5 Minutes Away

5 Minutes Away

Some authors suggest music with the stuff they write so: EXO - Miracles in December 

The meaning of the song doesn't really fit the song but parts of the song fits :) enjoy!

Exo-K Miracles in December 


Exo-M Miracles in December 






The sound of glass shattering resonated within the confined space. Chanyeol dashed out of his room, scampering towards the kitchen. A flicker of hope made his lips curl into a keen, eager smile.


“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol's eyes met the kitchen and his beaming grin faltered into an emotionless expression. Greeted by the empty space, the remains of crystal vase laid on the hardwood floor lifelessly. The eerie silence that followed immediately after his footsteps was something he couldn’t hear. Standing there, staring at the fallen flowers, he wondered to himself how long they've been withering away and that was when everything connected. The clock’s ticks and tocks finally reached his ears.


Baekhyun bounces on the balls of his feet grinning mischievously, "Hey Chanyeol, look what I got you!" The shorter male beamed happily as he held a bouquet of white roses and honeysuckles, along with a small box in his other hand "Happy birthday honey-pie!" Baekhyun squeaked.

"Thanks sunshine." Chanyeol chuckled at the older male's cute gesture.

“Anything for you sugar cookie.”

“You’re adorable.”

“Says the giant cheeseball...” Baekhyun retorted in a playful defensive manner, grinning a little too wide. “Now open this!” The smaller male presented the little gray box.


Chanyeol looked at his silver wristwatch, wondering what time it was. His eyes only made it to the carved words on the bezel, “Live in the present not the past. Remember to forget.”


“Over the 5 years I’ve known you, you’re always somewhere else--I don’t mean you’re never here I meant… your head, it’s somewhere else. You’re always thinking about something and that’s why I want you to forget whatever it is that’s pulling you back, and start living in the present.” Baekhyun explained.

“I love you, h-honey muffin…” Chanyeol confesses with a stutter. The room was quiet. Baekhyun’s eyes were wide, shining in a layer of threatening tears, he smiled breathlessly. “I love you too, stupid giraffe.” The shorter male mumbled as he buried his blushing face into Chanyeol’s chest. Bringing their arms around one another, they held each other in their embrace surrounded with a magically comfortable silence. Everything was perfect.

Chanyeol remembered the day he met Baekhyun. The shorter bubbly male glanced at the street light, it was green. Baekhyun was occupied reading a text from his friends about a movie starting in 5 minutes but immediately dropped his phone when he heard a loud thump. Baekhyun immediately looked up and the street light was glaring a disapproving red light at him as bystanders were panicking chaotically besides the tall young man lying on the pavement.

Chanyeol was hospitalized for a week, and everyday Baekhyun would visit, apologizing with bouquets of white hyacinths and tulips. The first time they officially introduced themselves was when Chanyeol woke up after his operation. Welcomed by a flawlessly sculpted face he furrowed his eyebrows and smiled.

“I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you cross and I just--” The stranger was crying.

“Hi, my name is Chanyeol.” He cut the stranger off with a gentle introduction.

“I’m… I’m Baekhyun…” The apologetic male responded, complying to the shift.


Who would have thought a saint like Baekhyun was texting while he drove his car right into Chanyeol’s life. Baekhyun’s tear-stained cheeks only made it even harder to believe he was the type of person who had such a nasty habit.


It felt like it was yesterday, the two of them were in Chanyeol’s room filming a homemade music video of them goofing off, singing a silly song they wrote together. They used comedic props, spewing nonsense, tripping over furniture, whooping and laughing loudly into the camera as they sang wildly. Everyone who they shared that video with smiled and laughed—not because it was horrible, but because they felt the same elation those two felt for each other. Not only did that video lighten everyone’s day up, it also made listeners clap along, enhancing the joy in life.  


Bending down, Chanyeol picks up the shattered glass and the rotten, shriveled roses that fell to the floor.


