Gawking Gossipers

Our Secret Love

Haiiz~! It's me Lily! I hope you like dee update!
Last time
"Why hello there.."
______'s POV

    "Why hello there," Jonghyun said with a giant grin on his face.

    I think he likes what he sees. I'm liking what I see too, I've never seen Jonghyun so dressed up. I grabbed my gold clutch which held my phone, 5000 won, sunglasses, and lipgloss. Oh! I almost forgot Jessica's birthday present! I quickly grabbed the nicely, wrapped, gold and red bowed present, and headed back towards Jonghyun. He swinged his arm and we interwined arms, Jonghyun led me out the building. All I saw was a shining black mercedes in front of me. Jonghyun opened the passenger door and I entered. Wow, leather interior. I clicked my seatbelt into the tab, and heard the engine roar. Jonghyun started accelerating and I held onto the present tight. I noticed we reached a red light, I got out my sunglasses and slid them on. Then, I started feeling a strange presence. It was Jonghyun staring.

    " What?" I asked nonchantly.
    " Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Jonghyun asked dazed.
    " Secret relationship, remember? I wouldn't want to start some drama." I simply stated.
    " Ohhhh! I'd be wearing sunglasses... but then I wouldn't be able to see.. and the thing is I don't have sunglasses on me..hehehe." Jonghyun fretted, what a weirdo.

    " Forgetful, much? " I smirked at him.
    " Pfffffffft! " He scoffed.

    Jonghyun made a left and there was the party. Banners, ribbons, streamers everywhere around a mansion. This must be the place. Jonghyun parked further down so we wouldn't get caught. Before getting out of a car, a girl from school who is known to be a total gossiper noticed Jonghyun and I. Mostly me. She was also with a friend.

    " Omo! Is that Jonghyun's girlfriend? " She squeeled, failing to whisper to her friend.
    " OMFG! Does he really have a girlfriend? " The friend asked,

     I still remained seated in Jonghyun's car pretending to talk to him when we're really easdropping.

    " Duhh, what kind of kingka wouldn't have the a girlfriend! I bet they already had , I am so posting this on cyworld. " The gosspier replied.

    , .


    I seriously hope this is not going on CyWorld.

    Jonghyun and I were blushing like madly but we remained calm. We slid down in our seats so we wouldn't get our picture taken. Soon enough the girls were gone. Thank god, the present blocked my outfit. They would've found out who I was if my outfit was revealed.
I took off my sunglasses and got my present out. I left before Jonghyun so he could park the car and so people wouldn't notice.
    I rang the doorbell and entered party paradise. I saw decorations all over the place. The room had lights all over the place. Wow, Jessie really knows how to throw a party. I took a few steps in and started looking for Jessica. After like two minutes, I found her talking to Taeyeon and Sooyoung by the stairs. Jessica turned around- her blonde curls flying in mid air and noticed me.

    "_____! We were all waiting for you! " Jessica exclamed throwing her arms around me.
    " Aww I'm so flattered, Happy Birthday Jessie! Here's your gift! " I reminded her while shoving my gift into her arms.

    " Ooooh! What did you get her! " Sooyoung spazzed.
    " Patience woman! " Taeyeon snapped. Ahhh what a dork she is.

    Jessica sat on the stairs and started gently untying the bow. Then she just tore off the the entire gold wrapping paper, revealing a shoe box.

    " Eeep! Shoes! " She squeeled. Jessica opened the box and her jaw literally dropped. I heard her inhale and exhale deeply. She first opened the envelope I left in the shoe box, it was just a card and the reciept for the shoes. Jessica placed the card beside her then automatically grabbed the shoes.

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    " Your welcome! " I replied then Jonghyun stepped in with his mini silver gift bag.

    I saw girls gawking at him.

    Not. Good.

Haii! Sorry for dee very short chapter! Please comment!

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />