

"Sweetness, raise up your arms for me."

"Like this master?"

"Yes, sweetness." Minho cooed at the doll in the tub. He was helping the boy cleaning himself up after a day of playing out in the gardens. His doll looked so happy picking the colourful flowers that were planted outside by the gardener.

Of course playing outside meant that the doll's skin would be covered in dirty dust. Minho could not have it-his doll needed to be sparkly. And so he asked Jinki to prepare the bath for the boy. A warm bath-he couldn't let his baby boy be cold.

With a soaked with soap sponge, Minho carefully washed off all the dirt from the boy's skin. Gently though-he wouldn't want the sponge to feel rough against the boy's skin and cause it to redden. His doll had the softest skin he has ever touched.

"It tickles when you rub the sponge there master." Taemin giggled when Minho rubbed the pink sponge under one of his armpits. The doll's body was petite enough to fit his entire body in the marble tub. Strawberry scented bubbles covered the boy's entire body.

"We wouldn't want our Taemin to be all dirty do we?" Minho teased the boy as he placed a small kiss on the crook of the boy's neck.

"Aren't you taking a bath too master? You played with me outside as well." the boy asked. Playing with the foams in the tub with his slender fingers. His master always took such care of him.

"The tub cannot fit the both of us sweetness." Minho replied back. Soaking the sponge in the water. Taking the scent of strawberries that fill the bath chamber.

"My feet feels cold master." Taemin squirmed in the tub.

"I think you've had enough of cleaning . Now stand up and let me dry you up." Minho said to the boy before he walked to the towel rack and took out a white towel. His doll was already standing up,waiting for him with that pretty face of his. Minho then undrained the tub before proceeding to wipe off the droplets of water that clung onto the boy's skin. Drying off every inch of the boy's skin before wrapping the boy with the towel. He then took a smaller piece of towel to dry off the boy's blonde locks.

"Now, go to your room and get dressed." Minho said before dumping the small towel into the basket at the corner.

"Which dress should I put on master? All of them are so pretty." Taemin asked as he played with the edge of his towel.

"The blue one with the white ribbons." Minho took a second before answering. The blue one would look so good against the boy's white skin.

"Yes master."



It was half an hour later when the doll was called down for dinner with Minho. The faithful servant was already serving out the food.

"Jinki, do you think we should open up a bottle of wine today?" Minho asked the butler as Taemin entered the dining hall in his pretty blue dress. He has gotten better with dressing himself up. He can even tie up his hair in a pretty ponytail. He wanted to  be able to do things that would make his master proud of him.

"As you wish Master Choi." Jinki said before making his way back into the wine cellar.

And then, the bell to the door suddenly rang. A large echo of the sound slightly shocking the doll and his master.



" I missed you dear cousin." the man dressed in a expensive looking tuxedo hugged the master of the mansion. Taemin was peeking from the back of the wall to see who it was. The mansion never had any guests before expect for the dressmaker that frequently came by to make new pretty dresses for him.

"Why are you here?" Minho asked in a low tone. His feet digging into the marble floor.

"Visiting you of course." the man smiled at him as he let his own servants take in his luggage into the mansion.

"Leave Kai." Minho ordered the man. His voice as sharp as a knife.

"I don't think my lovely aunt would like it so much." Kai said back before his servants went back to the carriage. He didn't need any servants to stay here. Having more than one person to stay was already enough to drive Minho mad. His cousin has never really been a people person. Maybe that is why no lady has come to be his bride.

"Did mother sent you here?" Minho asked in a harsher tone. Taemin has never seen his master so mad. It terrified him a little.

"Now now, who is that hiding behind that wall?" Kai entered the hall. Suddenly spotting the peeking eyes. It made him curious for Minho rarely lets anyone step foot in his mansion. Kai envied the boy sometimes, for inheriting such a majestic mansion from their grandfather. Minho had always been the favourite one but Kai couldn't really complain. He inherited quite a fortune himself.

"Taemin, go to your room." Minho ordered the boy. Taemin instantly obeyed and ran up the stairs. But of course-of course his bloody cousin saw the boy.

"You are keeping a girl here? You are much more naughty than I thought you'd be cousin." Kai smirked at him.

"Leave." Minho said again. Kai always like to steal away his toy. He wouldn't allow the same thing to happen again. Taemin was his and his only.

"I'm afraid I can't. My lovely aunt wanted me to stay here for a few days to keep you company and you know no one can disobey your mother."



It was almost midnight Kibum supposes when Jinki entered the room he was kept in to bring in food for him. Over the past few days, the man has said nothing to him. It annoyed him slightly not knowing what was going on the man's mind.

"Why aren't you killing me yet?" Kibum asked the man when he was feeding the boy hot soup. It was one the best things Kibum has ever had the pleasure of consuming. Despite not wanting to kill the boy yet, he still had the boy in chains, only the chains he used this time weren't so spiky like the sharp metal coils he used at first. The new chains were rounder and allowed small movements. He didn't want to hurt the feline without knowing what he wanted to do just yet with someone who does want to die.

"Yes, Jinki. Why are you keeping such a pretty thing alive for such a long time?" Kibum suddenly heard an unfamilliar voice. A man with silvery hair suddenly jumped in from the locked windows. How was he even able to open them was something Kibum could not understand.

"My dear Jonghyun, he is different." Jinki says back in that sweet tone of his. Putting the spoon in the bowl of tomato soup again. Jonghyun is one of his dearest companions that simply shared the same desires as him. Desires that no common man would ever comprehend.

"Different?" the intruder asks.

"He wants his fate."

"Dearest Jinki, that is indeed different. Why do you want to die pretty boy?" Jonghyun asks as he kneels to look properly at the captured boy.

"I've been thinking." Jinki suddenly said before kneeling next to Jonghyun. Both of them were staring at him with such piercing eyes, he suddenly didn't know where to look.

"Thinking Jinki? Tell me."

"For someone who wants to die, we should give him a taste of life, shouldn't we?" Jinki suggested with a smile on his face.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are, my Jinki?" Jonghyun said back in tone as sweet as the one Jinki used.

"Yes, I can never do it alone can I? My heart is too small." Jinki confesses.

"Pretty boy, we are going to love you. So so much." Jonghyun says to him.

"So much so that you'd want to live because of us."

"And then, we'll kill you."






Author's notes: ok so-yeah. this is chapter 4. i'm going to go and sleep now. p/s: i hope to see comments from all of you when I wake up.

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Dollmaker-chap 8 would be the last chap where things are as dark


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Chapter 2: What the i love this
Chapter 1: I'm already loving this
Su_Elfiie #5
Chapter 12: I was kind of scared that this would be a creepy/horror story, seing as it involved a doll and creepy people. However I did not expect this, the ending is so cute and fluffy, I can't !!
Chapter 12: Cute cute cute
I really like your chapter stories
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
kimmihyuns #9
Chapter 12: this story was so cute!! it reminded me of Marie the Doll but with a sweeter ending
Chapter 12: I like how story is~ its cute simple but lovely