Angels and Demons


Hyunwoo opened his eyes and gently stood up. He was surprised to see that he was inside a beautiful big room filled with the color of blue. Someone knocked and opened the door and then a guy came in.

- How are you feeling? It’s good that you are finally awake.

- ?

- Ah, you must be confused as to where and how you got here.

-Eh?! But how did you know? Can you read minds?

- Ahahahaha, no no no, its just that I thought that people will be asking where they are, once they wake and see that they are in a different place.

Hyunwoo blushed and was feeling a little embarrassed because of the answer that he got. He thought that it was just common sense. The guy saw Hyunwoo’s expression so he decided to tell how he got there.

- By the way, what is your name?

- Ah, my name is Hyunwoo, and you are?

-I am Soohyun, Kim Soohyun. Well then let’s start.

-Y, yes? Start what?

- Start the story of how you got here.


-Actually, I saw you unconscious in the park, you must have felt something strange, right? Well that’s because there were demons around that place. It must have been your first time to feel such strange feeling but you won’t really be unconscious feeling them but There was a rank V demon that cause you to be unconscious. Demons are categorized in ranks from highest to lowest roman numbers, the highest would be rank 0. They saw you lying on the ground so they tried to attack you, but away from me so sorry.

-You don’t have to be sorry, it’s not like you wanted me to be attacked on purpose. I should be thanking you instead because you saved me so thank you very much. I should go home now my parents might get worried.

-If that’s the case, let me bring you to your house then.

-You don’t have to, it’s Ok

- I insist.

- Ok then

Soohyun accompanied Hyunwoo to his house. When they got there Hyunwoo asked Soohyun to have dinner with them because it was already late. Soohyun accepted the offer and ate with then. It was already quite late so Mr. And Mrs. Lee invited Soohyun to sleep over. Hyunwoo accompanied him to his room and prepared a futon to sleep in. Hyunwoo offered his bed to Soohyun but he denied his offer. He tried offering again but was denied again so he just let it be so Soohyun wouldn’t be angry. The both of them went to sleep but while they were sleeping Soohyun sensed a demon so he quickly stood up at the same time Hyunwoo quickly stood up as well because he had a bad feeling. Soohyun used his power to show Hyunwoo an illusion and make him sleep and he used that time to flee but what he didn’t know is that his power didn’t affect Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo saw Soohyun’s wings and was shocked but he rushed out of his house to follow Soohyun because he was worried. He followed him using the blue lights left by Soohyun’s wings. He arrived to where Sophyun was but he saw not only him but all the angels that has the legendary wings but he also saw demons with wings different from what he had imagined. Hyunwoo saw that a demon was planning to attack Spohyun from the back so he picked up some rock, flew with his wings and threw the rocks at the demons when he got close.

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alikaweiner #1
Chapter 4: Awesome .... Please continue ....
afiercesong #2
I like this so much!