Making A Wish

Our Secret Love

Haii~! Did all my fellow readers forget me? Sorry for not updating, I was busy with the fam :) Anyways, please comment and no silent readers!
I shall not allow it!
Last time
Without even knowing; I followed her.

I must get to know her.
____'s POV

[At the spot where the spotlight leaves]

For some strange reason the spotlight went on me, it focused directly at me. And now, it goes towards the stage and music starts playing.The lights revealed the backside of these 5 boys. Suddenly they turned around and Jonghyun started singing. So this is why they were rehearsing early today! I just stood by the punch and cookies watching them in amazement. I might be overreacting but every time I look back at Jonghyun it seems like hes looking at me. His actions, his moves direct toward me. But that must be my eyes playing me. There are plenty of smoking hot chicks around here, there's no point to just stare at one individual girl. The boys are now taking turns to sing in order so I'm pretty sure there's a solo coming up. I turned around to get some punch then I turned back. My curls flew in the air, then I met Jonghyun's gaze.

" You're spreading like unbearable poison..." He sang holding onto his note. While he was singing that line it seemed like he has experienced that feeling. That must only mean one thing. I am HOT! I giggled to myself. I looked around the crowd while munching on a cookie. Yoona seems to be getting along with this dude who resembles Nichkhun, another fellow kingka. Sunny however had a group of guys surrounding her while dancing to the song. I bet her aeygo lured them in. Hyoyeon and Yuri a.k.a the best dancers in school were just swaying to the music. They probably are attempting to attract the boys. Me however I am just alone. But ever since that spotlight shined on me I have been getting lots of attention lately. When the song ended boys started surrounding me. This isn't good- I get claustrophobic. Suddenly the DJ stopped the music and made an announcement.

"Hey there, just a reminder to all of you. The pair who match each other well and get along well will be announced our "Romeo" and "Juliette".That pair will get to remove each other's masks on stage and dance in the spotlight,the couple will also receive complementary couple rings. So just keep that in mind." The DJ reminded. Well I don't care. While the boys were still distracted I took the opportunity to escape.

"Oh I see Jessica Alba!" I yelled. They all turned left and I ran straight for my life. While escaping I bumped into someone. She was blond and wearing a pink cinched bubble dress. []

"Oh hi ___! Running away from the boys,eh?" A high pitched voice spoke up. It was definitely Jessica.

"Hi Jessie! How did you know that it was me? " I asked calling her by the nickname I gave her. Most people call her Jessica or Sica but I spent my time in the States and so it just felt right to name her 'Jessie'.

" How could I not know my best friend's figure? Plus the scent of your perfume was familiar," She said grinning.

"Clever girl you are. Where's Heechul?" That is still her date right?

"Oh oppa is getting us drinks. By the way where did you get your dress? It looks amazing! And the shoes!" Jessica spazzed. We talked just before when we b.f.f.s, then Heechul came back with the drinks. We bid our farewells and walked away. I exited out the gym and walked toward the school rose garden. I found a bench and sat there. I looked up gazing at the glowing stars. I made a wish on the first on I saw. It may seem childish but I'm a believer.

" I wish for an eternal friend.." I whispered to myself while a tear strolled down. All those previous friendships I've been in..they never seem to last.

" Making a wish?"

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />