Title: WAKE UP

Word count: 1402

Summary: A proper SeungrixYou (instead of Mihyo) piece written for http://bigbangscenario.tumblr.com/ Scenario Sunday~

AN: I wanted to write a sequel to WTF/THE COLD WAR next but Scenario Sunday…and today is Sunday…yeah…enjoy!


“Holy !” You jolt upright, clutching the sheets to your bare body upon realisation there is another , still-asleep body in your bed next to you. Your stomach lurches and your head pounds at the sudden movement, and you grab your skull in an attempt to delay any kind of impending hangover that’s bound to hit you, especially after how much you drank last night.


“Whatever happened last night, um…it, I, well, what I mean is…” You stutter, only to stop and wince in pain as it all comes flooding back to you. Going out clubbing with the girls, getting wasted on shots, getting even more drunk on drinks bought for all of you by an incredibly handsome group of strangers who, for some reason, made everybody’s jaws hit the floor upon sight, cosying up to one of them, the one with dark ringed eyes (like a panda’s, you vaguely recall), his lips crashing on yours, heading back to yours, and then…and then


You clear your throat, trying to start again without freaking out. You fail just as gracefully as the first time round. “So, uh, last night was fun, really! It really was! But, um, well, er…” Just who the hell are you?


The stranger in your bed finally rolls over to respond to your miniature panic attack, sleepily blinking his panda eyes at you. “Hey, that’s my line!” He whines, frowning. Out of guilt or otherwise, you can’t tell, but he’s not flustered in the least. He rises and sits up oh-so-slowly in comparison to your electrocution-style reflex flip, his eyes running up and down your body, unabashedly checking you out. You grip the sheets closer to your barely-covered form, wishing the earth would just open up and swallow you into an abyss. It doesn’t matter if you were…with him last night…or, worse, that you barely remember it – he still doesn’t have the right to ogle your body like that! This is seriously just too embarrassing a moment at only seven in the morning.   


“So, um,” You attempt to make conversation as a distraction for yourself personally from the situation. It’s just too ridiculous to process right now. “How come we came back to my place?” You ask, trying not to freak out any further. This guy could be a freaking serial killer, and you led him into your own home?! How stupid can you honestly get?! You won’t be drinking that much again for a real long time, seriously.


“You serious? How could we possibly go back to mine?!” The guy straightens up and pins you with the evil eye. You physically back off, nervously edging away from him. Just what the hell is his problem? Maybe he just lives really far away or something, or maybe even outside the city.


“Sorry.” You shrug. An awkward silence falls upon the two of you. You realise just exactly how little you know about this guy – which is just as right, considering he’s a stranger you met literally only last night.


But what you can physically see of him, well…then it’s easy as ing A-B-C to understand why you were so quick to fall under his spell. That of which you currently do not recall, but whatever.


“S-Sorry…” The guy quickly backtracks, guiltily scratching his neck at having snapped at you. “You seemed just fine with it last night, and going back to mine would be kinda complicated, so…”


“Oh?” You’re surprised at both statements, but it’s just as you suspected, really. You blush upon suddenly realising you’d been just as eager as him to end up at your place and…’do the things lovers do’, so to coin a quote you’d heard from someone on TV some time ago.


“, I got seriously way too drunk last night,” You mutter under your breath, not sure of what else to say after hearing that particular statement. Panda guy raises an eyebrow at you.


“You regret it?” He asks. His mouth twists into a wry smirk, as if he’s trying to play himself off as vaguely amused. Instead, his face twitches, and he looks vaguely wounded, as though his massive stretch of an ego has been completely annihilated.


“I didn’t say that.” It’s true. No matter how ed up it is whatever you did last night, you certainly don’t wish you’d never done so. Especially after seeing how even better looking Panda Boy is in daylight.


His mask drops, and Panda Boy smiles brightly at you. He seems extremely pleased at your answer. “Good.”


You smile back, blushing slightly as realisation hits you. You and this stranger are both sat, smiling serenely at each other, in your bed, at only seven in the morning. You don’t know how the hell it happened, but you both seem pretty happy with this result.


“S-So wait, I’m real sorry…” You stutter. Panda boy frowns at you once again, but you have to get this next bit over with. Even if you end up humiliating yourself all over again. “Like I said, I-I got pretty drunk, so, um…I don’t exactly remember…um, what’s your name?” You grin weakly at the guy, silently begging for forgiveness.


Panda boy only continues to frown at you. “What.”


“Wh-What?” You stammer back. Is he seriously that angry? Oh my god, have you just ed it all up for the two of you? When things were going so smoothly and non-awkward! Why?!


“Oh my god.” His jaw drops, his eyes still piercing yours. “You’re serious, aren’t you? What the…How do you not know me?! Oh my god! I’m Seungri!” He yells, almost desperately. He looks to you for a response after his mass outburst, assumingly a positive one, but his eyes widen with despair once they see your face is still as blank as a canvas.


“Er…what?” You frown. This is all just too confusing. Is this a dream? It feels random enough to be one.


“I’m from Big Bang!” So-called Seungri wails. Finally, your face cracks an emotional expression in response, but definitely not a good one.


Big Bang? What the actual is that? Is that some kind of ion ring? Wait a second. Had you…hired a male e to come back to your place? Just what the had you been drinking last night?


“I’m sorry, I don’t really…know what the hell you’re going on about.” You admit sheepishly, shrugging. “What’s a Big Bang?”


Seungri stares at you in shocked silence. “You seriously have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”




Seungri smirks. It’s a slow smile, ever so slow, but it’s full and satisfied by the time it reaches his eyes. “Good. Ah, yeah. I was right. You’re definitely a keeper.”


“What?!” Your eyes practically fall out their sockets, and you struggle to keep it together. Wasn’t it a little soon for that?! Even though last night you…well, let’s just say you’re shocked but not complaining. And that Seungri can definitely tell, with the way his smirk deepens upon taking in your blushing state.


“I’ve got to get going now.” He announces with a yawn, stretching his arms up and out. You try not to gawk at his body as he suddenly gets up to pull on his clothes, but you still do it regardless. You rid any last fraction of shame you might have had last night, anyway.


“I’m leaving for Japan for a few days,” Seungri continues, taking his sweet, sweet time pulling his shirt down over his incredibly taut, toned torso. It’s like he’s doing a reverse striptease, purposely flashing you. And Japan? What for? Just who the hell is this guy?!


“Call me, yeah?” He chucks you one last devastating grin before swiftly exiting the bedroom.


“But-But I don’t even have your number!” You protest, calling out after him. Crap! Is he serious?! You thought it was called a one night stand for a reason! Just what the hell is going on? And why do you feel like you actually want to see this weird but totally hot Big Bang guy again?!


Seungri suddenly re-appears, walking back into view.


“Oh. That’s right. But I definitely have yours. Unlike some people, I can remember numbers as well as names, _____.” He smirks. You can only gasp like a fish out of water, completely lost for words. Seungri waves goodbye, but before he leaves, he flashes you just one last, triumphant grin.



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ThenaDA-X #1