The Ending


Baekhyun and Eunji haven't talked with each other for some days now. It is obvious to Baekhyun that she's avoiding him.

"Eunji!" Baekhyun called the moment he saw her walked out of her class but she ran away so he followed her quickly. "Eunji! Please don't do this anymore... I missed you so much!" He hugged her tightly when he caught her, she tried to push him away but he just tighten his hug more.

"But... your mom don't like me"

"So what? It's my heart, and I love you so much" he said. Eunji once again tried to get out from his grip, she succeeded and faced him

"But you will go to America" she stared into his eyes

"Please Eunji, don't worry about that"

"How can I? When I know that in the end you'll leave me too?!"

"No! I won't.  I promise..please.. believe me" Baekhyun hugged her tightly again and this time, Eunji hugged her back holding onto his promise. 




Baekhyun's graduation came by so fast. It seems that months became days. The ceremony was happy although, Eunji couldn't go near him because his mother is around, but still she was happy while watching him walking up the stage from a far. They decided to have a dinner with their friends. The dinner was fun and after that the couple decided to take a walk on the Han River.

"Oppa!" Eunji called as they walked hand in hand under the starry night

"hmm?" Baekhyun looked into her eyes endearingly

"Nothing" she answered. Truth be told, she didn't have anything to say. She just wanted to call him, to make him look at her. But then again it just made her stopped. She can't even speak because she's being melted by the way he stared at her. His eyes are like saying that she's the only star he would like to look at.

"you're weird" he stated as they stopped by near a tree and decided to sat under it.

"I know haha" they were hugging each other while sitting on the grass. Her head peacefully resting on his chest, arms warmly wrapping around each other.

"Ah, next school year will be lonely, because you already graduated" she said. 

"don't worry I'll always be there after school" he assured her. Baekhyun deiced not to pursue going to America like what his mom wanted. He will study in one of Korea's top University so that he would still see Eunji.

"But, being a university student is hard. You're going to get busy"

"I'll still find a way" he smiled 

Eunji hugged him more, looking up to his face. He leaned in closer to her and kissed her.

"I wish we could be like this forever" He said

"Me too"

"Hey, wan't to have a walk again?"


They stand up and walk hand in hand. But Eunji stopped when she saw an older couple  in front of them. Her eyes widen and Baekhyun got curious to her action so he also look in front. Seeing the older couple, who was busy lost in their own world, his eyes widen too.

"U...Umma?" Eunji mumbled

"Appa?" Baekhyun said at the same time.

They look at each other






They decided to go home after that. And all the way, they're not talking to each other. They already reached Eunji's house but they still haven't exchange a single word. 

"Ah.. good night" Baekhyun finally said

"Oppa... your--your father..."

"I didn't expect it too, It's getting late. I need to go home now" Baekhyun obviously wanted to avoid talking about what they saw.

"Good night" Eunji just answered, and with that Baekhyun walked away.



Baekhyun knocked in the door.

"Come in" was the answer from inside,  he open the door and get in his mom's office. 


"oh why Baekhyun?" Giving him a glance before getting back to her laptop

"Is that why?" he questioned her

"Why what? What are you talking about? Baekhyun if it's something not important please, I'm busy."

"Eunji, do you hate her because of her mom?"

His mom stopped typing and finally look up at him

"So you know now?"

"We both know now" he informed

"Good" she simply said

"You know this all the time?! That's why in the first place you dislike her?!" Baekhyun couldn't help to raise his voice

"I know because I investigated her. Because I can see her mom in her, she looks like her mom so I investigated, then that's what I found out. The she's the daughter of that lady, who took your father away from us."

"But why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you won't believe me, because you  love that girl so much. But I know that I didn't fail to show you that I don't like her for you. To be honest, I could've like that girl if not for her mother"



Since that night, Eunji haven't talked to Baekhyun even though she wanted to so bad. She wanted to clear things up. She badly missed him and . She never received a text or call from him . He didn't reply to all her messages and didn't pick up all her calls. 


The next thing she knew, Baekhyun’s gone.


"Eunji ah, I know that it shouldn't come from me. But Chorong is already worried about you. So I don't have any choice but to tell you. Eunji, Baekhyun already leave. He is in America now." Suho informed her from the other line.

"I-is that so?" She answered. She already guessed it, and she was right. That he already go and left her. But she was not prepared to hear the truth. The truth that Baekhyun broke his promise.



