

It was sometime in early spring when Minho decided to give his pretty little doll a gift. Not that the doll is not spoiled by his master like any other day, its just that this time the man had the sudden urge to reward his doll with something more than dresses and colouring tools.

After all, its been a while since he stepped into his workshop to make another doll. Of course nothing like one that particular breathes of course. Just a small doll Taemin could play with. Minho couldn’t help but smile when he thought about how precious the sight of his Taemin playing a little doll would be like.


For two days he kept himself busy inside his workshop. Only seeing his precious at night when he goes to bed. He knows his doll is probably worried that his master is not spending time with him but Taemin is too scared to ask and Minho just wants to surprise the fragile boy.

It’s a lucky thing that the Kibum boy is living with him, keeping his doll entertain during the day. Of course Minho couldn’t comprehend how he gave in to Taemin to allow the boy to live with him when he absolutely hates a stranger living in his mansion but he supposes that’s the effect Taemin simply has on him. He can never refuse the boy and he does not know whether that is a good or a bad thing.


It was about nine at night when Minho finally finished making the doll. The tips of his fingers were stained with permanent paint he used to colour the toy’s features. It was nothing as beautiful as his Taemin of course. Just nice enough for him to give it as a present. The doll was about 10 inches in height and was entirely made out of porcelain. It had curly blonde hair and a blue dress. Greens eyes and pink cheeks.

Minho carefully placed the doll in a small box before tying it up with a big pink bow and carried it up to their room. He assumes his doll is still awake given that his bedtime is usually around ten. Sometimes he tries to stay up while waiting for Minho to finish his reading by his side but his attempts usually falter when his head falls on Minho’s chest. It was too warm for him to keep his eyes open.


Minho knocked once on the door before he entered and he can see his doll trying to tie the ribbon on his night gown.

“Can you please help me Master? I can’t seem to-“ Taemin lips pouted as his fingers somehow got knotted in the bow he tried to make. Minho put the gift box on the bed as he walked towards the dresser and helped his precious boy.

“Thank you Master.” The boy smiled at him before his eyes saw the gift on the bed. He was so sure it was for him but he didn’t ask. Instead he proceeded to climb on his side of the bed and sat. Waiting for his master to say something. Minho had not been with him for almost two days and it made his heart break a little if he really had one.

“That’s for you.” Minho says to him before sitting on the bed too and passing the box to the boy. Taemin eyes sparkled when he started to untie to big bow and opened the box. He picked the doll up and stared at it.

“Is this a doll?” he asks. Smiling as he touched the end of the of the doll’s blond curls.

“Yes. I made it for you.” Minho said before pulling the boy to sit between his long legs. Hugging from the back as the boy’s hands kept busy touching every part of his toy. Taemin smelled so sweet. Just the way he likes it. Just the way he is addicted to it.

“Did you make it the same way you made me?” the boy curiously asked. His head turning around to look at his master. His eyes looking larger up close. His eyelashes fluttering. 

“On a smaller scale, yes. But I paid more attention when I made you.” Minho said as he smiled.  Taemin is his greatest masterpiece. He wouldn't try to make a doll better than Taemin. One, because it would be impossible.  And two, because he loves Taemin so much.

“Thank you Master.” The boy smiled before Minho pecked his lips. His lips were so soft that Minho kissed him once more. He couldn't wait to cuddle his Taemin to sleep tonight. His mood has been significantly improved knowing that he had made his doll happy.

“Now, go keep the doll in your playroom and come to bed.”



A few days later, while Minho was in studies reading up several documents his mother sent him to read through before taking any action, Kibum came by. Not that Minho had anything against Kibum. The boy was trustworthy enough that he let play with his Taemin. He just didn’t particularly like talking to anyone except Jinki and Taemin.

“I’m sorry.” The boy with feline-like eyes apologised, bowing his down a little.

“What do you want?” Minho’s word came out harsher than intended. He made a mental tone to try and be nicer to Taemin’s friend. He wouldn’t want the doll to be angry with him over such trivial reasons.

“Taemin is crying.” Kibum says softly because of course he would be scared giving such news to Minho. The man was strong enough to kill Jonghyun, who knows what else he could do. Kibum can see the Minho’s knuckles turn white as he clenched his fists.


“I don’t know. He’s been like that for almost an hour. I tried to mak-“

“Where is he?” Minho asks. Distressed at what ever could make his doll sad.

“In his playroom.”



Minho didn’t knock when he entered the playroom. His doll was sitting on the floor, his fist trying to wipe the tears streaming down his eyes. His body shaking a little when Minho knelt down and held his hands.

“What’s wrong sweetness?” he asks softly.

“ You’re gonna be mad if I tell.” The boy said, choking a little in between his sobs.

“I won’t be angry. Tell me.” Minho says as he caresses the boy’s left cheek. It felt wet and smooth.

“I broke the doll you made me. I didn’t mean to. I promise I really didn’t mean to. It fell when I was holding it. Oh- I know I shouldn’t be holding a brush while carrying it but you made me two hands and I-“ the fragile boy rambled and Minho didn’t know whether to smile because the boy so adorable or to feel sad because the boy was sad.

“Where is the doll?”

“I hid it under the shelves so you wouldn’t find it.” The boy admitted.

“If you didn’t want me to know, why are you crying so hard?”

“Because I felt sad. Master worked so hard making me the doll and I broke it.” The young boy replied. Minho let go of the boy and looked under the shelves. Pulling the parts from under the shelves. The porcelain doll was beyond repair. It had broken into too many little parts. It would be easier to make a new one than put this one back into one piece. Minho made a mental note to make a doll made of cloth the next time. His fragile boy did not have the ability to take care of fragile things himself yet. He would need to make a doll that wouldn’t break next time.

“How about I make you a new doll? Would you like that sweetness?” Minho asks as he gathers the little broken pieces to be thrown away.

“You can me a new one ?” the boy asked, his head trying to comprehend those words. His master can always make new dolls.

“I’m a dollmaker. That’s what I do.” The man smiled at him.

“I don’t want a new doll.” The boy replied in soft tone.

“Would you like something else then?”

“No. I don’t want anything.” He replied. Flinching away from Minho’s touch when the boy tried to hug him. Minho frowned when his doll acted like this. Never once has Taemin ever refused from his touch.

“What’s wrong?”

“You don’t love me.” The boy cried harder.

“Why would you think like that?

“When I get all broken up, you’ll just make a new doll.”

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Dollmaker-chap 8 would be the last chap where things are as dark


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Chapter 2: What the i love this
Chapter 1: I'm already loving this
Su_Elfiie #5
Chapter 12: I was kind of scared that this would be a creepy/horror story, seing as it involved a doll and creepy people. However I did not expect this, the ending is so cute and fluffy, I can't !!
Chapter 12: Cute cute cute
I really like your chapter stories
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
Chapter 12: This story was so sweet and cute. I was really enjoyed to read this. Thank u !
kimmihyuns #9
Chapter 12: this story was so cute!! it reminded me of Marie the Doll but with a sweeter ending
Chapter 12: I like how story is~ its cute simple but lovely