CH 2 - The Clique

More Than Friends

“WHAT THE…” I heard a much scarier tone from the dragon. THIS can’t be good



 I turned to look at what he’s staring at, only to see that our table is full of guys. Seriously, how can that be? I know we don’t own that place but… *sigh* I guess I just gotten used to it that we always eat there.



“GD-ah~” I turned to look at him but he was now walking to that direction. And he’s still… mad?



“GD, let’s just find another table. It’s not like we…”  I was about to say own, but he dashed to the table all of a sudden. Next thing I knew he was-



“YAH!!!” –he was shouting so loud that I was stopped from following him and he too stopped running. Then I noticed that almost (no, not almost, ALL) all of the people in the cafeteria are now looking at him.



“GET LOST!” he continued to yell at the guys that are on our table.



Honestly speaking, he’s being irrational about this. It’s not like we paid that table to claim that it’s our property. Maybe being the school’s basketball ace has taken a toll on him and now he’s just like any other varsity players out there; selfish, egocentric, self-centered, egotistic and so full of themselves. I look at the guys and was so sad for them. They immediately left the table altogether.



“GD-ssi! Don’t you think you were out-of-line to act that way? May I remind you that-“ I almost caught up to him but he started walking again so I just followed him.



I’ll just continue this conversation when we’re sitting on the now vacant table. I turned to look at the table and was surprised to see Dara and Bom, sitting there and looking at us. Wait. How did they manage to get there so fast? They were nowhere to be seen awhile ago.





[Bom’s POV]


“YAH!!!” someone hollered.



I turned to peak at the direction of the voice but it took me some time to see who owned it since there’s an awful lot of guys surrounding our table. When the guys also turned to look at the guy that bellowed, I then realized who it was. A smile started forming in my lips.



“GET LOST!” another bawl came from him. And in an instant, the guys lingering in our table were nowhere to be seen.



“Yah! What’s with all the yelling G the Dragon?!” I asked as they arrived in our table.



 “Nothing. I was just in a bad mood. Mianhae…” he answered looking down, seemingly shy about what he just did.



“That was really shocking, GD. I didn’t know you were like that.” YB said then continued, “By the way, where were you two when it happened?”




(GD: Huh? What was I like?)

I think I was the only one that heard him since I was the only one paying attention to him. But I won’t answer him. I’m having so much fun watching him get jealous. Even if he doesn’t admit it, I know he is. I’ll definitely find some proofs! kkk~ So instead, I only responded to YB.



“We were here. Where else could we be?” I answered.



“No. What I meant was ‘where were you in here (canteen)’.”



“Here. At this very table.” I seriously don’t get where he’s getting at.



“Really? I mean, wasn’t this table being occupied by guys?” asking obliviously.



“No… Ah! So you thought… hahahahahahha!!!” laughing my off. Seriously! GD got it immediately and he on the other hand-



“Why are you laughing? What’s so funny? All I asked was --- Oh! I get it! So that was what’s happening.” finally realizing everything.



That’s when GD and YB took their respective seats.



“What were those guys doing here anyway?”



“They were just asking for our numbers.” I said trying to sound casually while looking intently at GD.



This time, I swear I just saw him look! Ohohoho! This is getting really, REALLY interesting. I knew it! I knew it! Now, if he would just admit it to me. Tsk!



“So did you give them your numbers?” Youngbae asked.



“Of course not!” not intending to sound louder than what was necessary.



“Omo!” the startled Dara said instantly looking at me. Then she continued after taking her headphones off, “yah~ Bom-ah! Why are you shouting? I can hear you even with these on.”



“Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Instantaneously regretting what I’ve just done. Why? Because the dragon is smirking! Andwae!!! This can’t be happening!


“Oh! So you guys arrived already?” Dara unconsciously said.



“She just noticed us? She’s really unbelievable!” GD murmurs.



“Yah! What are you trying to say?! For your information, you guys were so slow that I got bored---“



“Okay~ What kind of pizza again?” YB asked.



“Ah! I’m craving for some Hawaiian pizza! What about you Bommie?” Dara turned to me.



Nice save Youngbae! If he didn’t stop that quarrel, it would be dangerous because Dara’s already starting to get hungry. So I better just agree to her preference.



“Hawaiian too! So the vote’s 2 already. What about you, GD?” giving a bit of warning. A warning that he understand immediately.



“I really don’t have a choice since obviously, he will vote over whatever you two want.” sounding defeated.



“Hawaiian pizza, then!” YB was about to stand but stopped then, “Wait! Are the others following too?”



“Ah~ yes. Minkki, CL  and Seungri’s class is about to finish.” Dara responded.



“Daesung won’t make it though. He still got classes.” I answered.



“TOP hyung also won’t be here.” GD aded.



“So all in all, there will be seven of us. Got it.” He then started walking to the pizza stall.



“By the way, why won’t TOP oppa make it?” I asked curiously.



“He’s actually at the library right now. He said he has to review for a quiz they have later.” GD replied.


“Ah~ It must’ve been a tough subject. Good thing we still haven’t got any quizzes to worry.” relief forming on me.



It’s not that I’m bad at studying, I’m not good either. In short, I’m just an average student who sometimes fails. Huhuhu~ Thank you my professors for not giving me hardships yet.



“Yeah! I’m also relieved. I’d drive myself crazy if we’ve got exams while we’re preparing for our next game. I really pity TOP hyung. We’ve been busy practicing while he also got to worry about his exams.”



“That’s right you guys got your next game on Saturday, right?” I asked.



“Yup! And you guys better watch or else!” giving me a warning then turned to look at Dara, in an instant a frown formed on his forehead.



I shifted my head to look at the person beside me only to find her with her headphones on again. She’s playing in her Ipad. Again! Tsk! Tsk! I tapped and tapped in her Ipad until she became irritated.



“Yah! I’ve almost beaten my highest score! Aigoo~” she said sounding a bit pissed as she took off her headphones.


“Wahahaha! You should’ve seen your face when you were still trying to save the damage that I’ve made. Kkk~” she’s really so cute.



“That wasn’t funny! Seriously! I almost broke my latest record. Do you know how hard I’ve worked on that? Aigoo~ Now, I’m gonna start from the start again.”



“Fine. I’ll play then when it’s almost on your record, I’ll give it to you so that you can continue where you left off.”



“No! It won’t be the same. I want to defeat it on my own.”



“Okay. Okay… Here, a lollipop.”



“Ooh! Green apple! Thanks!” Accepting it gleefully and at the same time forgetting what happened.



“Ah! By the way, GD said we should watch their game this Saturday.”



“What time?” she asked.



“Our game starts at 2pm.” He answered himself.



“2? Sorry, won’t make it. I’ve got piano lessons at that time. Maybe next game?” She said shooting an apologetic look at GD.



“Can’t you just cancel it?” I asked her.



“No! Never! I just returned to learning piano since I’ve stopped way back and I really, REALLY want to learn how to play it this time. I heard this really cool piano piece last week and I want to play it.” Fixed with her decision.



“You already know how to play the violin. Isn’t one musical instrument enough? Just play that piece in a violin!”



“No! Besides, piano is way different from a violin. Strings and keys are different.”



“You’re so stubborn.” I said. Finally giving up since I know that when she puts her mind into something, nothing can change it.



“That’s okay, maybe next time. But you and the others should be there. Okay?” he sounded hopeful.



“Of course! Leave it to me! They’ll all go! I promise!” I guaranteed him.



I don’t know why he’s acting like this. He never required us to watch their games. So what’s with him today?







[GD’s POV]


“Kwon! You’re spacing out again!” the coach yelled.



“Sorry… Sorry.” Apologizing to everyone.



“GD! What’s the matter?” TOP hyung asked once he reached me.



“Nothing.” I answered dismissively.



“Nothing? Yah, Kwon Jiyong! Stop lying to me. It’s obvious that there’s something bothering you.” He countered.



“Just forget about it, hyung. It’s nothing important anyway-“  but before I can finish my sentence, he cut me off.



“Look-“ he began but thankfully, the coach noticed us.



“KWON! CHOI! What are you doing there? Another set for you guys!” he called out to us then to all of us, “We’re in the middle of practice, team! We’ve got a big game tomorrow! Focus everyone! Focus!”



“Fine. I’ll drop it for the meantime.” hyung whispered to me as he went back to doing the training.



Whew! Saved by the bell. Knowing TOP hyung, he won’t let it go until he gets to the bottom of things. I got to think of an excuse.









“Woohoo! We won! We won!” the cheerleaders shouted.



After the last buzzer, the pep squad; though mostly the female cheerleaders; ran immediately to the court. Surrounding every players, including me. Unfortunately. I tried to find my friends in the bleachers since they promised they would come. I kept searching for them but I can’t find them, so I decided to ask TOP hyung.



“Hyung! Hyung! TOP hyung!” it was hard to get his attention with the girls around him and all. So I battled it out to pass thru the people around me and TOP’s.



“Hey, have you seen them already?” I asked once I was in front of him.



