bite of his crab cake.

"We've check the entire house", Chaerin replied.

"Maybe the key isn't it. Chaerin, maybe you literally are the key", I stated.

"But to what?" she replied.

"This makes no sense", Kris stated.

"Well something strange happen before I fainted" I wonder if I should tell them. They will not believe me. Maybe I'll leave out the cynical man. "Three people were down there with us. I don't know if they were looking for us, but I'm pretty sure they were. They want to kill us. They've been watching us."

"So one murderer has turn to three", Chaerin stated.

"They must want what Sandara hid. Who was she dealing with?" Kris questioned.

"And what was she hiding?" I stated.

"We need to go back down there and find more information. Searching the internet isn't all that trustworthy", Kris stated.

"We can't go back down there. They probably took the information anyway", honestly I didn't want to go back and see that man. I know his existence was real. My mind did not imagine it. I trailed over to Zelo who was indulging in all of the food, Chaerin's servant made. He ate as if he hadn't eaten is days.

“Hungry aren’t you?” Xiumin stated; he was a short man, with sharp gazing eyes. His hair was a silk brown. I don’t know how long he was been working for Chaerin, but he seems like an adorable rodent. He keeps her halls clean, and prepares food like a real chef. Honesty I wonder where she found someone like him.

“Sorry”, Zelo smiled. He looked good. Chaerin must have sent Xiumin out to shop for him. His clothing was of wealth. They formed to his body. I wonder why Chaerin let us discuss the case in front of him. Maybe he does not understand. From his vicious table manners, he probably has not attended school since his intermediate year, sad, because his exuberant youth has been stolen from him.

“Sit back and eat properly”, Chaerin scolded. Zelo was taken aback by her statement. Though he was scared, he listened to her and ate with manners.

“What do we do?” Kris asked.

“Do you mind if I make a suggestion Ms. Lee”, Xiumin asked taking away the plate where the crab cakes sat.

“Yes we would mind”, Kris stated. Chaerin ignored Kris, as the rest of the world would.

“What is it?”

“I think you find out more about Ms. Sandara’s great grandmother’s death.” Bewilderment fanned crossed my face. Not because what Xiumin stated was wrong, but right. I find it rather strange that all the women in Sandara Park’s life have died in an abstruse manner. First her great grandmother worked on a secret project, and virtually disappeared. Ms. Sandara’s grandmother’s death was solved, but then later lost after our parents figured it out. It’s well known that Sandara’s mother died in a mysterious plane crash. Her parents took a vacation in Alaska, but they never returned. The charter plane they flew on was never found, so their death was assumed. Why is it that Sandara’s family is so damn arcane?

“Great idea”, Chaerin replied. “We should start from the top and work our way down.”

“How will we? We can barely find any information about Dara’s great grandmother? We don’t know anything of our parents’ murder, which connects to Dara’s grandmother’s death!” Kris was getting agitated. Patience is also not a part of his skill set. His agitation was understandable though, this case is connected to unanswered cases, making the entire thing unsolvable. Chills filled my body. It felt like someone was watching me. I looked through the dining room window eyeing the rotted man I saw earlier staring at me. His smile was one of a Cheshire cat’s. I could practically feel him touching me, that’s what his stare caused. My skin started itching, until Kris placed his hand on my shoulder causing me to escape the man gaze.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

Xiumin looked outside of the window. He then looked back at me concerned. Did he see him? Or I am I just going insane. I think I’m letting this case get to me.

Heyy beautiful people! I have new subscribes and many new views, thanks for checking my story out. I truly appreciate it!

The mystery only intenses. Is Chanyeol going or mad or is this another lead to the answers?

See you guys next update~

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striped-dress #1
Chapter 9: I ... I am so confused @-@ But in a good way c:
Chapter 3: I am writing a fic with similar themes and I was going through a writer's block but this fic really inspired me out of it.
I wish there were more mystery and psychological fics along the level of this one.
Vonnstantina #3
Chapter 9: This story is pretty much one of my favorites. Really liked the creepy and dark aspects of it.
Chapter 6: creepy... creepy.

Gladly I'm reading this while the sun is still up.
Chapter 5: I've been waiting for Baekhyun to appear. Anyway this chapter is a little bit creepy
Chapter 3: this is really cool. hohohoho!
blackwonderer #7
Chapter 10: wait this story is complete already????? but it's hanging, it's like the story is not end yet
what to expect now???