One Half

You Don't Know True Love

You Don't Know Love- Kwill


First two chapters are in past tense, and the last one is present tense.

Minah's POV.


  “BYUN—“ I started.

“Hey, Minah’s calling you,” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun. He ignored the warning as Baekhyun continued to versus Chanyeol on the PS3.

“BAEK—“ I continued as I stomped through the apartment.

“Yah! She sounds really angry…” Chanyeol began to fidget in his seat and shot a glance at his best friend who didn’t seem to care.

“Hm,” was all Baekhyun replied.

 “—HYUN!” I screamed. Marching my way into the living room I stood in front of the TV, blocking his view.

“YAH! You’re blocking the screen!” Baekhyun whined as he tried to look around me. Every time he moved I would move along with him. At this point Chanyeol had dropped the controller and scooted back a fair amount. There was fear written all over his face but the source of my anger didn’t seem to notice anything.

            After about a minute of trying to dodge me, Baekhyun sighed and placed his controller down into his lap.

            “What now?” he asked with a bored expression. My right eye twitched in irritation.

            “ ’What now?’ Well, you, tell me Baekhyun. Where’s my eyeliner?” I glared at him, waiting for his answer

            “You interrupted my gaming session with Chanyeol just to ask me that?” Baekhyun scoffed incredulously. I didn’t reply, but kept my stern gaze on him.

            “I don’t know? Why would I know?” Baek shrugged and crawled onto the couch, lying down with a yawn. That’s it. I blew a raspberry, but took a deep breath to calm myself.

            “Don’t lie Baek, you know I don’t like liars,” I warned, giving Baekhyun a chance to tell me the truth.

            “I’m not. What are you tal---,” he retorted but suddenly went silent when I held my empty eyeliner pen out in front of him.

            “Hey look you found it!” he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him.

            He’s not going to give in. I rubbed my temples in frustration, “Tell me…why was my eyeliner pen in your brief case? EMPTY.” I saw the momentary panic in his eyes as he quickly glanced at Chanyeol for help.

            “Uh, maybe you put it there?” he shrugged while giving me a smile.

            “Your aegyo isn’t going to work on me this time Bacon,” I tapped my foot and switched my interrogation method. Slowly approaching Chanyeol I held up my pen.

            “Yeol…I’m pretty sure you know what happened to my eyeliner, yes?” crossing my arms I kept my eyes on him. He started fidgeting with his fingers, eyes darting back and forth between me and Baekhyun. Feeling that he was on the verge of confessing I cleared my throat loudly. Chanyeol jolted from surprise and broke away from his mental conversation with Baekhyun.

            “Umm…I—uhhh…” he stuttered.

            “Park. Chan.Yeol,” things were serious when I used full names. From behind me, I was pretty sure Baekhyun was sending Chanyeol a ‘keep-your-mouth-shut’ look, because for a second he seemed to be contemplating who was scarier. Baekhyun, or me.

            Chanyeol finally broke and his words came out in a jumble, “BAEKHYUN THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY TO DRAW ON THE MEMBER’S FACES WHEN THEY WERE SLEEPING SO HE STOLE YOUR EYELINER TO DRAW ON THEM BECAUSE WE DIDN’T HAVE SHARPIES.” He took a deep breath after his confession, and wiped the sweat on his forehead away. With the weight finally off his shoulders Chanyeol smiled, but froze when I gave him a huge grin.

            “Why thank you Yeol,” I patted his shoulder and turned towards my boyfriend.

            “He’s a liar! Don’t believe him!” Baekhyun shook his hands and head in denial.

            “Don’t you dare call your friend a liar Baek. Why didn’t you just ask me if you could borrow it? And why aren’t you dressed? Did you forget?” I asked him. Baekhyun pouted.

            “Why do I need to dress up? What did I forget? And I thought we decided everything in our apartment is communal?” he muttered excuses.

            Of course he would forget.

            I sighed, “Yes, but at least ask me before you use it? It’s called MANNERS, if you didn’t know. I can’t believe you forgot about tonight!”

