

"Yes, master." the doll replied as he walked towards his master who was sitting on a single purple cushioned chair in the middle of the hall.

"How is your pretty friend doing?" his master asked. His arms calling his doll to sit on his lap. He enjoyed mornings like this. Mornings with his doll wrapped around him. Smelling like lavenders and daisies. 

"He's been a little tired. Too tired to even play with me." the doll pouted as he sat on his master's lap. His master instictively started to caress his doll's locks. His doll seems to have learned how to brush his own hair these days. He always made an effort to do so to impress his master. Minho found it endearing when his doll worked hard to impress him.

"I don't think I'd like it very much if you played with your pretty friend." Minho said in low tone, still cheery enough not to scare his doll. He wouldn't like it his doll was frightened of him. Taemin should be the only one that would never fear him. Taemin should only love him-forever.

"Why not master?" the doll turned his head and looked at his master. Biting his lips as his eyes were filled with innocence. Minho found it tempting but he would never defile his doll. He would only go as far kissing and hugging his masterpiece. Doing more would only take the doll's best feature away-his chaste heart. His doll should never have impure naughty thoughts. 

"You're only suppose to play with me." Minho replied as he pecked his doll's lips lightly. His voice having a playful tone to it. Of course he would let his doll play with Kibum. How could he ever refuse the sweet doll in his arms? He would give his doll anything-absolutely anything.

"Can't I play dress up with Kibum? Please. I won't let him touch me." his doll made a promise. Minho knew that Kibum would not dare to touch his doll. Of course not-he knew how scared Kibum was to even speak to him. He has been to Kibum's room several times. Only a small whisper of thank you was heard by the boy. He knew that the boy was broken even before he was stolen Jinki.

"Then I'd have to buy dresses for Kibum don't I?" Minho said as he lightly kissed Taemin's cheek. It was so soft and addictive. Minho was tempted to graze the skin with his teeth.

"No-no. No dresses for him. Buy him boy clothes." Taemin said to his master. His hands resting in Minho's shoulders.

"You don't like your friend wearing dresses?" the master questioned.

"No, what if he looks prettier than me? You would like him more than you like me." Taemin pouted. Minho found it endearing that his doll had such thoughts.

"Ah sweetness, you should know that I would only ever love you."




Kibum woke up to the light rays that penetrated the clean windows. These past few days has been like heaven to him. Never in his life would he have imagined to sleep on such a soft bed. To have such a sweet friend visiting him everyday. He has never felt so rested before. He felt bad that his body was still not in its best shape that he could not fulfill to Taemin's request of wanting to play. He doesn't really know if he knows how to play but he hopes his friend would understand. In the past nineteen years of Kibum's life, he isn't sure if he remembers ever playing. Neither by himself or with other people. All he remembers is the little details of his dark past.

Every single day, Kibum felt like dying. He didn't have a reason to live.

But now, living for the doll didn't seem so bad. He'd like to live now. He'd like to live for Taemin. To be Taemin's friend until its time for him to go.


A few moments after he woke up, the door to his room was knocked. Kibum mumbled a faint yes that was barely audible and seconds later the door was opened to reveal Jinki.Looking neat and clean like he always is. His face was smiling like always and as always Kibum could never guess what could be in the man's head. 

"Good morning pretty boy." Jinki greeted him with a smile. Standing next to the bed as he placed a towel next to the nightstand. The towel smelled nice Kibum notices.

"M-morning." Kibum stuttered back. He was nervous being in the presence of Jinki. He was scared that Jinki might be angry with him. He did not fear Jinki. Jinki had always been gentle to him. Feeding him and repairing his body after Jonghyun was done playing with him. Jinki was always there to watch. Jonghyun was there to do things. 

"Would you like to take a bath? You've been in bed for almost four days." Jinki asked as he tried to make Kibum's pillow be more comfortable for him.

"I-yes." Kibum answered. He should take a bath. He remembers Taemin complaining to him playfully that he smelled like rotten tomatoes.

"Roses then? I know how good that would smell on you." Jinki smiled at him.

"Jinki-" Kibum called out softly.


"Aren't you angry with me?"

"Don't worry pretty boy, I could always get other toys." Jinki said with another smile,a smile only Kibum would understand what it meant. 

"You're going to hurt someone else?" the pretty boy said in distressing tone. 

"Just the pretty ones like you." Jinki replied.


"Why not?" the man questioned him. His tone playful. Like Kibum was accusing him of being unfaithful.

"I-it's bad."

"You fear I might like my new toy more than I like you?" Jinki said, his hand ruffling Kibum's black hair. His face displaying the warmest smile one could ever have. 


"Don't worry pretty boy, you'll always be my favourite."



It was almost midnight when Minho decided to go to bed. He was tired of spending the day making a new dress for his doll. Usually he'd invite his tailor to the mansion to make dresses for his sweetness but this dress was special. He wanted to give it as present to his sweetness. He knows how delighted his doll would be when he sees the new fluffy dress. It was blue with pink ribbons. Just like the one Taemin drew him the other day. Asking for such a dress because he wanted to wear it when they go out to pick flowers. 

Minho walked up the long stairs and to their room. Their-it was just a few days ago when Minho requested for Taemin to share a bed with him. His poor heart wanted more of his doll. He craved to have the boy in his arms at night. It felt like sleeping on the white clouds under the moon when Taemin is sleeping next to him. To hear the doll softly breathing at night made his heart feel so calm and as though he is being swayed by the soft cold wind.

"Sweetness-" Minho whispered the doll's petname as he entered their bedroom. It was loud enough for the doll to hear if he was awake, soft enough not to wake the doll up if he was asleep.

The room was darker than usual Minho notices. It was odd. His doll always slept with a candle by the nightstand. His doll feared the dark. Usually Minho would blow out the candle before he joins his sweetness in bed.

Minho walked closer to bed. 

His doll was not there.





Author's note: i am really really sorry i haven't updated this for almost a month. i hope you guys aren't mad with me. and i just realised how ed up and weird this story is. I shall be eternally grateful to all of you that has put up with this piece.  this fic would probably end in the next two or three chapter. p/s: please comment and comment and comment.

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Dollmaker-chap 8 would be the last chap where things are as dark


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Chapter 2: What the i love this
Chapter 1: I'm already loving this
Su_Elfiie #5
Chapter 12: I was kind of scared that this would be a creepy/horror story, seing as it involved a doll and creepy people. However I did not expect this, the ending is so cute and fluffy, I can't !!
Chapter 12: Cute cute cute
I really like your chapter stories
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
kimmihyuns #9
Chapter 12: this story was so cute!! it reminded me of Marie the Doll but with a sweeter ending
Chapter 12: I like how story is~ its cute simple but lovely