Parental Encounter

Our Secret Love

Haii~! I have a question for you guys. Do you read I'M ALREADY MARRIED!?!, if you do please tell me. I'm thinking of quitting that story.I lost all my inspiration for it. If I quit that story then I put my FULL attention on Our Secret Love. Please tell me what you think about me
quitting. Thanks :)
Last time
" Arasso," I said with a smile.
His shoulder was so soft.
I felt my eyes drooping.
Jonghyun's POV

" Arasso," I heard her say with a smile on her face. ___ is so light! She's like a feather! I so have to feed her. Out of nowhere I heard slight snoring. Aww ___'s asleep! How cute! I focused on the road and tried not to trip or bump into anything so ___ wouldn't wake up.Wow. I still can't believe it. Never in a million years did I think that ___ and I would be like this. Halmuni or should
I say ___'s Halmuni; always told me that things between ___ and I would change. But I never knew it would be like this. She told me when she babysat ___ and I. Did she tell ___ the same?
Minutes later I finally reach ___'s condo/apartment building. SHINee's future dorm is just right across the street. Maybe I should talk to Appa about renovating our 'basement' a.k.a the condo next to ___'s. A minute later ___ woke up. She got off me and slightly fixed her long,flowing hair.

" Thank you, Jonghyun. For everything." She said with a smile. I then grab both of her hands and look straight in her eyes.
" No. Thank YOU for going out with me, " I said while giving off my signature smile. It was known to make girls faint. Suddenly she tip toed [even with heels on she is still shorter than me XDXD] and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Oh. My. GOD. She giggled upon seeing my shocked expression. Then she left and entered the building.

I, Kim Jonghyun, am the LUCKIEST and HAPPIEST guy on the planet.
___'s POV

I decided to surprise him after all he's done for me. I tip toed; since I really am short or Jonghyun's just really tall, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Even though I sorta kissed him on the cheek today, it was a dare and my lips were hardly pressed onto his cheek. Before walking away, I decided to look back at Jonghyun. He was so shocked. He was standing perfectly still with a wide smile on face. I just had the urge to giggle.
I entered the building and made my way towards my condo. Suddenly there were butterflies roaming through my stomach. I then realize that I'm standing on Jonghyun's doorstep, or well was. It must be love. Kekeke <3 As I enter in the condo, the smell of all my favorite dishes hit me. I saw Mom in the kitchen.
" UMMA! Why are you cooking? You have a flight to catch! " I yelled at her, she was currently making dumplings. She packed it in a container and then into the fridge it goes! I other hand was getting rid of those aching heels and changed into flats. Umma got her suitcase and I led her out the building. I gradually felt the tears building up. We're now out on the streets looking for a taxi. I looked at her, she was watering too.

" ___-ah, take good care of yourself okay? Make sure to eat daily, bathe, and clean,okay? Don't go out too long, don't stay up too late,and don't forget to call or email me, okay? " Mom said sniffling.
" Arasso, Umma. Don't overwork yourself, Ma. Have a nice flight," I said trying to hold back the tears. I called a taxi for her. Just as she was about to enter, we both hugged each other. I only had her to myself for 3 days. And now I won't get to see her until summer.You never realize how much you'll truly miss someone until they're gone.
" I love you," I said still hugging her, the tears were overflowing.
" I love you too, ___-ah. Goodbye." Mom said while breaking away from the tight hug and removing the tears on face. She got in the taxi and waved goodbye until I was out of sight. I wiped the tears off my face and entered the building. I went back inside the kitchen and opened the fridge. I was pretty hungry considering I only really had popcorn, half an Icee, half a slice of chocolate cake and a frappe. When I opened the fridge I saw stacks and towers of containers filled with food. She made enough to last 2 months! On each container, it had a sticky note telling me that should microwave it and stuff like that. Mom even made me a menu! Tonight I'm supposed to eating spaghetti with meatballs. I'm impressed. Umma made all of my favorite foods from American to Thai. Tomorrow I shall be having samqyupsal for dinner. YUMM. Time to get microwaving.
God's POV [ LOL 3rd person ]

That night Jonghyun knocked on his father's office door.
" Come in! " He said welcoming. Jonghyun took a deep breath then preceded to enter.
" Appa."
" Neh."
" You know how SHINee is going to be debuting soon? I was thinking that we should all live together now," He said slowly.
" No worries, I was planning to start your dorm life next week," Jonghyun's father replied, however, Jonghyun cut him off.
" Appa, I'm not finished. Instead of me living with the rest of SHINee, do you think I can live in our old condo? The one we use as our basement? " He asked, beads of sweat rolling off his forehead.
" If you move into the condo, then where will our stuff go? "
" Dad, we have a lot of space in our attic and you said that most of the stuff in condo were going to be sent to charity. I planned out everything. No need to worry, Dad." Jonghyun replied confidently. After 2 minutes of silence, Jonghyun's father replied.
" You got it. Starting next weekend, you and SHINee will be moving into your dorms. Also, since the condo has 3 bedrooms, you will get your previous bedroom since it's safer with the fire escape exit in it,and I will put 2 bunk beds and 1 single in the master bedroom in case SHINee wants to sleep over, or if anything happens to their dorm. And then the other bedroom, you can turn into an arcade or whatever you want as long you don't spend over 1,000."

Hearing this, Jonghyun was shocked. This was all too much for him to handle. But it meant he was growing up.

" Appa, isn't this too much? Thank you. I will not disappoint you! " Jonghyun said while on his knees bowing.
" Son,get up. You've been obedient and respectful. You've also been maintaining your grades with As! It's the least I could do for you. And we're rich! Just don't do anything hasty or I'll take the condo back, understand? " He said helping his son get up.
" Again,thank you so much. I'm gonna go tell SHINee the good news. Goodnight." Jonghyun said while bowing exactly 90 degrees.

Someone has some packing to do.
So did you like the chapter? Plz comment! And if you do, please answer my questions :)
1. Do you read I'M ALREADY MARRIED!?!
2. Should I quit that story?
3. What do you want or think might happen in the next chappie?
Tell me everything!

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />