Cold Feet

To The Moon (And Back?)

            They were happy, going on dates and holding hands, kissing, touching, loving. They were the epitome of a perfect couple, towering over everyone (quite literally) with their adorable little banters, complete with Chanyeol, always, in every occasion, eventually giving in to what Wufan had wanted.


            He had been there for Wufan ever since.
            He was there when they weren’t dating yet, when Wufan needed comfort upon the revelation that his girlfriend had been lying to him.
            He was there as Wufan was a soulless body, ing just about everyone and leaving them to cry. He was there, making sure he didn’t do anything too stupid.
            Even when Wufan charged into yet another relationship, claiming that she was finally the one for him, Chanyeol was there because he loved Wufan.


            And even as all of that failed, Chanyeol had been there, his arms wrapped around the older boy, comforting him; distracting him.


            He was there, waiting until the day that Wufan had finally turned to him and told him that he loved him; something that Chanyeol had all too easily believed. He believed Wufan because he had wanted too, waited for those words from Wufan all this time, and a bunch of insecurities were not about to keep him from finally having Wufan all to himself.


            They became the couple that everyone envied, with those little things about them, their towering height, the way that Wufan’s usually stern face would soften at the sight of the cheeky boy; with their moments of silence, just wrapped up in each other’s arms, Wufan’s hand in Chanyeol’s hair as he kissed the younger boy’s forehead.

            “I love you, Wufan.”

            “I love you, too.”

            And Wufan would have Chanyeol’s lips against his, thin, skilled hands would trail down Chanyeol’s body, and all too experienced lips would move against Chanyeol’s waiting ones.

            As usual, they’d end up , sweating, and panting on the bed again, Chanyeol slipping his fingers in between the older boy’s own ones because he was alright with it. It was okay because he loved Wufan and he knew that Wufan loved him back.

            He told himself everyday that nothing would—could ever change that.


            Three months in, Chanyeol didn’t want to believe it when someone had pointed it out to him, but he knew that it was true, somewhere deep within him, he knew that they were drifting apart. Everything was becoming too repetitive; routine.

            That was why the proposal came as such a surprise, and no matter how haphazard it seemed, Chanyeol was happy. They’d gone back to the way they were for a while, all smiles and and happiness. Chanyeol had loved him more than ever before, having that glint n his eyes every time he said anything about his fiancé. He was content; because that ring, glistening on his finger, told him that Wufan loved him back and planned to love him forever.


            He was in that one place that he’d always dreamed of: with Wufan.


            Even when he’d noticed Wufan coming home later and later, he told himself that he was just out, making a living for the both of them.

            Even as Wufan started arriving smelling like alcohol and some unfamiliar person’s scent, he’d managed to convince himself that Wufan was merely building relations.

            Even if Wufan would arrive late, hauled in by a small boy, both sweating, panting, disheveled, and smelling of , Chanyeol told himself that he was overthinking things because he knew that Wufan would never betray him.


            Every day, Chanyeol would remind himself that Wufan loved him. Every day he would look at the ring and try his very best to smile. Even when slowly, the ring had begun to lose its shine, Wufan loved him and that was all that mattered.


            Past the sun, past the stars, and with everything that Chanyeol held dear to him, he had loved Wufan. Chanyeol, being sweet and happy, the boy that would only let go of his friends, his family, even his first job, for one reason. That reason was Wufan. If it weren’t for Wufan, he would never have come out or gotten disowned by his parents, protecting their positions in Korea’s high strung society; he would never have broken Gina’s or Taeeun’s heart; he would never have stopped seeing Baekhyun when he was feeling lonely, but he did—all for Wufan.


            It had been their first night together in each other’s arms after one of Wufan’s business trips when the elder asked Chanyeol why he didn’t care, when he asked the younger boy why he never got pissed off or angry. Despite the deep breath that Chanyeol took, he snapped.

            “Why, Yeol? You never seem to be bothered, even back when I wouldn’t love you back, even when I tried to ruin my life and around…Why didn’t you ever get mad?”

            Chanyeol bit his lip, looking Wufan in the eyes, eyes that were once filled with love and affection for the man that was supposed to be his fiancé; eyes that should’ve shown hurt and pain, because Chanyeol was there, unresponsive, emotionless, indifferent. The love and affection that used to be for the tall boy was now directed towards that boy, Zitao, as Chanyeol recalled hearing Wufan whisper in his sleep.

            “I think I deserve more from you, Chanyeol, I’ve kept quiet until now-“


            “Why don’t you hit me? Even when I told you that I didn’t lov-“

            “Because you do now and that’s all that matters to me, Wufan!”

            “I’m not so sure, anymore, Chanyeol.”

            “So it was all just a waste? The sacrifices, the I went through for you, all just a waste? You’re letting it end here?”


            Screaming. Angry. Incoherent. Pain. Palm against skin. Tears.


            “Maybe we aren’t ready to get married.”

            Worlds, shattering beneath pale, shaking fingers.

            “Maybe we should take a break, give ourselves time to miss each other.”

            Chanyeol didn’t know what to say because every single day, he missed having Wufan in his arms. Every day, he just wanted to try to reach out towards Wufan’s receeding image in hopes of taking him back, and there Wufan was, trying to keep them apart because he wanted time to ‘miss Chanyeol’


            They stopped talking to each other, avoiding each other under the same household. Chanyeol would leave meals out for Wufan nonetheless, he washed the dishes and cleaned the house, always there in case the off chance that Wufan would call of him came.


            He loved Wufan to the moon and back, but Wufan chose to stay on the moon.


            A week and three days after the fight, Wufan came home to an empty apartment, save the steaming dinner on the table.

            Because he wanted Wufan to be happy, even without him. Happy, on the moon, with his thin alien Zitao and his silence, because Chanyeol loved Wufan so much that he didn’t have the heart to make himself go back to the moon to get Wufan; because no matter how much else, Wufan would always be his biggest sacrifice. Chanyeol would just have to learn to love on memories.       

            He would have to learn to love someone that wasn’t Wufan.


            Because Wufan hates him now, accusing him of leaving without a word. Wufan blames Chanyeol for his broken heart, but even Chanyeol knows that only half of Wufan’s heart was ever in his possession.




A/n: Unbetad tbh But come give me love anyway? ouo<3

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xycouple #1
Chapter 3: oohhh ohhh ohhh... i'm happy for them.... how about finishing lovey dovey chapter?
Chapter 3: awww omg I had to squeal like a lunatic ; u ; bc yeah it's so perfect. the pairing and the storyline are so good, I enjoyed reading this much.
yeayyy they're together again ; uuuuu ; it's so well-written, thank u for writing this!
Chapter 3: e u e happy that they are back together /rolls like a buffalo

hope Wufan... won't up this time. -.-"
ranminnie #4
Chapter 3: oh oh they are back together!! T^T *le tears of joy*
wufan you better not ed up anything again and I hope in the next chapter they will make up everything..
thank you for the update, please update again soon~
Chapter 1: This was a pretty quick read but it still hurt so much; these kind of stories hurt the most! T^T
xycouple #7
Chapter 2: i just re-read this story... and.... this story still makes my heart break... T_T
Mr_Koala #8
Chapter 1: Lmao thin alien tao
BabySkypeia126 #9
Chapter 2: Im anticipating it!!!
jiayou!! ^^
ranminnie #10
Chapter 2: lemme hug you baby~ you're the best! :3