Movin' In

Our Secret Love

Haii~! So I decided I'm not gonna quit my other story yet, it's just on haitus. For those of
you who read I'M ALREADY MARRIED!?! sorry, and look forward to when I finally update :)
Last time
" I'll be there," He said rushing off then coming back to kiss me on the cheek.
Jonghyun's POV

    I can't believe it! I'm going over to ___'s for dinner! I'm planning on staying overnight
at my condo. Whenever I walked ___ home, I ususally try to distract her,so the maids and can
clean up my condo. The condo is almost finished, it's clean and already has beds it just needs
some of my belongings. And I'm also waiting for the furniture I bought for the fun room
and for my bedroom to get shipped over. Soon I'll be living alone. All by myself, finally.

    I asked Dad if could start living alone today and thankful he said yes. He told me to pack
up my wardrobe and the maids while start packing the rest. God, where's Key and Onew when I
need them! Onew brings what is needed,and Key is a neat freak! I decided to take 2 bags, a duffel
bag and a decent sized suitcase. I would put all my pants [mostly skinny jeans] in the duffel and
shirts,jackets,shoes in the suitcase but just in case I'm bringing a backpack with possessions and
stuff that didn't fit in the luggage. 20 pairs of pants into the duffel bag it goes! 45 tee shirts,
button down,sweaters, and jackets into the suitcase. 3 pairs of shoes to stuff in the suitcase and I'm
done! Key really needs to stop shopping for me. Hmm,what to pack next.. oh wait I need things for cleaniness!
 2 towels, a bathrobe, a toothbrush, toothpaste, facial wash and I think that's about it! I store the facial wash
and toothbrush along with toothpaste in a little bag, just so it doesn't get lost. I decided to dump it all in the
suitcase, considering I have so much room due to rolling my stacks of tops.

    After an hour of packing I'm finally leaving. Just before I left, Mom found me. Uh oh.

    " Jonghyun! Take care of yourself okay? I hope you liked how I designed the place! " Mom ranted on and on.
    " Neh. Goodbye! " I replied then started leaving again. Well almost, Dad found me.
    " Jonghyun! Just to let you know, everything at the condo is ready. So you can just move in, and boy is your
room a sight! It's amazing! " He informed me with a hint of exaggeration.
    " Well then I must quicky go see it! Goodbye! " I said then quickly getting into the car.

    Once we reached the condo building, the driver took out my luggage and I took my backpack.
I told him to be careful since ___ is next door and I don't want her to know. I got out the keys and the opening door
revealed my haven. []
pretend the bedroom and the playroom is not there] Wow. It's perfect! It feels just like home. Mom is
quite the designer. I ordered the driver to just drop my stuff and that I'll put it away later. Then I started to explore.
I first went into SHINee's room.
The room had 2 bunk beds against the wall,then on the otherside there was a desk with a
bunch of drawers and a flat screen T.V. on it. Also in the room was a table with chairs, a bookshelf,and bean bags.
Seem's like a boys room alright.Next, I went to the fun room. It was incredible. On one side of the room there was
a giant big screen t.v. and a karoke system hooked to it and a d.v.d player as well. And on the opposite side
of the room was a fooseball table and 2 game machines. There was also 2 sofas for comfort.
I so have to host a party in this room.
    I got out of my fun room, and decided to uncover the room across it. My room. I slowly unlock
the door. When I opened the door, it seemed like a catalouge came to life. The deep neon blue, the hint of yellow, and
the white colors just seemed to all compliment each other and it seemed like harmony.
Who ever put this all together is a pure GENIUS. I fell back on my bed and felt it's softness. Then I realize ___'s dinner invite.
I look at the shining watch on my wrist. I have a good hour and a half to get ready. Since Grandma's coming I guess
I should change and wear something more casual and formal. I choose my clothes and took  a 15 minute shower.
I put on some good smelly stuff,now on I go! I carefully lock the door and make it seemed like no one was there.

Then I knocked on ___'s door.

Hey! Sorry for not updating- I've had no inspiration the last few days, this chapter was originally going to be
really long but I decided to cut it so winglin won't edit it or anything :) Please comment if you liked
this chapter and please answer a couple of questions!
1. What is your favorite chapter? Give me the title name and the number!
2. Do you think your secret love with Jonghyun will remain a secret? Or will it be exposed?
I want answers!
-Lily <3

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />