Birthday Heartache

Our Secret Love

Haiiz~! Dramatic ending last chappie eh? Kekeke I hope you like this one as well!
Last time

    Heh, Jonghyun and _______ eh?
    I should have known.
Jessica's POV

    _____ and Jonghyun just swayed, dancing under the moonlight. I couldn't help but stare. I used to have a little thing for Jonghyun... but it was never serious. So why do I care? I must be delusional. Jonghyun is _____'s so I'll deal with it. I have Heechul don't I? He read my signs and became less of diva. It's all thanks to _____'s advice. This is the least I could do for her.

    After a minute the song ended, and they stopped dancing. The DJ announced that it was time for my speech and time to cut the cake. I rushed inside and made my way to where the cake was. Everyone entered and crowded the room. The DJ handed me a mike and smiled.

    " Annyeong! You guys liking the party!? " I yelled, pointing the mike at the huge crowd.
    " YEAH~!" They all replied.
    " Good. I'd like to thank you all for coming, thank my girls for being there for me, thank Choi _____ for just being plain awesome, Heechul Oppa for spoiling me, last but not least Mommy and Daddy for bringing into this world. Thank you so much! Saranghae! " I burst out, showing just how grateful I am.

    Wow, that took up a lot of breath. I got the knife and cut a slice of my pink, CUTE!, three tiered cake.


    I cut out two slices, placed them on a pink paper plate and handed it to my parents. Then I called the maids to do the rest. We started openning the presents. First off was my parent's gift to me ( even though this party overall is a gift to me ).

    " Are you ready to see your gift? " Mommy said grinning. Daddy was holding the box, slowly handing it over to me. I unwrapped the neatly wrapped gift... and guess what I saw! BARBIE!

    " Do you like it? " Mommy asked, everyone was snickering and comparing the doll to myself. We did have a few things in common, both blonde and divas!

    " Yes! Why a barbie doll though? " I asked, it seemed a bit off getting me a barbie doll that could of been given to a six year old.

    " It was Krystal's idea! " Daddy yelled putting up his hands. Everyone just laughed eating their cake.
    I gently brushed Barbie's hair and put her back in the box. I started unwrapping other gifts as well. Tiffany got me a Coach Purse, Onew got me a gift card and coupons to KFC, Heechul got me a diamond bracelet from Tiffany's, Yuri got me some lingiere... got some dirty looks from other boys for that. Last but least, I opened Jonghyuns mini silver gift bag and found four gift cards all twenty-five won from all my favorite stores! Wah, perfect gift.

    I stared adoringly at everyone, thanking them for the gifts. Then, in the corner of my eyes I saw something. ____ and Jonghyun feeding each other cake. Why does my heart ache at this?

End of chappie! Woot! Did ya like it? Pretty boring, right? :P Anyways, if you read the chapter and liked it write I AM LOVED~! in your comments, okie? Pretty random and silly indeed but whatever xP
- Lurve LeeLee^^

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />