Scarves and Wounded Hearts

12 Days of Christmas (Wish List)

(On Christmas day)
No greater gift
Is there than love

Give Love on Christmas Day

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D.O x Krystal


Kyungsoo understood the gist of which Soojung started to crumble in pieces. Jongin told him it was because of him; he wanted a break and yes, a break he got—Soojung’s broken heart.

Kyungsoo wasn’t the type to pry because it was never his business to be involved in what’s never his but both were his friends and he has the right to know who feels what and who he should stand for.

He excused himself though, from Jongin. He was much closer to the boy than the girl but this time the girl was in no place close to joy, not even faking it either for happiness’ sake.

He was available enough to give her a part of him although it would seem like romanticism to some but he has this uncontainable amount of love hidden beneath him, now, ready enough to extend her a hand. Or maybe even his arms.

It was Christmas day and he decided to ask, texting her if she’s okay. She simply said ‘not quite’.

It was an insufficient response but enough to get him on his feet, concern triggered.

So he got out of his shared apartment with Jongin, told him he needed to get Soojung something.

The former had his brows distorted to curiosity. Kyungsoo smiled, it was transparently pegged as something out of love—love from a very dear friend such as he.

The kohl-eyed boy trudged through the snowy pavements of Seoul City, winter wind harsh on skin, to find the nearest apparel store to the girl’s apartment.

He remembered an urban themed apparel store which sold affordable and quality clothing and accessories located just across her apartment.

When he got there, there was one customer who was quite familiar to mind and she was rummaging through fur coats and thick wool woven beanies.

He decided to ignore his sense of affinity and sauntered over to the scarves section just half a meter gap away from where she stood.

From his peripheral vision, he could see the girl calmly staring at him, he once again tried to ignore her but her voice did not choose to ignore his conscience and existence that she even questioned his name, ‘Kyungsoo?’

He turned, a little surprised to see Soojung. Surprised not because he didn’t know it was her (where in the back of his mind he knew too well) but because her eyes were sullen, he can’t ignore the increased dark bags under them as well.

“Soojung, you’re here.” He sounded curt but it’s meant to sound surprised.

“Yeah, I am. What brings you here?” She sounded curt as well, probably offended the way his tone sounded.

“Oh, uhm. I was just looking for something.” His lips contorted to an awkward smile.

Something for you, he thought.

“That’s nice. I’m all out of coats. I never really had one, well, maybe I did have one. Remember that coat he gave me? I threw it away. The rest were all what Jinri lent me last holidays. She said she needed to make a charity fund out of them so I gave them to her.” She spoke quite bluntly it even sounded bitter but at least she was brave and honest enough to admit that, Kyungsoo noted.

“Right. Well. What color do you think is better? Red or pink?” He held up two identical knitted scarves.

“Pink looks good on you but red says a lot about you too. I’d go for red.”

Kyungsoo chuckled at her opinion. He liked red on his skin but red was her favorite color as he remembered. It was kind of funny for him to notice that Soojung wants her way in his decision making.

Oblivious Jung.

“Okay, red it is then, and I didn’t say I’d get it for me.” He smirked but Soojung perceived it had something to do with her ex and the boy was glad she must have thought that way judging from her listless nod.

“I don’t want to go for black. I’m going to get this grey one.” And she didn’t ask for his opinion. He was amused all the more.

His presence must have brought disturbance on her part that it was obvious enough that she guarded herself well with her pride.

Soojung quickly turned away and made a beeline towards the counter with her chosen apparel to pay.

He followed suit before Soojung might try to leave without his permission.

In his turn to pay he noticed that Soojung had not left yet. Beside the counter, she was distracted in counting her change because she was given an excess of coins—it consumed her time recounting them again.

Lucky me, the boy thought.

He had no change for the bill he gave was the exact amount of the scarf; he waited only for his receipt.

He walked away from the counter telling Soojung ‘See you’.

His peripheral vision met her satisfied raising of eyebrows indicating she was glad he left.

But he knew better than to leave her; instead, he waited for her outside the store.

He couldn’t keep himself from smiling when he heard a long relieved sigh the moment Soojung pushed through the doors.