"I'm sorry, I actually just knew about it, too. He also didn't tell us. I just received a call from him the other day, saying that he's in New York."

"Don't worry about it Suho oppa, you don't do anything wrong"

"Uhm,,  Eunji?"


"Will you be alright?"

"Of course oppa, but I have to hang up now,"

"Okay. Take care Eunji. I’m sorry"

"Bye oppa"

Eunji ended the call. Tears were now forming in the corner of her eyes. A few minutes later, she let them out. It was so painful. How could he just left without even a single word. Without even a goodbye.




"Jung Eunji" the teacher just ended the lesson when she suddenly called Eunji

"Yes teacher?" 

"Come at my office after school"

"okay ma'am" she answered.




Right after her last class, she went to the faculty office to meet her homeroom teacher.

"Eunji, you know why I called for you right?" The lady asked her gently and she nodded

"Then, why is this blank?" Her teacher asked her again, referring to the career form -- which all graduating students should answer so the teacher will know what their plans are for college.

"I don't know if I will continue my study" she answered, with the same blank face she always had before—before Baekhyun came into her life.

"But why? Eunji, I know you are a great student. You get good grades and is very talented. You shouldn't waste it. Tell me Eunji, how do you see your future?"

"My  future? It's ... it's like a very dark room, where I'm all alone. And there are creatures that were hurting me" she answered all honesty

"Then get out of that room. That's not your future, that's just an obstacle that you should get through."

"How can I?" She asked like it was the most impossible thing

"It's a dark room, but there is always a door. Try to find that door.  Yes, it is not easy, but you should get through. And once you find the door, get out. Get out of that room and continue to reach success. I'm saying, that if  you'll be like this, giving up this early, then you'll be forever in that dark room. So you need to continue to fight, because something is waiting for you outside that room --at the future, and it's your choice to go on."





The bell rang just in time as the professor in front say goodbye. The students in the room fix their things and leave the room. Eunji stretched her arms before getting her bag. 

"Come on" she said to the girl beside her, Kim Namjoo. 

Eunji was now a university student, majoring in music. She and Namjoo are classmates along with Namjoo's boyfriend, Chen. 

After Eunji's teacher talked to her, she got the motivation to move on. She wants to show to her mother, her father and Baekhyun that she can move on. That even if she was left alone, she can live a happy life.

University life is not easy, but it is fun because of her friends. She was still friends with Chorong, who was majoring in Education, Bomi who was majoring in Dance and her classmate Naeun, and Hayoung who was a Culinary student. She still has communications with Chanyeol, who was a Bussiness Major but in a different university. He was still the same caring oppa to her. Her friends' boyfriends, Suho, Luhan and Sehun are her friends too and she already met their other friends. They even try to match her with their other friends. But she just take it as a joke. It's not because she still loves Baekhyun, but because was focusing on reaching the goal she set. And love is something that will just get in her way.

Her college life came by slow and hard but somehow, she managed to survive.






"Eunji, spill it out, what is it that you want to say?" Chorong said, and the other girls nodded along with her. Eunji called for them and say that it is important. All 6 of them gathered in a small café in the city. Eunji wanted them to be together since they rarely got the chance to—becoming adults made everyone busy.

"Okay, so.... Girls, I just got accepted!!!" She beamed showing her eyesmile



"Congrats unni!"

Eunji was so happy and so they are for her. Eunji was now a vocal trainer and a music teacher in one of the most prestigious art school in Seoul.

"This calls for a celebration!" Chorong beamed






Eunji closed her laptop and stretched her arms, she just finish her lesson plan and other files she's working on. She took a sip on her bubble tea and smiled. It was a few months later since she started working. It was exhausting yes, but since she’s doing what she loves, it was lesser.

"Their bubble is tea is really the best" she said to herself. She was at Hayoung and Sehun's bubble tea shop. She looked around the place, it was now a bigger shop, but is still filled with memories. The shop didn't have the happy customer corner like before but all photos were still on the wall, except from a certain photo, their photo-- Baekhyun and her. She didn't know if Hayoung purposely hid it for her, but somehow, she thanked them, at least it help her to forget him every time she went there. 

"Eunji?" A voice called, she turn around to see who it is. Her eyes widen, she didn't expect to see that person. The person that first left her, the person that started all her pain-- her mother.

"It's you right? You're Eunji right? My baby" The lady said, hands clearly trembling as she tried to reach for Eunji

"I..I'm sorry, I have to leave" she said and walked out of the tea shop quickly.


Eunji was stopped when her mom caught up with her and blocked her way. Eunji couln't look on her face, and she could already feel her tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Eunji, please, I know it's you and I know you can remember me"

"I'm sorry ahjumma, but I don't know you" Eunji breathed deeply, gathering all the courage she has to face her with a straight face.

Her mother started to cry, it hurts for her to be called ahjumma by her own daughter.

"Please, Eunji, it's me your mom, I know you remember me"

"I don't have a mom" Eunji said sternly. "My mom, died. 18 years ago" she added. Because for her, when she didn't return like what she promised to, when she leave her and her father 18 years ago, she already died.

"Eunji, I know you're mad at me, no, you must really hate me but believe me… I planned to come back and get you but I don't have the courage, Eunji please listen to me." She cried to her daughter

"Ahjumma, I don't want to cause a commotion here, I need to go" she said and left her mom. She stopped a cab and ride in. The moment she closed the door, the tears she was holding up started to fall.



"Bye unni, take care" Eunji hung up her phone.

She just have a call with Chorong, who was inviting her to her engagement party, with non other that Kim JoonMyun a.k.a Suho. She was happy for the couple, because finally they decided to settle down. Their relationship was perfect, it have ups and down but they still get through. Finally, the leader couple will be married. She laughed to herself remembering something. Because everyone of them got beaten by the maknae couple, Oh Sehun and Oh Hayoung who just got married 3 months ago. It surprises them because it was believe that leader couple will get married first, but then, the maknae couple did. 




She reminisce the past, if Baekhyun didn't leave her, if Baekhyun was still there for her, will they get married, will they be like the others? A happy couple? Will they get married?

But he's not here, he went away. Memories were the only thing left. Memories that hurt her so much. 



On the night of Suho and Chorong's engagement party, all of their friends were invited. 

"Guys let's eat!"

"Yahay" they all cheered. Food is their common denominator. All of them love to eat. All 17 of them was sitting in one table. Suho and Chorong were on one end, sitting beside each other. 

"Congratulations to both of you!" They all said to the lovely couple.

"Thank you for coming, I'm really glad that you are all here, I can't believe that soon, I'm getting married, it's just like yesterday when we were all students and young." Chorong said


"Yes, this night is not just our night, because we will celebrate many things tonight!" Suho announced

"Really? What are those?" Chen asked curiously

"Why don't we start to our youngest couple here?" Suho said and look at Sehun and Hayoung.

The two maknaes look at each other and smile

"We have good news!" Hayoung said


"I'm going to be a father!" Sehun beamed and hugged Hayoung who was beside her, his hand landing and caressing Hayoung’s tummy.

"Woah! Congrats!" They all cheered

"Ahh maknaes are always taking the lead, Bomi, when will you marry me?" Luhan asked to the girl beside him

"You haven't even proposed yet!" Bomi said while chewing on some chicken

"I'm proposing now" he said

"What?!" Bomi exclaimed making some of the food she was eating to be spat out, Luhan quickly grabbed some tissues to wipe

"hahahahaha" They all laugh at the cute couple.

"How fast, Naeun and I just started dating, we feel left out" Kai said and look at his girlfriend

"Don't worry, everything has a time for" Kris reminded the younger

"Where are they?" Suho mumbled while glancing at his watch

"Hyung, waiting for someone?" Chanyeol asked

"It's..Baekhyun  will come tonight, with someone" Suho said, glancing towards Eunji

Eunji frozed when she heard the name. She just thought of him, but she never expected to see him again, right now.

"Is there something wrong?" Lay asked, noticing the change of atmosphere in some of them. He didn't know Baekhyun because he just met the boys during college, so like the others, he was clueless

"Ah nothing" the only people to know about Baekhyun is Chanyeol, Luhan, Suho, Chorong, Bomi, Hayoung, Sehun, Chen, Kris Xiumin and of course, Eunji -- because they all came from the same high school. Only they know about the love story between Eunji and Baekhyun and how it ended just like that. Some of them think of Baekhyun as a jerk for just leaving without saying anything, but they can't also blame him, knowing the story of his dad and Eunji's mom.

"They are here" Suho said. They all look to the direction where Suho is looking.

