~Chapter 2~

The Aftermath


I had my duffel bag carried by Himchan and he was standing next to me. It was now time to leave the dorm, at last! I wasn't really enjoying the stay here so far with Zelo ignoring me and then there's Youngjae oppa who's almost ignoring me as well. He even asked Himchan to drive me back to my apartment instead of he himself.


"Take care." Youngjae oppa says casually as he places a soft kiss on my forehead.


I nod my head. "Oppa, are you mad at me?" I managed to ask.


"No. I'm not."


"Then why are you acting like this to me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.


He shrugs his shoulders and then looks at Himchan. "Send me a text once you arrive at her apartment." Himchan only nods and then grabs me by the wrist. He's definitely mad at me that am how he acts when he's mad. Could it be, he knows it already?



The next day, I still didn’t go to school but instead I stayed at my cozy apartment alone since Jeyoon, my best friend went to school. I just spent my day lying on bed while listening to music.


While I was listening to music, my mind came across into texting my brother. It still can't get out mf my mind on how he treats me and it was definitely true that he's mad at me. I was just so insensitive to realize earlier that he's mad at me. But the big question was, why was he mad? I don't remember doing anything bad except for 'that' but as if he know right?


To: Youngjae oppa

From: Hyojae pretty


Oppa! I miss you!!!


After a few minutes he replied. If he isn't mad, he would be able to reply not even a second after I texted him.


To: Hyojae pretty

From: Youngjae oppa


Miss you too. I'm busy. We're on a practice because our concert is nearing.


If he isn't mad, this is supposed to be his reply:


I miss you too dongsaeng! How was school? You know, it's really tiring to practice. I wish you were here with me. Our concert is nearing. I'll send you a ticket soon but for now, study first. Remember, books first before boys. Take care always. Bye! Oppa loves you <3


(the usual reply of a not mad Youngjae oppa above)


~Youngjae's POV~


I sat inside the van silently. Daehyun was sitting next to me and it was a good thing that he wasn't bothering me because he was too preoccupied in playing Candy Crush with his phone. I wasn't in the mood to talk.


We were all back from the practice for our concert. We'll be having a world tour again and that's means I would be away for a few months from my sister Hyojae. Speaking of Hyojae I felt guilty in treating her that way. 


The ride wasn't that long and before I knew it, we were back inside the dorm.


"I'm so tired." Himchan says as he dropped himself on the couch.


"I want to sleep." Zelo yawns and upon hearing his voice, my blood boiled. I don't know what spirit had went inside me that I find myself whooshed Zelo a punch right in the jaw.


Everyone was shocked at my action and so I am. Zelo fell flat on the floor with a disbelief expression.


"Hyung, what was that for?" He half-yelled at me.


Leader Bang helps the maknae stands up while Daehyun held me by the shoulders.


"Are you nuts?" Yongguk asked me angrily.


"NO!" I shouted. "I'm so sick of that damn maknae!" I pointed at him.


"Come on Jae, you're just tired." Daehyun coaxed.


"I'm so sick of your damn lies maknae!" I shouted once again. By this time, I can't control my anger anymore. I need to let all this anger seething inside me.


"Hyung! I don’t know what you're saying!" Zelo shouted back.


I let out a scoff. "I know everything now. You lied to all of your hyungs, Zelo. That blood on your bed sheet, it was Hyojae's."


"Huh?" All of them chorused, confused.


"Something happened to Zelo and my sister." I said through gritted teeth. Yes, I knew it all along on that exact same day we went to the hospital. When Hyojae asked me permission that she'll go to the hospital canteen to buy some drinks while I was talking to the doctor, I asked the doctor the truth since I can sense that she was lying. It wasn't that hard to convince the doctor, all I needed to do is to get out some cash from my wallet.


I wasn't mad at her, just disappointed. I was mad at what she did and so as to Zelo. All my life, I protected my sister and it hurts that the person whom who hurt her was one of my trusted friends.


Zelo had hung his head low while the other had their mouth hung agape.


"Maknae, tell me it's not true." Yongguk shook him by the shoulders.


