
Chemistry Mess

It's december and it's already freezing. Snow was gently falling, covering the pavements with a white coating also making the road slippery. Kang Sangmin, being the klutz she is, avoided the snow as much as possible. She groaned as she grabbed her school bag on the couch and slowly made her way outside. She took a small step forward and was thankful that she didn't fall flat on her bum. She was on her way to school and she didn't slip at all.

"Wow. This is definitely a new record." she said to herself as she saw the school gates and headed inside. Sangmin was about to step on the snow covered stairs when someone ran past her, causing to her to gracelessly fall on her behind. She groaned as she got up and wiped the snow off of her and groaned as she went inside. She felt that her was wet and she doesn't know how to hide that disturbing spot.

" sweat at a time like this?" she turned around and saw her best friend, Kyungsoo, snickering at her misfortune. She just rolled her eyes as she grabbed her things from her locker and slammed it shut.

"Don't piss me off, Do. I have chemistry for 1st period and I do not want to see my lab partner." she said bitterly. Kyungsoo's lips formed into a smirk as he heard about her first period in the morning. He knew that she hated her lab partner with such heated passion, she can't help but blush at the sight of him.

"Are you sure? Last time I checked, you were squealing when he looked-" 

"You are never going to mention that. EVER." Sangmin said as she clasped her hand over her best friend's mouth. She doesn't want anyone to know that she has a mini crush on the school heart throb. That would ruin her repuation of "hating" him. The bell rang, signalling it was the start of first period and Sangmin dashed towards the chemistry laboratory, getting ready for the period. 

Sangmin sat down on her seat, expecting to see the heart throb but he wasn't there. She was a bit disappointed when he didn't show up for the first 10 minutes of the period. It meant that she was going to do the experiment on her own and this was titration. She needed all the help she could get. She was about to groan inwardly when the door opened, revealing the late student.

"Glad you could make it, Mr. Wu. Take your seat. We're about to start." The teacher said and he took his seat beside Sangmin. She was listing down all the procedures to the experiment, not taking notice of the student beside her.

"So, the cold shoulder today?" he asked making Sangmin look to her side and gasp. She was too busy writing to hear his entrance. 

"Shut up, Kris. Let's just get this over and done with." She said coldly and he just chuckled to himself.

"Grumpy as usual." he said and took out all the needed materials for the experiment. Sangmin wasn't that good with chemistry and she barely passes. 

Sangmin sighed and tied her hair into a messy bun and started following the instructions that the chemistry teacher has given her. She was placing the chemical in the beaker when Kris decided to play a trick on her. He had no idea that the chemical was highly corosive and he looked like he had no intention to find out. He snuck behind a concentrating Sangmin and poked her sides, her weakest point in her body, causing her to scream and spill the chemical on her lab gown then the gown started to discolor. 

"WHAT THE KRIS." She screamed as she threw the lab gown in the sink and quickly opened the sink, trying to save her already ruined lab gown. She wondered what she saw in this man that made her like him anyway. 

"You should've seen your face." He said and laughed out loud, making Sangmin even more pissed. She snapped her head towards his direction and shot him a cold glare. He stopped laughing and noticed that she was serious and mad.

"You wouldn't see my face if it spilled all over it!!!" she screamed at him and threw the wet lab gown at him then walked out of the classroom. She now wondered why won't people take her seriously? Kyungsoo said that she looked really innocent and that she was the type who you really wouldn't take seriously. She was sick of that and she cursed her looks as she trudged to the female restroom and washed up, not wanting people to see the tears in her eyes.

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Chapter 3: I'm only reading it now but this is so cute!!!^^ Really great story author-nim<3
Chapter 3: Nice fic.. :)