01 - Prologue

Break The Ice
“Perfection is something that isn’t possessed, it is something wanted. Perfection isn’t something gained, for no one can ever have it.”
Her life was almost perfect, almost; she had the looks, the talents, the wealth, the fame, and even the grades, which is quite unexpected for a girl like her. Although, she doesn’t have the perfect family, she doesn’t receive any accurate treatment from them due to their busy schedules that are needed to be followed. She has everything; except them, that is. Other than that, she also doesn’t have the perfect attitude for anyone to cope with (she does have the etiquette and the poise, though).
Just like any typical popular girl; she rules the school. She wears the crown everywhere she goes, signifying her rights. She’s stubborn and possesses great lust for things; everything she wants needs to be placed on her silver platter. It is a must, it isn’t an option. If not, she might as well cry a river that is enough to drown everyone. She holds a great amount of pride and a great amount of self-esteem. She doesn’t and will never seek help for this will show everyone of her weak side, and she never wanted to be weak. 
“Time is running, answer me.” She said, her hands were placed on her hips as she glared at the other person, her eyes intimidating the other. “You don’t have the rights to do that, you never even had the rights to do so.” She stated, proudly and surely.
It was the other person’s turn to glare at her, “Neither did you have the rights to treat us like that, you also never had it anyways.” Her eyes widened at the response.
She felt threatened and disrespected, from what she thought. No one had the rights to talk back at her; it was practically her school, and everything is in her rules.
Seoul Performance University, also known as Seoul Uni, was built by her great grandmother; high-classed and a well-known elite school in Seoul, Korea. The University was built at September 21st 1837, the exact date when they had finished the construction. It was first known as the University of Performing Arts, literally since the school was meant for talented youths filled with wealth. Time passed by and the name of the University evolved after a century, until it finally came to Seoul Performance University, and is soon to be renamed once more. And currently, the school is to be took over by the young heiress, Byun Jihyun. 
However, it was actually her brother, Byun Baekhyun, who was supposed to inherit the place for he has bigger responsibility and greater independence. Although, because of his dreams to be an idol, the older Byun decided not to interfere with the older Byun’s dream, and so, the inheritance has fallen to the youngest Byun. 
Her grandmother was very hesitant about the fact that Jihyun will inherit the school, for she knows that the young Byun wouldn’t survive an hour running it. She couldn’t even take care of her own belongings, why take care of a University? Thanks to Byun Baekhyun, though, their grandmother sticked with the idea of her inheriting it. “Be arsh on her. If you’re gentle on her, she might as well be spoiled, like she already is now, just a lot more irritating. You know her attitude, take it as an advantage.” He said to his grandmother.
Maybe, just maybe, the treatment of her grandmother and her brother was the reason of why she turned aggressive and a person who’s heart is as cold as ice, and also as fragile as ice.
“Say that once more, I dare you to.” Jihyun asked, or more like demanded in a phlegmatic manner. Her lips formed into a bitter smirk, and her aura just got colder, if it was still possible.
Just when she was about to hit the other, a hand held onto her wrist, tightly and harshly, enough to create a temporary bruise on her thin porcelain-like wrist. Jihyun wanted to sob, just a little, but no, not in front of the person. “How many times are you going to do nonsense things, it’s so immature of you.” The voice said, trying to frustrate her (or more like make her whine and cry). 
“Let go of me, Byun Baekhyun!” Jihyun hissed, but his grip on her only tightened much more, which is already far impossible. “Apologize.” 
“I didn’t even do anything!” She was close to whining, but she didn’t. Baekhyun wanted to stop, he doesn’t want to hurt his own sister. But then again, it was for her. “Saying sorry is as easy as making you cry, just do it already.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m freaking sorry!” She yelped, her voice echoing throughout the hall. The yell just made the person run away instead of smiling because of the apology, in which Jihyun was glad since she was very close to crying. 
Baekhyun’s grip loosened. The marks were evident on her skin and she didn’t like it. The sight of it made Baekhyun guilty but he still did the right thing. “ you,” she said, her eyes glaring at her brother. “ you, Baekhyun.” She said once more. “Why are you such a jerk?”
Baekhyun just let out a bitter smile, “It’s just for your own good, Hyun. Maybe mine as well.” Of course, he wasn’t happy that she cursed right in front of him, and the fact that he was the reason for making her curse right in front of his face. Although, he was half hoping that she wasn’t influenced by his cursing as well since he also curses a lot, most especially in front of their parents.
Jihyun wanted to understand that what he was doing was for her own sake, but she just couldn’t. She sighed heavily, “I know, you’ve said that countless times. Same with grandmother.” A frown replaced her frustrated emotion, Baekhyun couldn’t help but frown as well.
He gently rubbed her back, “Don’t be like that, you know I love you, Hyun.” He said, then suddenly, both of them smiled. She loves his brother for being such a smart-, but she prefers him to be the bubbly brother he shows off usually (when she isn’t there).
Other than having Jihyun quite of a snob, she’s rather sensitive and fragile on the inside. She might show off an insensitive attitude on the outside, but she actually cares. She cries easily, she just doesn’t show it. She knows she isn’t perfect, although many people find her perfect; lots envy her and lots even admire her. “No one is perfect, Hyun. No one will ever be. Flaws are what make people perfect, keep that in mind.” She remembered Baekhyun say that to her when she was thirteen.
Her heart may be as cold, but just like an ice, it is quite easy to melt.
Author’s Notes:
Hello! So, I have no subscribers, which is sad. But anyhow, I wanted to post up the prologue. So here it is, I hope that even if you are a silent reader, you’ll still enjoy it. 
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Chapter 1: Loving this story~ I'll subscribe~~~ <3
Keep writing xx