Zelo nodded his head slowly. " I know I was wrong. I'm sorry."


I landed another punch on his face that made him fell on the floor again.


"Stop it Youngjae!" Yongguk tried to pull me to stop me from showering the maknae's face with punches.


"How dare you Zelo?! You made my sister like a pig! She's not a toy you imbecile!" Zelo just remained silent. I didn't want to hurt him but this is for my sister. You know, I would just let this go away because I knew for the fact Hyojae was aware on what had happened to them that night but the fact when I saw Zelo ignoring her that made me mad. He just really proved that he had used my sister and after he was satisfied, he just threw her away like a trash.


"I'm sorry!" Zelo shouted and suddenly gave me a quick hard punch right in the eye that made me fall on the floor.


Zelo had tears forming at the rim of her eyes. "Hyung, I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong and believe it or not, I really regret it." His voice was breaking.


"Sorry? Can it take back what you took from my sister? No. You don't even love her to make love with her in the first place anyways."


"You're wrong hyung." He croaked. "I love her."


I let out a scoff once again. "I love her? More like I lust her."


"Believe on whatever you want to believe hyung." He said and lowered his head again.


I turned my back at all of them and walked a few steps and then stopped midway. "You know, I was just waiting for you to be a man and be the one to tell me everything." I finished.


~Zelo's POV~


As soon as Youngjae hyung left, everyone had all of their gazes fixed at me. I stood up slowly.


"Was that really true?" Himchan hyung asked.


I nod my head slowly.


"I'm so disappointed in you." Yongguk hyung mumbled as he walks away as well then Himchan hyung followed him.


"I better go and see Youngjae." Daehyun hyung said as he walks away.


"Need someone to talk to?" Jongup hyung asked.


"I'll be fine alone." I smiled at him and then he nods his head and walks away.


As soon as everyone left, I sprinted to where the couch was and then I sat there.


Everything that happened today was so unexpected. I never knew Youngjae hyung would find about it sooner. Now, what should I do? Everyone's disappointed at me and Youngjae hyung is mad at me.


It was true that I said I love Hyojae, ever since the first time I laid my eyes on her. I was always happy when she's here in our dorm because I get a chance to see her though we won't be able to talk that much. Just a glimpse of her makes my day complete.


That night, I admit I was so out of control with myself. Damn my uncontrolled raging hormones! I ignored her because I felt guilty every time I see her that she can't walk and it's all my fault. My reason's so childish isn't it? I could've just take care of her instead of ignoring her.



I lay in my bed with an arm over my forehead. I just stared at the ceiling blankly.


A knock was heard snapping me out of my trance and then Youngjae hyung comes in. He sits on the side of my bed while I sat up with my back resting the headboard.


"Hyung, I'm sorry." I mumbled.


"Don't say sorry to me." He shot back. "It doesn't mean that I'm talking to you I have already forgiven you."


"I know."


"I just came here to tell you that Hyojae should not find out whatever had happened today including this talk." He said and I nodded my head like a puppy. Youngjae hyung looks so scary right now. "I know if she finds out about this, she'll just take the blame and be guilty on everything and I don't like that."


"I understand hyung."


He nods his head and leaves my room slamming the door making a loud thud.


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already posted the edited last chapter :)


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Daelo13 #1
Chapter 3: OMG!! That was so awesome! BANGHIM lol I ship them so much!! I'm in love with ur story lol! Greatttttt jobbbb
Chapter 3: Aw I think I just teared up >.< *sniff-sniff*
by_leona #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha really good ending! xD
Chapter 3: Sweet Ending. I love her playing Zelo a bit, so sweet! Though I wish Yongjae had a line to say about it all :P

But really, great story and wonderful ending :) <33333333
Chapter 3: aww...what a sweet ending :) this is amazing
TOPpinG #6
Chapter 1: Great story! Looking forward to reading the rest :)
TOPpinG #7
Chapter 1: Why is zelo being like that? :( but when u think abt it, maybe he's trying his best to keep it a secret? Haha. Funny how I'm asking the author XD