The tower

This cant be the end

“Riah-ah.” We had been holed up in the watch tower at the airport for four days now. It didn’t seem like it, but my plane had landed little more than seven days ago. In the days that we were trapped here, Ahn Riah had stopped treating me like an unwanted stranger. Strangely we got along well. We didn’t speak the same language, but I was learning.

“De.” She handed the box to me, but it was empty. “Aigoo. Kiseok!” We were in the room at the top with all the windows. All of unit B was trying to get some rest while the other unit was sleeping. Ji Hwan was lying next to me, but his eyes were open wide.

“Sshh.” I hushed her before getting to my feet. “I’ll go do it.” Ji Hwan mumbled to her and she sat back.

“Be careful.” The stairwell was all but black and I tripped, twice. But I managed to get to the others.

“Hey. We need to go on a run.” Su Hoon looked up at me, but shook his head. In Joon put his finger to his lips. Hyun Chul and Hyun Min were nowhere to be seen.

Su Hoon beckoned me to the door where I could see Hyun Min running back to the tower. Hyun Chul was following close behind. All around them were munchers, but they seemed to not see them. At the thought of the food they had my mouth watered.

I helped Su Hoon push the door open and they slipped inside. Hyun Min started yelling quickly, something about a plane and Japan. In Joon joined in the argument. So none of them noticed when the munchers started coming towards the tower.

Hyun Min pushed In Joon into me, but they still didn’t notice. Even when I tried to pull the door closed did they not notice.

“Help me!” I yelled, but still they kept arguing. “Su Hoon! Help me!” In Joon glanced at me, but Hyun Min swung at him. “Stop it!” I reached for Hyun Chul and pulled him back.

He snapped at me, but his snapping wasn’t what I was worry about. It was the ones at the door I was. The first munched reached the door and grabbed Hyun Chul. He screamed and stabbed the thing. The others sprinted up the stairs with me stumbling close behind. We could hear them coming up, but there was nothing to do but run. We burst into the watch room and slammed the door behind us.

“Muncher are on their way up!” Everyone got to their feet quickly and Kangnam slammed into the door. Bodies piled against it, but it still squeaked open. Cream yelled, but the door still pushed open more.

Riah pulled me and Ji Hwan back. Han Ki stepped in between us and we braced ourselves.

When that door opened was the first time I really got a look at the munchers. They looked human, but there was something missing in their eyes. On some their skin was rotting and missing in some places. An odd smell wafted to me and I knew it was from them.

“Haneul.” Riah’s fingers tightened on my arm, but I ignored the pain.

“It’s alright Unni.” We watched as to two unit’s fought back the munchers. It took a while before they started getting past them. Han Ki launched himself at the munchers and Ji Hwan tried to get in front of us. He didn’t protest when I pulled him behind me though. I felt him shaking.

A short quick muncher darted around Han Ki, but before I could do anything Riah threw herself at it. Time seemed to slow as it bit down on her shoulder, but it sped back up when she screamed. Ki Seok ripped the thing off her and threw it back out the door. Kangnam managed to get the door closed and they killed the remaining munchers.

“Riah.” Tears were flowing down Ki Seok’s face but Riah wasn’t crying. Her voice didn’t even break when she spoke.

“Kim Ki Seok.” She put her hand on his cheek before smiling. “Saranghae oppa.” Ki Seok brushed her hair from her face and smiled.

“Saranghae Ahn Riah.” Her eyes didn’t close, she just lost that human look in her eyes. “Saranghae yebo.” He bent over the body, but when her arm jerked Heo Seok pulled him back.

“Riah.” Her eyes rolled towards all of us before she reached for Ki Seok. Su Joon stabbed her before she could do anything. 

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Chapter 8: so, basically, they leave Haneul and Jongsu? It can't be true. Jihwan can't do this. T.T why they did this? They didn't find where the two of them were?
What about Haneul and Jongsu now? They going to be running away from the muncher with no destination?
Sorry by comment only now hihi
When Riah was bitten I kind of get lost because a lot of people got into that... So, some of them get bitten too? I mean, I thought Jihwan get bitten too because he tried to stop what I was happenning (i guess. Now i'm lost again. Sorry by any mistake i did related of the story and my english bcaus its not my native language)
hyunglovesoppa #2
Chapter 8: Wait, so their group left them?!? Alone! In an airport full of zombies!?
TsuTsuMio #3
Chapter 7: Nooooi Riah!!!!!!!