One Whole

You Don't Know True Love

True Love- PINK


Minah's POV.

It’s been a two weeks since I left our, his, apartment.

I had gone back last week to collect the rest of my stuff; making sure that I did so when he was off at work. Instead of just taking my things from the apartment, I ended up cleaning it and refilling the fridge. At least now he wouldn’t starve for a week.  

 I’m currently staying at Tia’s place until I find a small apartment of my own. Even though she insists that I’m not a bother I can’t just stay here forever.  

Grabbing a mug of hot chocolate from the kitchen I settled myself onto Tia’s living room couch. A beep comes from my phone and I didn’t have to check the ID to know that it was from Baekhyun.

Ever since the day I left he had been sending me text messages, calling me, and trying to reach me non-stop. With a sigh I open the message.

            From: Baek Babo

            Keep warm! It’s cold outside today.

I smile as I read his little message. Everyday he’d send me little messages like this one. Just asking about my day or just to tell me how he was doing. Never once did I reply.

Byun Baekhyun confuses me.

One moment I want to strangle him and the next moment I feel like I’m on cloud nine. We didn’t officially break up, but at this rate we’ll drift apart before having the need to do so.

Putting the phone down on the coffee table I turn my gaze to the floating marshmallows in my mug.


“Shoot,” I cursed to myself as I realized I had forgotten something at Baekhyun’s place.

My half of our couple’s mug.

At that moment Tia walks in from the front door with grocery bags.

            “What’s with the ‘shoot’?” she asks with a smile and I stand up to help her with a couple bags.

            “I realized that I forgot something at his place,” I told her as we started unpacking the groceries.

            “Hm, then why don’t you just go get it?” she suggests and I couldn’t answer. When we were done unpacking I lean back on kitchen counter top as Tia went to hang up her stuff in her room.

            What’s holding me back?

Did I really want it back?

            Do I need it?

Having that mug would just constantly remind me of Baekhyun. Maybe I shouldn’t get it after all.

            “That item must be really important to you. Since you’ve been thinking about it this whole time,” Tia comments as she walks out of her room towards the coat closet. I look at her and then at my phone.

            “Here,” Tia calls for my attention, and I look up to be faced with my jacket and car keys. She grins at me, urging me to take them. I glance once more at my phone and at that moment it beeps, the screen lights up with a message from:

            Baek Babo.


I’m not sure if it’s Tia’s silent persuasion skills, or my need to see Baekhyun’s face after two weeks of being apart, but I currently stood in front of his apartment.

I checked my watch. At this time he should be at work. Even though my heart sank, I was relieved that I wouldn’t be bumping into him. Unlocking the door, I turn the knob slowly, not knowing what to expect. But as I had predicted, all of the lights were off and silence echoed through the apartment. I took my shoes off and decided to keep my jacket on since I would be leaving in an instant. Turning towards the kitchen, I wanted to grab the mug and go. However a small gasp leaves my lips as my heart beat quickens.

            “Hey,” Baekhyun greets me awkwardly as he scratches his nape.

            What was he doing here?

            No, we weren’t supposed to bump into each other.

            “Why aren’t you at work?” are the words that leave my mouth first, and I notice that he stiffens from my cold voice. At that moment I couldn’t do anything else but stare at him, his figure, his face, his hair, his lips…he seems to have lost weight since the last time I saw him.

            “I didn’t have work today,” he replies and my heart rate skyrockets from the sound of his voice.

The voice I’ve missed so much.

            “Oh,” was the only word I could speak without giving in and running into his arms. We lock our gazes for a moment until I broke it and shifted my point of view to the dinner table. He seems to notice the curiosity in my eyes.

            “Um…Tia told me you were on your way here so I tried to put something together,” he motioned to the dining room table, where two cup noodles and our couple mugs sat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have anything else, and I can’t cook anyways. I had to call Kyungsoo on how to boil water for them.”

            Baekhyun chuckles and gives me his dorky smile, “Will you stay?”

I mentally curse Tia for being so sly, but my heart melts from this question and for a second I had to contemplate the meaning behind his words.

            Did he want me to stay for the food?

            Or did he want me to STAY, stay…

Either one I would still answer yes.

We both sat at the dining room table, eating our cup noodles silently. Baekhyun glances at me and pauses to make a conversation.

            “S-So, how are the noodles?” he stutters and I find it adorable.

I take another bite before I answer him, “Soggy.”

He sighs with a sulk, “Sorry…”

            I chuckle, “Soggy, but decent.” His face brightens at my laugh, and the tense atmosphere slowly disappears.

            “I’m really sorry,” he apologizes again.

            “Baek, you don’t need to keep apologizing. The noodles are still—“ I start but got cut off as Baek continues.

            “No. Not just for the noodles,” he takes a deep breath, “For what I said…for hurting you, for being immature, and for being an . I’m really sorry.” I chew, swallow, and then place my chopsticks onto the table. He keeps his head down, and I could feel the guilt in his heart.

            “Ya know, I’ve heard the word sorry come out of your mouth more times in this short time span than the 6 years we’ve been together. I’m usually the one that says it,” I raise an eyebrow teasingly.

            “Ah, sorry…I’m such a jerk…” Baek slumps into his chair.

            “Stop it.”

            He stares at me a bit surprised. I heave a sigh and look at him.

            “Stop apologizing…I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that,” I grimaced at the thought of that day.

            “We were both at fault…” we both said at the same time, and chuckle at the jinx. I fix my gaze onto the floating veggies in my cup noodle.

            “Minah,” Baekhyun calls my name and I look up.

            “Hm?” I continue eating my noodles.

            “Come back to me?” he pleads.

My heart stops.

I bite my lower lip, “You know…sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say.”

            “I know.”

            “Sometimes I want to slap you.”

            “I know.”

            “You always push my buttons.”

            “I know.”

            “You’re an .”

            “I know.”

            “And sometimes I hate you…”

            “I know.”

            “You broke my heart…” I whisper and his eyes gloss over.

            “I know…” he admitted, his voice a soft whisper.

            “But life would without you. I want your hugs, I want your kisses, I want to wrap my arms around you and cuddle. You’re the only love I’ve ever known, and I hate you, I really hate you. For making me feel so many things at once. You’re asking me to come back to you Baek…but I never really left,” I pour out my feelings to him as tears stream down my face.

            “We’re such opposites, and we always argue, but you’re the only one that could break my heart like this Byun Baekhyun…” I sob and Baekhyun gets up from his chair, walks to my side and turns my body to face him.

Wiping my tears away he places a kiss on the crown of my head, “It’s okay, we may be opposites, but we have one thing in common,” Baekhyun laughs.

            “And what’s that?” I mumble.

            “That we love each other,” he smiles before leaning in to kiss me. Immediately all of the hesitation and pain that resided in my heart disappears, and is replaced with my endless love for him. 

            I suddenly realize that THIS is love.

            To be able to go through arguments, fights, a potential break up, and still stand strong…

            To be able to forgive, comprise, and make up.

            This is love

            And I think this must be true love

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Chapter 3: Gorgeous story!
*Fangirling forever*