Eunji's heart started to beat faster, a feeling that was strange, she hadn't felt like this for a long time. Her eyes met with Baekhyun's, but she was more shocked to see who is with Baekhyun.



'Why is she with Baekhyun?' She tought.

"Baekhyun! I'm glad you came" Suho greeted

"Hyung, I missed you! Ah congratulations!"

"Thank you. Same here"

"Who's with you?" Chorong asked

"Eunji unni?" Yookyung said noticing Eunji in the group, before Baekhyun could introduced her

"She's Yookyung, my girlfriend" Baekhyun said as he pulled Yookyung closer

Everyone was shocked especially Eunji, girlfriend? Yookyung? How? All questions were on her mind. How did they become a couple?

"Ah, hello" Yookyung greeted, awkwardly and look at Baekhyun after greeting his friends. Suho and Chorong greeted back and let them sit. Suho introduced them to the others and they greeted them politely although there’s an obvious change in the atmosphere.

They chatted many things, but it can be noticed that Eunji was quiet, and not joining in the conversation. 

"Ji, you okay?" Chanyeol asked her


"If you're not, don't force it," he whispered again

"I'm fine, don't worry" she said and smiled sweetly to Chanyeol, which didn't escape Baekhyun's sharp eyes. 

'Maybe they are now together.' He thought to himself.

As the conversation go on, the things to celebrate aside from his engagement that Suho says were, Hayoung's pregnancy, Kai and Naeun being a couple, Xiumin becoming a licenced doctor, Tao opening his own martial arts school, Chen's upcoming musical, and Baekhyun's comeback after 6 years. They learned that Yookyung and Baekhyun met in college in New York. Having the same course and Major.

After eating they scattered in the house for their own businesses, boys were having a talk and playing games while some girls were having a chitchat. Meanwhile, Eunji isolated herself and went to the garden, playing with Janggu, Kai's beloved dog.

Her mind was full, she didn't expect Baekhyun coming back, she admits that she misses him, she didn't know what to do. Because deep inside her, even if she denied it a million times, she still loves him. But it seems that he no longer feels the same. It seems that he’s moved on already. And besides, the pain he caused is still there, it’s not easy to forgive him.

"Unni?"  someone called so she turned and saw Yookyung. 

"Ah, Yookyung ah, why are you here and not joining them?"

"I should be the one to ask that, why are you here unni? I'm not close to them, I only know you and Baekhyun oppa. But you, you are their friend, why are you alone?

"Nothing, just having some fresh air."

"I missed you unni" Yookyung hugged her

"Me too, it's been so long, you've grown so prettier"

"You’re prettier unni"

Eunji just smiled. During their conversation, they haven't really talked about Baekhyun. Eunji was relieved because she was really avoiding the topic. But somehow, she got curious, she knows that she talk about Baekhyun to Yookyung before, when they were still together, although she haven't send her any pictures of him. So maybe that's why Yookyung didn't know that her boyfriend Baekhyun is the same with the Baekhyun that Eunji told her before.



A few weeks later, everything gets back to normal --at least for the most of them. They get back to their own work and life except for four people; Chanyeol, who was overly thinking about Eunji's situation, Eunji whose peaceful life gets messed up again with Baekhyun's comeback, and Yookyung and Baekhyun, who just come back from America and is now in the big mess that Baekhyun created.

A knock was heard on the door of Yookyung's apartment, the young girl skipped to the door and open it, the smiled on her face faded as she saw who’s on the door. 

"Oh, it's just you" she said

"Can you look more happy? It's like you hated to see me" he grumbled

"Well I do, now what brings you here oppa?" She asked

"Aww, do you really hate me that much?"

"It's your fault oppa, you're ruining our plans, and whoever told you to say that I'm your girlfriend? In front of them? And especially in front of Eunji unni?!" She said to Baekhyun and even slapped her forehead. He’s sure giving her a headache

"Fine fine. It's my fault, but I get really nervous, I don't know what to say and I saw him sitting beside Chanyeol, you know Chanyeol right? He's like my biggest rival" He explained but Yookyung just rolled her eyes.

"And you really have the guts to be jealous when you're the one who left her 6 years ago?"

"Ahh I really don't know what to do now! I thought you'll help me to get her back?"

"If you really want my help then fine, I'll help you by straightening your mistake, I'll tell Eunji unni that I'm not your girlfriend, that the reason why you came back is because you want to get her back because finally you came to the realization of how dumb you are when you leave her 6 years ago!"

Suddenly, Baekhyun saw an orange roll to his feet, they quickly look at the door and saw Eunji standing there, with eyes wide open. She heard their conversation because they forget to lock the door and the two were busy shouting at each other to notice her came. 

"Sorry" she said before walking out

"I...kinda forgot to tell you that I'm expecting her" Yookyung said "yah, what are you doing? Follow her!" 

By that Baekhyun get back to his senses and ran out following Eunji.


"Eunji! Eunji wait, please!" Baekhyun shouted as he run, and finally he caught her, he grab her wrist and turned her around

"Yah! Let go!"

"Please Eunji, listen to me"

"What for?! Baekhyun what do you want and you came back? And you even brought Yookyung along and lie, what really is your problem?!" she shouted at his face

"Eunji, the reason I came back is you, probably you heard it, but I'll repeat it again, I came back for you Eunji, I want you back, I still love you and I am deeply sorry if I leave before. But I regret it so much, you don't know how much my heart suffer, I missed you so damn much that I actually think of killing myself, but then maybe it's a miracle that I'm still alive so I don't want to waste this chance. I was dumb before, I was a coward but now, I will fight for you and our love. Even if the whole world is against us, I will still fight for you"

" shouldn't have lied and I don't know Baekhyun, I'm not ready to forgive you"

"I know, you're mad at me, or maybe even hate me, but I will do everything to have you back, If I need to court you again, I'd do it. Anything for you Eunji.





And ends up with a wedding full of pain and smiles.


Like what Baekhyun said, he did everything just for Eunji to forgive him and for them to get together again. It was like they go back to their highschool days. When he would always show up to Eunji and followed her around

After Eunji's work at the university, Baekhyun will be there to fetch her, sometimes when he can't make it due to his own work, he wouldn't forget to call or text Eunji. 

Eunji on the other hand, let Baekhyun do those things, and not so long after, she forgave him and they are finally back together.


2 years later, Baekhyun and Eunji's relationship is still strong. Even though, his mother still can't approve of Eunji, they showed her and to all people that their love is strong. And soon, they will celebrate their anniversary. 

Baekhyun just went out of a jewelry shop, he look at the small box in his hands that contained the ring he bought. On their anniversary, he will finally propose to Eunji. He was very sure of his decision, Eunji is his life, he wants to be with her.

He already planned everything. The ring, the flowers, the event, everything, he planned and imagine it perfectly in his head. 


Soon, the day came. He was inside his room picking the outfit he will wear, he was nervous of course, but he disregard it, for he knows that his love for Eunji will last.

A knock on the door was heard before it opened and revealed his mom.

"Baekhyun, what is this that I've heard? You'll propose to Eunji? Are you out of your mind?!" she madly shouted at him

"Mom, it's my decision, it's my life, I love her so I will marry her" Baekhyun answered, he didn’t seem bothered by the presence of his mom and just continue to fix his coat

"No, Baekhyun it is a big no, you know that I hate her so you will not marry her!"

"No, mom, it's her mom that you hate, why can't you just accept the fact that she is not her mom!" He looked at her

"But they are the same! Her mom get your father away, and now she's taking you away from me?!"

"Mom, I'm in the legal age to marry, I'm not a kid anymore! My decision is final, and you can't do anything!" Baekhyun walked to his bed to get his things  

"Baekhyun! Remember that I will never ever give my blessings to you, and if you still continue, I will take away your inheritance!" she warned

"Then do it! I don't care! Mom, you've been blinded by your anger! I don't know if you're really my mom, you've change so much!"  Baekhyun shouted and stomped out, slamming the door shut behind him. He didn't care now, Eunji’s waiting for him.




Eunji was smiling all day, it can be seen on her face that she was happily in love. 

 "Unni, you're blooming today" Namjoo said and Eunji just smiled at her. They were now co-workers on the same art school "So, what's your plan?"

"We'll gonna have dinner together" she answered

"aww sweet"


After Eunji's work, she found a little heart shaped card on her table.

It was a card from Baekhyun, and when she went out, Baekhyun was not there who was supposed to fetch her.

"Unni what's wrong?"

"Look" she then showed the card

"I think he prepared a surprise event for you, oh my gosh unni, how romantic."


"Yes, so go unni!"

"Thanks Namjoo"

"Don’t forget to tell me what happened!" 