            His jaw clenched as my first comment ticked him off, “I know what manners are! Why are you so angry anyways? I’ll just buy you a new one! What did I forget?! If you don’t tell me how could I remember! ”

I let out an exasperated breath.

“THIS!” I waved the eyeliner in his face, “is a limited edition eyeliner Tia bought me in New York! I wanted to use this for a special occasion! LIKE TODAY, and what I want from you isn’t new eyeliner Baek, it’s an apology!”

“WHAT IS TODAY?! Why do I need to apologize?! I told you I’ll just get you a new one!” He spat and turned his back on me. At this point, my body was fuming, and I wanted to strangle him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

“Byun Baekhyun! Don’t you dare turn your back on me when we’re talking!” I roared. He slapped my hand away and I gasped in shock.

“Don’t grab me like that!” Baekhyun sneered. Chanyeol stood up and approached us cautiously.

“H-Hey, l-let’s calm d-down shall we?” he suggested.

“STAY OUT OF THIS YEOL!” we both exclaimed. Chanyeol flinched and backed off like a wounded puppy.

“Baekhyun, why don’t you ever consider me once in a while? Why am I always the one apologizing?! You keep leaving the toilet seat up, and you keep throwing your clothes all over OUR room! At least clean up after yourself!” I complained. Baekhyun was sloppy before we moved in together, but I had thought that he would be more considerate after we started living together.

“It’s the way I live, and it’s not my fault you keep apologizing! And I have been VERY considerate! I do the laundry when you’re busy. I put up with your loud music when you’re practicing in the studio room! I get to work late because I have to drop YOU off at work first when you're too lazy to drive! Don’t tell me I haven’t been considerate of you!” Baekhyun slammed his hand on the coffee table.

I winced at the noise, “I’m grateful! I’m REALLY grateful Baek and I’m sorry for all the inconveniences, but you need to keep in mind…who pays for the bills? Who has to cook after a long day of work, because her boyfriend couldn’t even make himself cup noodles? Who has to put up with her boyfriend’s tendency to forget anniversaries and birthdays? Me.  Me, Baek. Sometimes you need to be the bigger person and learn to do things yourself, like a mature adult.”

That’s when Baekhyun lost it.

“BIGGER PERSON?! MATURE ADULT?! Who was the one who found us a place to stay when YOU decided WE should move in together? I gave into your request, but HONESTLY, I didn’t think we were ready, and I was right. We aren’t ready…if you can’t deal with the way I am then I think we should go back to living separately.” he admitted, angrily raking a hand through his hair.

My heart broke, from his words.

If he thought so, then why didn’t he tell me sooner? Why did he wait a couple months to tell me this?

I hated arguing with Baekhyun, I really do, but it seemed to happen very often. However, every time we argued, I would be the one to be the bigger person and apologize. Even when he was at fault.

Not this time.                         

We were opposites; in character, in taste, in living style. When I fell for him, I knew the road ahead of this relationship wasn’t going to be easy…but I didn’t think it would be this difficult.

Is this as far as our love goes?

Love isn’t supposed to be selfish…

Tears started to form on the rim of my eyes but I held them back.

“A-Are you serious?” my voice, that was so strong earlier, came out as a whisper. I took his silence as a yes. Feeling broken and upset I walked into our room, and grabbed my car keys with my coat. Pulling out my duffle bag and backpack from the closet, I did my best to stuff all of my things.  Putting on the coat, I walked towards the door and slipped on my shoes without a word or glance to Baekhyun.

“Where are you going?” he asked, voice stern. I stood up straight and adjusted the straps of my bags. Unlocking the door I stepped outside.

“Hey! I asked you, where are you going?” Baekhyun asked again, this time with a bit of fear in his voice.

I clenched my fingers around my car keys. I turned my back on him, like he had done to me.

“Tell Kai and Tia I can’t make it to the dinner today,” was all I said to him as I left the apartment.

 Locking the door behind me, I walked away with a heavy heart.   


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Chapter 3: Gorgeous story!
*Fangirling forever*