Bending down, Chanyeol picks up the shattered glass and the beautiful, pink and red roses that fell to the ground.


“I’m sorry for your loss…” A caring police officer squeezed Chanyeol’s shoulder, he did not respond, instead he stared emotionlessly at the collision and what was left of Baekhyun’s car. Salvaging as many roses as he could, he stood up and went home.

His knees fell to the cold hardwood floor. Gathering all the roses he could fit in his hands, he cradled them in his arms, suffocating them with his embrace. Chanyeol felt like he was just as vulnerable as the flowers, and just as broken as the crystal vase.


Coming back home, he placed the colorful roses in a crystal vase on the kitchen table. Retiring to his room he picked up his abandoned guitar from the cold floor. Settling down in front of the laptop, he began filming. Strumming to the frivolous song they wrote together, he sang. Chanyeol only sang his parts, leaving Baekhyun’s parts filled with silence accompanied by the guitar. At the end of the video Chanyeol smiles brightly at the empty space beside him, “Good job Baekhyun!”


For how long Chanyeol was playing that song, he never realized how unharmonious it sounded without the melody, because in his head, he could still hear Baekhyun. The song was no longer uplifting and enthusiastic, instead it was heavy-hearted and wistful. All it took was one song to bring back a thousand memories. Like a drug, Chanyeol was addicted and didn’t even realize he was hooked. He thought if he sang that song, maybe those memories of Baekhyun will come to life.


“Chanyeol… Baekhyun is gone.” His friend tries to bring him to reality. “Who?” Chanyeol had always thought everyone was talking about a different Baekhyun. Somehow, Baekhyun’s death was erased from Chanyeol’s memories. Every day, he’d come home and sit in front of that laptop, singing that same song. Some would say the definition of insanity was doing something over and over, expecting different results. Did Chanyeol really go insane?


Chanyeol’s vision became blurred. Hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he clutched onto the lifeless roses. Sobbing and crying for Baekhyun as he bawled his eyes out, he whimpered and cowered in fear because he had finally processed that he had lost everything. He was living in denial for so long, he realized Baekhyun’s departure was the birth of his insanity; hoping that Baekhyun would materialize before his eyes if he tried hard enough. This was not the reality Chanyeol wanted.


The shards of glass dug into his knees through his jeans. The thorns remaining on the stem of the roses wedged into his skin as he clutched it to his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Chanyeol couldn’t feel the physical pain because the wrenching pain in his chest hurt him far more than glass and thorns. It was tormenting, every teardrop that fell, that heartache never ceased. He felt incredibly silly for not realizing sooner that his world already collapsed. When did time freeze for him? How much time did he waste?


“Baekhyun, I miss you so much…” He called his paramour’s name in agony. He felt miserable--he felt lost. The emptiness he experienced was more than discomforting. His heart was gone--his sunlight--everything, everything that belonged to him was gone. Chanyeol felt , and the void in his heart was excruciating, he couldn’t breathe.


The sound of glass shattering resonated within the confined space. Dashing out only to be greeted by a body of glass and roses, he realized that he can’t continue to hold onto those painful memories anymore.


“I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”


“Victim’s name: Byun Baekhyun. Date of birth: May 6, 1991.

Cause of death: Hit and run. Distracted driving.”


Five minutes, Baekhyun was only 5 minutes away.




A/N: I hope you guys liked that, or at least found it not too painful to wade through haha :) Please comment, if you like it--comment! if you want to fix something--comment! I welcome constructive feedback with open arms :) ucwidt? open arms? hahahahaaaa >>


Thanks for reading! <3

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HansolChwe #1
Chapter 1: This reminds me of '0330'...DONGHO Y MUST U LEAVE?!?!
fintrip #2
Chapter 1: Oh wowie, this one just hit me. Well written, I love those flashbacks. I love how the story unfolds as you read. This one was really good! Though I am crying, hehe..