“Nope. Not yet. Are you sure they’ll come?” he asked.



“I guess so. I mean, Bom promised me that they’ll be here.”



“And you believed her? You know she always pull pranks on us.” He stated.



“I just… hoped. That’s all.”  I answered almost in a whisper.



“Hoped… Hoped that she’ll also come. Right?” He said in a voice which only I can hear.



“No, I wasn’t! Where did you get that idea from?!” answering defensively even though I planned on responding that what he said isn’t true.



At that moment I realized I overreacted that all those who are still at the court was looking at my direction. To ignore the awkwardness, I just went directly to the bench where my bag is; silently. I turned to look behind me just to realize that everyone was still following my every move.



“Well, whatever. That’s not the priority right now. Where are they?” I murmured as I checked my phone only to be disappointed that there were no messages from any of them.



“Yah! Looking for us?” a familiar voice from my right side said.



“Taeyang!” I shouted once I turned to look at the owner of the voice. On his right side was Bom and on the other was Minzy. Behind them were Daesung and TOP hyung who are busy watching at the quarrelling CL and Seungri.



“TOP oppa, GD oppa, congrats on winning!” Minzy said cheerfully.



“Thanks!” we both answered in unison.



“By the way, how did you guys manage to enter the court? Players, coaches and staffs are the only ones who are allowed to be here.” TOP hyung said as he stepped closer to me to investigate our friends.



I too would’ve asked that question as all the viewers are now exiting the gymnasium.



“You guys know me. I don’t take no for an answer.” Bom proudly answered.



“Yeah, right! Don’t take ‘no’ for answer but Dara isn’t here. Hahaha!” I said sarcastically.



“Speaking of which, where’s Dara unnie?” Seungri suddenly asked then stuck his tongue out on CL. Just when I thought that their fight is over.



“She said she’s got her piano lessons today.” Bom responded.



“Awww… too bad. Anyway, where do we go now?” Daesung asked.



“He’s right. Where are you guys treating us?” Bom seconded who’s immediately in between me and hyung with her arms on our shoulders. She then added, “Think fast because it’s becoming uncomfortable here.” She declared scanning the place which made our whole group look at what Bom’s referring to. And she was right. It was a weird scene that everyone in the court was looking at our group.



“Let’s head outside first. Daesung oppa brought their van. We can talk about the details there.” CL suggested which we all agreed to.



(Once inside the van…)



“So, where are we headed?” Daesung asked excitedly. He was the driver for the day.



“Of course… it’s time to go home.” I joked.



“No!” everyone opposed altogether.



“Oppa, it’s still early. I don’t want to go home yet.” Minzy said almost pleadingly.



“She’s right, oppa. Besides, you and TOP oppa should treat us!” CL added.



“What?! Why should we treat you all? And most importantly why am I included?” TOP hyung asked.



“Because you guys won on your game.” Bom answered a bit slowly and most of all glaring intently at TOP hyung.



Now this smells like danger…



“Chill guys! I was just kidding. Of course we’ll treat you.” I said trying to calm the atmosphere.



I glanced at TOP hyung on my right and was glad to see him busying himself with his phone. I then looked at Bom who was at the front seat with Daesung & Taeyang and was relieved that she seemed to have dropped her argument with TOP hyung. Taeyang was just watching Bom then TOP hyung then Bom again. Dae on the other hand looked a bit scared. To ease the tension, I glanced at the people at the back sit.



“So… where do you want to go?” I asked turning to look at the 3 persons behind me.



“Lotte World?” Minzy suggested but it sounded like a question.



“I agree with Minzy. We could use a bit of fun.” CL agreeing instantly.



I looked at Seungri and he nodded in agreement. Now that I think about, Seungri & CL still must’ve been fighting since Minzy is in between the two. Poor Maknae Minji.



“What about you guys?” asking the others’ opinion.



“That place would be perfect.” YB was the one who answered. I looked at the person beside him to see if she’ll have another opinion. But when Bom didn’t have any objections, it obviously meant that she agrees.



“Lotte World then!” I exclaimed when neither Daesung & TOP hyung said anything.



It was the quietest ride I’ve ever been to. No one spoke.  Everyone was busy on their own. Bom and YB are silent in the front seat and of course, Daesung’s still driving. TOP hyung was still in his phone. CL was busy scribbling on something. Minzy was playing in her Ipad and Seungri fell asleep. It’s really a boring ride. If Dara was here it would’ve been a blast since she’s the group’s vitamin, everyone would be energetic. Tsk! Stupid pia--



“What?!” TOP hyung shouted all of a sudden and in an instant all eyes were on him.



“Hyung, what’s wrong?” I asked.



“Seven hyung just texted me saying I should go to the family restaurant after the game.” He answered in disbelief.



“WHAT?!” me, Taeyang & Seungri’s voice exclaimed all together. I turned to look at Seungri who’s now awake. Apparently, TOP’s screech woke him up.



“But oppa, we’re halfway down to Lotte World already!” Minzy complained.



“Did he tell you what’s with the emergency, oppa?” CL asked.



“Well… apparently, he & Byul noona fought over something again. So he’s headed to her right now and he left the restaurant without anyone watching over it.” TOP hyung answered worriedly.



“Wait! Don’t you have a manager?” I asked.  I mean there’s always a manager, right?



“Yes, but he’s on leave.” He answered. Oh, great! Where’s the manager when you need him?



“Seriously?! Are you kidding me? Your brother just left your business unattended? What a brother you have there, oppa.” Bom scoffed.



“Ei~ We don’t pick our family. Anyways, so do you guys mind if we stop first at Yeolbong? I’ll close real fast so we can immediately go to Lotte World. I promise!” TOP requested every one of us.



“Sure, hyung.” I agreed instantly.



“Fine~” everyone echoed.



“Yeolbong we go. Go go!” Daesung gleefully cheered as he turned the car to the other lane.



“I wonder… what could’ve they possibly fought this time.” Bom blurted out of nowhere.



“It must’ve been nothing important again. You know they always fight on the smallest things.” TOP hyung answered.



“But Seven hyung won’t just leave the restaurant unattended. So maybe this time Byul noona’s dead serious about the fight.” Seungri contradicted TOP hyung.



“Omo! What to do if they broke up?” Minzy cried out.



“Don’t say or even think that Minji-ah!” CL scolded Minzy.



“She’s right, Minzy. I’m sure everything would be fine.” I said trying to soothe the building tension.



“Sorry~ I just really, really like them both. They’re just perfect for each other.” Minzy said apologetically.



“I agree. I can’t imagine anyone else who can tolerate Byul unnie’s craziness.” Bom added.



“Let’s just all hope that everything would be okay for the both of them.” I said.


“Don’t worry about them. I’m sure they’ll sort things out. They always do.” TOP hyung confidently said.



“Oppa’s got a point. They’ve been together for 11 years now and they’re still together and besides they’ve been through much difficult hardships yet they always end up stronger than ever.” CL added.



The entire ride was not as quiet as it was after the whole Seven hyung situation. Everyone kept on talking and talking. At first it was about how Seven hyung & Byul noona are perfect for each other. Well that conversation was mostly discussed by the 3 girls. While us guys just joins in sometimes. Then the conversation turned to what we’ll do first once we’re in Lotte World.







We all went inside once we arrived at Yeolbong. Once inside, I went to the nearest staff and told him to tell the others that the restaurant’s gonna close early for today and told him to switch the “open” sign to “closed”. After speaking to him, I went straight to where my friends sat.



“Guys, this place’s still a bit jam-packed. We have to wait until everyone leaves before we can. I really am sorry for the trouble.” I said looking apologetically to each and every one of them.



“It’s fine. Really, oppa. Better us stuck here than Seven oppa and Byul unnie splitting up.” Minzy said in which everyone agreed to.



It took almost an hour before all the customers left and now we’re helping clean-up the place to finish faster.



“Okay, you all worked hard everyone! Thank you! You may all go now.” I said to the staffs.



“Can we rest for a bit? I’m exhausted.” Daesung requested in which we all approved since we’re all beat.



“Waaaah~ all that cleaning made me hungry.” Bom said as he sat on the nearest table.



“Oh no! Don’t you dare be hungry right now, not now when there’s no one to cook. The staffs, especially the chef just left!” Taeyang reacted immediately after Bom spoke.



“I’m also starved.” Minzy added as she followed Bom.



“Not you too, Minzy.” he said.



“Me too!” Daesung said then the rest echoed the same.



“I give up.” Taeyang said as he took his sit.



“Since everyone’s hungry, why don’t we eat first before heading to play?” GD suggested.



“Yes!” I accidentally blurted out which made everyone look at me.



 “Who knows how to cook?” asking nonchalantly to get rid of all the stares.






Omo! Thanks for the subscribers! hehe~ Even though it's just a simple story... :) 

Kamshamnida yoreobeun! *90 degrees bow*

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lovejudii #1
Chapter 2: nice keep it up love it
xxAiX009xx #2
Chapter 1: Oh my an innocent dara! I just love stories with her being so innocent and naive hehe so cute!