Loyally Yours



The princess has finally reach the entrace of the Dark Woods. It has been three days and three nights of ride journey and it might worth of her quest. It's too dark to see through the woods as it is already night time and the woods covered with thin layer of fogs. Princess Sky lightly kick at the side of her horse to move forward but it refuses.

Sky frowns at her chestnut horse. "Come on boy. Everything will be alright." Sky pats on her horse neck. She looks back at the Dark Woods in front of her and the cold wind sends shivers to her spine.

After giving some reassurance to her horse, it finally have the courage able to move forward. Sky lifts her oil lamp and she can't see anything but trees and the sound of night animals. "Now we're inside, we just need to find the dim white lights," Sky said while gently her horse's hair.

Half an hour later, the princess manage to find the white light and follows it which leads her to a cave. She dismount from her horse and strictly telling it to stay put. As she enters the cave, it didn't take much time for her to spot a room. There are bookshelves with old-looking books, which Sky convince those are spell books. Couples of cabinets with potions and a big black cauldron by the hearth.

"Hello there Princess," the voice spook the princess. Sky quickly turn around and was surprised an old woman in black dress.

The Witch, thought Sky. The elder woman is like what Sky has imagined the witch would've look like; dressed in dark dress, untamed hair almost all turns grey, old and wrinkled. "Are you the Witch of Dark Woods?" She needs to confirm.

The elder woman chuckled. "No normal humans would live in Dark Woods deary. And yes I am that witch. My name is Serena."

Anyone would be frightened or being disgusted by the witch's appearance but Sky have a quest to accomplish. "I need your help."

"Everyone who came here does. Now you know everything comes up with a price," the witch smiled which is unpleasent for Sky.

"Name your price."The princess pulled out a medium-sized pouch from her bag and Serena snorted.

"Gold is never a bother to me, deary."

"So what do you want?"

"I'll tell you after you completed you wish to accomplish. Only until then I'll name my price. Deal?"

Sky was debating to accept or not but she must be selfless. "Deal," she said which earn another smug smile from the witch. "Do you know where I can find the Heart of the Phoenix?" the princess asked while maintaing her composure.

"Oh?" the witch arched an eyebrow, somehow interested on Sky's request. "And why would a Princess of Crimson Kingdom ask to find such thing?"

"My reason is non of your concern."

Serena rolled her eyes. "You royals with your arrogant attitude."

"Now why you-"

"Ah ah ah." Serena put her hands up, telling Sky to be quiet. The witch left the current room and in few seconds, she appears with a crytal bowl that is filled with water. She placed the bowl on a table made of rock and asked the princess to step closer to it.

Sky was hesistant but she move to the edge of the table, the crystal bowl gives out light blue color. "What is this?"

"This bowl will give you your answer. Just ask a question with all your heart and - "

Princess Sky didn't waste so much time to close her eyes quickly and think of her question. Serena scowled. "Children nowadays," she muttered.

The bowl shows a person, a young man. Serena move an inch to the bowl. "Quite attractive young man. He's tall, not a bad face but to me his ears looks like a monkey." Sky quietly agreed. If she look closer enough, his clothes are different than most men wears in this land. "I think he's from other dimension," the witch began, "Do trust me, I did throw someone there if I'm not mistaken two and a half years ago."

Sky's eyes widened. "You threw someone there?"

Serena nodded. "Yes and his hideous pet. Such a nuisance to me and try to ask me out several times!" The last few words have made the princess' brow raised doubtfully. "But he ended up just fine and made huge fortune. A smart lad, building these some advance stuff, what do you call it? Techna...echonologi? I bet he could help you."

"Really? What if he doesn't?"

"Well tell him that I won't bring him back here."

"I don't think he would be interested in that offer." Considering he lives well in that other dimension.

"So how do I get there?"


It's been two years since she left from her world. When she arrived at Seoul, she's having trouble to find D, the person who the witch threw. He of course was not interested but after hearing her deal about the payment, both of them have come into an agreement. Not long later, her name was change from Sky to Im Haneul. She's having no problem with the name since both of the names have similar meaning.

Haneul has been searching for Chanyeol for  months and almost gives up until she saw him on TV. He became an idol which is easier for her to get information about him. She decided to protect him from afar until the day when her mother decided to come and search for him if the queen can.

Haneul is currently sitting at the corner of EXO's practise room. There are only EXO-K since the EXO-M members doing their promotions in China. She quietly gaze at Chanyeol. So far he didn't show or do something out of ordinary, he was completely normal. The young woman did have her doubts whether this person bears the Heart of the Phoenix, however her heart tells her not to as she feels she have found the right person.

It's been four days since she last saw Sanghyuk and her guts tells her that Sanghyuk might or have been on her tail and who knows if he have begun to plot something.

The Queen won't have him until the day when I will reign and she dies. Park Chanyeol is mine.





Finally I updated this story. Don't ask me where I've been.


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Chapter 3: You're so creative!! I'm looking forward for the next chap.. ^^