Nurse Jjong!

Our Secret Love

Haiiz! Ish me Lily! Did you miss me? Well I missed your comments.. where have you gone! Dx Enjoy the update!
Last time
Suddenly, Jonghyun's feet crawled over to my side. He turned his head around and gave a sweet, soft kiss.

 Kim Jonghyun- My boyfriend.
_____'s POV

    After that awkward- yet comforting - conversation, we walked home together hand in hand. I'm currently in my condo contimplating on what to make for dinner. Today is dinner at my place, so I get to cook. I look in my cabinets and I see noodles waiting to be cooked. Heh, maybe I'll make pasta for dinner. Hmm I suddenly realized I recently bought chicken s and cream. Chicken alfredo is it is!

    I got out a strainer, a pot, and a saute pan also with the ingredients. I filled the pot with water then starting to let it boil. Then I moved onto the sauce; I splashed in some heavy cream in the saute pan and about two teaspoons of butter. I switched the fire to low medium and occasionally stirred the mixture. I noticed the water was done boiling so I threw in the pasta and spread it out to look like a fan. I let it gradually cook then moved back onto the saute pan. Three leaves of sage, a dash of salt and pepper and the sauce is starting to get it's texture. I added some cooked chicken I grilled a while ago and stirred again. The sauce started to get dry so I added just a bit of the water from the boiling pasta. Ahh, much better. The pasta was done cooking, so I strained it and dumped into the sauce. After mixing it I laid it out on two plates and decorated each plate with sage and parmesan cheese.

    I checked my watch, it was only 6:42 PM. I randomly let out a yawn and threw my arms in the air, stretching. I guess I'll go take a shower. I stumbled into my room, tiredly and chose some pajamas to undress in. Jonghyun and I usually come over in our PJs if we ever have late dinners. I random chose a set of clothing and stepped in my shower. Ahh the warmth. I washed myself as the hot water hit me. After scrubbing and shampooing I got out of the shower. The cold air made me shiver. I brushed my hair and put on my pajamas.

[ <-- the pink one]

    For some unknown reason, I had felt dizzy and ditzy. I ignored it though and continued to get ready for dinner with Jonghyun. I threw out the old rotting flowers from the vase and replaced it with daisies and lilies. Each second I started feeling dizzier.

    " Why am I dizzy? I'm perfectly healthy," I thought to myself. I heard the balcony door creek but it was too late.
3rd POV


    ______ fainted on the ground looking helpless and still. Jonghyun shortly arrived to find food and candles on the table and a pale girl collapsed on the ground. He gasped and quickly bent down to her.

    " _____-ah! Wake up! " Jonghyun panicked shaking the faint girl furiously.

    He checked her temperature and found that her forehead was burning high. Shocked and nervous, Jonghyun picked _____ up; bridal style; and carried her to her room. He gently laid her on her bed and lifted her covers on her. He quickly got a warm towel and set it down on ____'s forehead. Unknowingly, Jonghyun started strands of long brown hair away from her pale face. He stayed there, sitting beside ____, changing towels every few hours, and rechecking her temperature. The food got cold, but Jonghyun ate it anyways.

     After hours and hours, ____'s condition seemed to be getting worse rather than getting better. Jonghyun's expressed got worse as _____ got paler. Seeing this, Jonghyun decided to stay overnight.  He quickly ran back into his condo, changed into his sweats, and got his laptop, its charger, his phone, and his headphones. He crept into ____'s room, and found her vomiting in her bathroom. Jonghyun dropped everything on her bed, and immediately held back her hair.

    " Jonghyun? What are you doing here? " _____ croaked wearily.
    " I'm going to take care of you, I'm staying over tonight okay?" He reassured her while patting her back.
    Astonished, ____ replied, " Okay, don't sleep on the couch though. I wouldn't want to hurt your back and my bed's big enough for the two of us."

    Jonghyun just nodded, and got a pill and cup of water for ____. She took it and went back to sleep. Jonghyun laid against the wall on ____'s right side of the bed. He made sure _____ was completely asleep then gently giving her a kiss on her forehead. Jonghyun carefully shut off his laptop and laid beside _____. At midnight, _____'s head was on Jonghyun's chest and Jonghyun's arms were around _____.
Haii! Sorry for not updating, this chapter took me days to write! I hope you liked it! Comment and subscribe!
 -Lurve LeeLee <3

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />