our suicide note

Our suicide note

So I did myself a favor.


So I grabbed the gun, rope, and the alcohol.


As I felt the burning sensation come through me with the alcohol, I thought to myself. Why did they call me names? Why did they want to hurt me? Why do they continue to bully me... Why doesn't my mom care about me? Why was my dad neverthere? That's when it hit me. I was nothing to this world. Not even 1% of this world would care, nor notice. But carry on with their lives, with a happy face until they have experienced it themselves. As I took my final breath I looked at my mirror and smiled. Everyone would better now, and drank my last drink.\



As I pulled the gun to my head, I began to think. Is it worth it anymore? The flashes of memories came to me. I had a happy childhood... Not the best, but I ended up happy at the end of the day. My mom gave me soft, gentle, and sweet kisses. My father would always give me a nice lecture about school, girls or boy's. But then came schol year. I was made fun of for what I wore, how I spoke, my race, and of course my love interest. Everything was a big deal... That's why I was here. That's why I have a gun to my head with my finger on the trigger. My mom will be happy, my dad will never notice... It will all be as if nothing happened. So I pulled it.



I grabbed the rope and put it on the highest thing I could find in the house. I grabbed the chair,and put the rope around my neck. Prayed to God with my last momennts, hoping he'll forgive me. My parents ignored me, my friends slowly turned against me... They first loved me and now they hate me... What the hell did I do? That's all I asked! Why did they turn against me and acted like I was invisible? It's bad enough that my parents wished I was never born, and my 'friends' were the only people I had left. I feel like there is nothing left for me... Not at all. Even my best friend, Hyorin, seemed to quit on me. She called me an emo in front of her boyfriend... Why? I wiped the tear from my face. I know what I have to do... What I need to do... So I moved the chair, only to say. "You were right."



You are all wrong. Every single one of you.


You think that no one will care, not one person will notice, but have you noticed? These three stories have something in common. These three stories talk about insecurities, fear, and most of all, being pushed away. You know what? Once you're gone, then that's it. Game over, no replays, no do-overs. That's just it.


You know what people will say? What they will do once you are gone? I can tell you.


Your parents or siblings will be the first to find out. Your mom will run into another room, crying her eyes out. She'll regret the last fight she was in with you. She'll regret that she didn't stop and say 'I love you', and give you a kiss on your forehead. All she knows is that her son/daughter is gone and they'll never forgive themselves. Your siblings will be begging you to wake up, holding on to you, and pulling on your father who is so scared to even look at you, begging him to help. Soon, they call the ambulance and you're father drags your siblings out and go into a different room to think where he went wrong. Why did this happen to us?

Later on, they are forced to go to the hospital, in the morgue. The doctor has to bring them in, and show them your pale face. It has no emotion, no movement. That's when he has to break the news to your parent's, in front of your siblings. Your mom will hide her face on your father's neck, crying and yelling 'Not my baby'! Your father will be hugging her, trying to calm her down. But inside, he's shattered. Then they have to go home. Your siblings move from the spot you usually sit in. Your mother looks out the window, in a terrible gaze.

Your father drives them home and goes into the kitchen. He begins to drink. He never drinks. But even if he did, he drinks more than usual. He cries as your mother packs everything. Soon enough, they fight. It gets bad. Your siblings watch in horror, not having a person to pull them away. But they blame each other...

Years passed and things never seemed so bad. The last person who bullied you wanted to kill themselves. Your school has dragged themselves down since you died years ago. Your old friends that left you behind always talked about you, regretting what they said. That girl that made fun of you because you were different starved herself every day and only envied you. Then there was your siblings.

They grew up to live a crappy, miserable life. Your father lost his job so your mom had to find a new one. They grew apart from your mom and dad. Never played with them, never told them how their day was. Only communicated at dinner to get food. They got bullied, and they cut. Your father beats them, and your mother ignores it. Your siblings never imagined this happening, but only missed you so much more. They went to your grave every day and talked to you. But they noticed something was different... Nothing was right anymore. So they followed after you. They figured that dad can't hurt them anymore, and those bullies will never hurt them again. So they grab the gun, rope, or the alcohol and just did it.

They kill themselves, and again, your parents are devastated. They lost their other baby girl/boy. It was just them now... So they go back home, and go to your room for the first time in years. There was still tape from the crime scene. Your mother picks up your gun, rope, and battle and glares at it.Wishing she could have been there to stop you, but it was too late to take anything back. Your father carefully takes it from your mother and tears up... He placed it back in its spot and walks out the room, with your mother following closely behind him. But your mother stops and looks behind her. She began to think of when you were a child. But closed the door, looking down... That night, your father takes his life. Then the next day, your mother.



You never realised how everything could have been until it was too late... Then after that, nothing will get better. But you are already too late to notcie... You already did it now. There will be consequences. So think before you do it. Think about your family, friends, your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Think about them and how they would feel.

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Vulpine96 #1
Chapter 2: Thank you. thank you.
GeumAhRa #2
Chapter 2: I'm .....*speechless*
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 1: i'm kinda depress right now.... :'(
Thanks for the motivation!
cupcakebearxx #4
Chapter 2: Can I ask you something? Is it okay to love the feeling of being sad?
Chapter 2: Thank you so much
Chapter 2: This is my second time reading this and i still found this interesting. I always read this when im depressed, you know? You're like my one thin rope of hope i kept on clinging onto. One thing everyone should know about depression; it eats you from the inside and left you with nothing. I've been through this since im fourteen and now im sixteen but nothing ever changed
Chapter 2: Thanks for the motivation, I just broke down crying my heart out
Chapter 2: I just randomly found this while looking for oneshots to read during study hall, and I nearly broke into tears... I think everyone needs to read this because it means just so much, especially to a person who's wanted to kill herself. This is just great. I'm sharing it to others ^^