chapter 24

secret love

If there was one thing that Jung Daehyun was good at doing, that was sneaking out of the dorm withought getting caught. He quietly closed the door behind him and began to walk to the car. It didnt take even 15 minutes before he was at the entrance of ts entertainment.

Scanning his card, he walked in and started down the hallway lined with different studios.

He peered into studio a and there she was. inside was Ji eun. This was the first time he had seen her in nearly three months, since secret had been busy with their recent japan debut.

She noticed him and motioned for him to come in.

"Oppa!" she playfully said as she walked over to give him a hug. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

He hugged her back and then smiled at her.

"god I havent seen you in forever!" He exclaimed.

"I know! Please, tell me what going on. How are the boys?"

He stiffened up. whats been going on? If he told her ALL thats been happening she would think that the members of bap were crazy.

"Well..uh..youngjae and I are dating." He blurted out. A look of sudden shock spread across Ji euns face.

"Oh, thats.. thats great!" She tried to give him a approving smile but looked slightly upset at the news.

"is somthing wrong?" He asked her.

""well, its just that..I was hoping to come back and hopefully start somthing with you."

Daehyun felt his oxygen supply cut off at her shocking words.

"but your going back to japan in like three days" he protested.

'I know. but we could always see each other when I come back."

he shook his head. "Im sorry ji eun, But I cant do this. Im with Youngjae and I cant just leave hi-"

"yes you can" She said. He could tell that her patience for him was beginging to grow thin.

He shook his head again. "im sorry. I really am."

A painfull silence began to fill the room ad ji euns hatefull eyes burned into Daehyuns.

"I need to go. Youngjae is probabaly waiting on me.' He stood up from his seat and turned to face the door.

"Jung Daehyun dont you dare walk out on me!!!" She screamed.

He ignored her and continued to walk to the door.

"DAEHYUN!!!" She screeched at the top of her lungs.But there was no point. He had no intention on turning around. The screaming stopped when he reached the door.

He grabbed the door handle and started to turn it.

"daehyun wait" She pleaded.

He slowly turned around. Ji euns face was red and lines of black trailed down her face from her mascara tears.

"what does he have? What does he have that I dont have?"

"Everything. He is everything that I could ever ask for. He's smart, funny , talented. he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen." He could feel hot tears falling down his face as he spoke. The anger he felt towards ji eun at the moment was being shown through his words.

"he is everything to me and I would NEVER leave him." 

Ji eun was speechless. "then what was I to you huh?" Her words came out angry and hatefull.

"who was there when You needed help with vocal training? Who helped you with your dancing? Who guided you in the right direction when you were a sad, lost, little trainee? Who was there during those times, cause it sure wasent Youngjae!"

He took a deep breath before he spoke. "Your right. It wasnt youngjae. But Im still not leaving him. Not after what we have been through together. Ever since debut, I felt nothing but lonelyness. I had a constant sore throat from singing and sore muscles from 20 hour long dance practices. Besides the physical pain, I had so much depression from doing nothing but practicing everyday that there were times when I felt like giving up. But I didnt. Because I had youngjae there to pick me up when i was nearly broken. Where were you when I was concidering suicide?"

He didnt give her a chance to answer.

"thats right. you werent there. you seemed to just dissapear right after i debuted, leaving me alone in the darkness of my reality. If it wasnt for youngjae, id be ten feet under the ground right now"

He squinted to see past the tears in his eyes to see ji euns reaction. She didnt speak. Instead, she stood there as she watched Daehyun walk right out of the studio, leaving her standing there alone.

when daehyun got back to the dorm, he walked in and seen Yongguk and Himchan asleep on the couch. It looked like they had fallen asleep while watching a movie together.

he made his way to the bedroom and walked in. It was completley dark except for a dim nightlight lit in the corner of the room. he could make out two figures that appeared to be Zelo and Jongup sleeping together in Zelo's bunk bed. jongup had his are wrapped around Zelos waist as the maknae line were deep into their sleep.

He heared slight snoring comming from Youngjae as he snuck into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around his precious boyfriend and held him.

"dont ever leave me jae" he whispered into his sleeping boyfriends ear. "dont ever leave me"

yeah alot happened in this chapter lol. this was actually suppose to go up yesterday But i couldnt make up my mind on if I wanted this to happen ot if I wanted Youngjae to walk in on them both kissing. Anyways, sorry If I made a few mistakes about ji eun. I dont really know secret too well so I kinda just made some stuff up as I go along. well thank you guys for reading!!

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Chapter 5: Wow Daehyun. You should be worried about Himchan not who is going to cook… aish -.- But poor Channie!!!
Chapter 4: Awww Yongguk walking with Himchan!!!
Chapter 3: Fell off his bunk *cough cough*
Seems interesting~~
Chapter 30: Finally, I read everything and I am still in shock to read you. This fiction is the best of all that is in question but also BangChan DaeJae where JongLo! This family is the most perfect. Yongguk is really well. I like it a lot and Himchan they are both really cute. At the wedding scene I almost almost crying omg. Hum the poor jieun, it makes me a bit of trouble but hey .. The heart of Daehyun was taken to Youngjae in person and i really love that. (^-^) ~ the hot scenes were the most beautiful I think... -I'm OUT- I will really continue to read you! especially on banghim ! this fiction is too precious aw don't give up.. please dear.
Chapter 20: OMFG ! I'm such a fan of your fanfic! and also daejae you write. olala this f***** scene hot that is passed between them was the most beautiful.<3 kyaaaaaaah i just in love ~~~
Chapter 31: Yessss :) woohoo
Chapter 30: Woohoo new stories :)
Chapter 29: Totally understand why this chapter didn't make it into the final draft