Only, it was a short lived relief when he turned to face her, she let out a tiny gasp paired with widening eyes.

“I-I thought you left,” she stuttered.

“Come here,” he beckoned with an approachable smile.

She stood beside him but her eye focus was on the ground below them.

Kyungsoo let out a hearty chuckle as he patted her head.

“You gonna be okay?”

“Mm.” She nodded, eyes still fixed below.

There was a minute of silence the two allowed to pass by and after that Kyungsoo wittingly remarked,

“Ah, it’s freezing right now.”

He knew she must have anticipated for him to break the ice because she made a small smile, briefly looking his way before looking down again.

The plastic wrapper he brought crunched as he unstapled them open, taking out his newly bought scarf.

He admired it for a few seconds before taking the tag off and carefully wrapped it around her bare neck courtesy of her hair being tied back—inappropriate for the weather but timely for Kyungsoo to perform his act of care.

She whipped her head in his direction, confusion written all over her face.

“I was planning to give it to you, really. Your color preference helped a lot, not to mention your tied back hair contributed as well.”

His lips formed a heart when he bared his teeth to her.

“Kyungsoo…” She muttered softly, her hand hovered to the scarf snuggling around her neck.

She was speechless, caught off guard by her ex’s best friend.

The next second his arms were occupied by her small frame, it fit snug against him as he held her closer to his chest.

He hummed a sweet melody while smiling as his hand roamed to the back of her neck.

“I don’t want to see you suffering from the cold and you know I mean it in both ways.”

His voice of comfort, if it had flavor, was as sweet as honey.

“But…you’re betraying Jongin.” Her voice was muffled.

“Nope; not a chance,” he shakes his head chuckling while slowly swaying themselves back and forth.

“He knows I’m doing this and he doesn’t mind. He knows you need someone right now and he doesn’t want me to disown my right to accomplish my responsibility as a friend to you just because he’s my best friend and you’re his ex.”

That hurt for Soojung to hear, she tried to squirm out of his enveloping arms but to no avail when he further pushed himself to her.

“I know you’re not okay, but let your heart be light. It’s Christmas. I’m here right now…if you need anyone to accompany you or maybe sing you to sleep tonight.”

She breathed out a heavy sigh against his chest in response.

“Can I wear my coat first?” It meant she really needed a friend right now and she wasn’t ready to go home letting Kyungsoo see her moping whilst he lullabied her.

She needed a healthy distraction from her depression.

He let go of her and allowed her to wear it, even helping her with the sleeves before throwing his arms on her now bulky shoulders. He offered to lead her to a late night brewing noodle kiosk by the downtown streets; he let Soojung pass with backstabbing Jongin along the way. It was good to hear her side of the story too.

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why is kyungstal my favorite so far? haha


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sooju_ #1
Chapter 8: omg kyungstal feel. i can not. this is good, more romantic than couple in relationship. i really like this!!! i wish you will write the chanstal one kekekeke
Chapter 3: I was enjoying my life reading the fanfic. Suddenly, i laugh like an idiot and my brothers gave me "wtf-are-you-laughing-abot?" Look. I have a secret, i have 12 brother, which is weird. 10 of them were adopted. They are all handsome and they are crazy fan of f(x) and snsd. They are nice and i treat them like E-X-O.
ilymymk #3
Chapter 8: damn, Kyungstal made me smile like an idiot.. my sis is giving me the 'wtf' look XD
sndrfebriana #4
Chapter 2: Sehun can't krysie let go......huhaahahana evil maknae
Chapter 8: dyo so cuteeeee T^T
Chapter 8: Awhhhh!!! Kyungstal<3 nice couplee!!!
thelastghostgirl #7
Chapter 8: holy mama-this is so cute, I can't-ugh, my kyungstal ship is sailing so hard right now, because last goodbye summer perf, and now this-ugh, why kyungsoo must be so squishy and cute and hugable.ouch
Chapter 8: this is so cute omfg a;ldjf;alksd'fka;sdfk
kyungstal forevs just what i needed
esp with the kyungstal interactions during smtown week sobs