"Haha sure!" she said and bid goodbye to her friend

Eunji rode a cab, and while on the way, she can't help but smile while rereading the card, even though it just contains a few words.


Go to our high School

-  Baekhyun


She get to the place, and on the gates, the guard just let her in and gave her a card similar to the she's holding. She thanked the guard and smiled, it seems that Baekhyun already planned it. She opened the card and it says,


Jung Eunji! Detention!

 - Baekhyun


"Huh?" She said. 

She look at her surroundings and saw a few students going home, the sun was setting already. Even though her high school days weren't really good, she was happy to be there again. On the way to detention office--which she wished that was still on the same place-- she met and greet her former teachers. And they were glad to see that she was also a teacher now. 

Finally, she gets in front of the door of the said office. She entered and saw no one inside. And as she did, memories filled her mind. She motioned to a seat near the window and saw another card there. It was the seat where she sat before, when she first met him. That was the day she first get to detention, for a thing that she didn't do. Some students were playing a prank on her, but since one teacher walks ahead of her, it was the one who gets victimized, and Eunji gets the blame. Back at that time when she first set foot at that office, she cursed and wanted to get back at those students, but now, she wanted to thank them, cause if not, she will not met Baekhyun. 

Eunji picks up the card and open it


Remember the first time we've met? 

That's also the first time that my heart beats so fast like crazy,

The time when I fall in love with you, despite your cold attitude. 

Now if you're curious to what is this all about....

Turn around…

- Baekhyun.


A smiled crept on her face. She perfectly imagined Baekhyun standing behind her, while holing a bouquet of flowers while flashing his smile. The smile that she loves. She slowly turn around while smiling. 

But her smile faded when she didn't saw Baekhyun in front of her. This should be the time where he goes out of his hiding place, but he's not there.

She thought that maybe he just went out, maybe he's late or he's hiding. So she searched inside the room. But no Baekhyun. 

"That guy, ruining the romantic mood by being late" she said and sat. She looked at the door, waiting for him to finally came rushing while apologizing to her. Then they will go out and tour the school. She smiled imagining those things. 


But an hour later, there were still no signs of Baekhyun. She's already feeling something in her heart. Baekhyun would never make her wait. He never did in their past dates. When they meet, Baekhyun was always the first to come. But now, another hour will pass in a few minutes but there were still no signs of him. Eunji tried to find him, and roam around the school, she went to the storage and to the third floor where they cleaned before, she went to the cafeteria, the garden and every place. It was already dark, she tried to go back to the room but it was still empty. She decided to go for the school will close soon. She was walking alone at the road while tears were flowing down her cheek. She couldn't believe that Baekhyun stood her up, she can't believe that she was spending their special day alone. 

Then a sudden vibration came from her pocket. She got her phone and answered an incoming call from an unknown number

"Hello?" She said in a cracking voice.

Her eyes widen as she listened to the speaker. She could't believe what she's hearing. She ran as fast as she could when the call ends. And it seemed that the skies could feel her sorrow and her pain. Raindrops started falling hard on her head, she didn't care if she was already wet. She ran until she reached the main road and stopped a cab, getting inside and praying that nothing bad him.




After hearing the information from the nurse, Eunji ran again to get to a room. When she's finally there, her steps were slowed down, she saw some familiar faces outside, all of them have the worried face.

"Eunji" Suho said as she saw her

"Where is Baekhyun? What happened to him?!" She asked, crying.

"Inside, he met an accident on his way to you." He said, lowering his head

Eunji slowly walked to the door of a room, Her knees were weak. She was afraid to saw him in that condition.

Slowly, she opened the door.

She can see Baekhyun lying on a bed, many apparatus were stuck to him. She also saw his mom inside, the one who called her. Another thing that shocked her.

"Baekhyun..." She said as she walked near the bed. Baekhyun's mom stood up and quietly went outside


Just then she saw Baekhyun awake.

"Baek! O my, what happened. Oppa, please be strong" she cupped his hands and tears were still flowing on her cheeks.

"E..eun....j...ji" he said in a weak voice

"Baby, no don't say anything, don't force yourself please. Baekhyun oppa please... don't leave me..."

Baekhyun look at her, his eyes were filled with sadness. He wanted to say many things to Eunji. He wanted to say sorry, for not celebrating their anniversary together, sorry for being in his current condition. Sorry for making her cry again.  He wanted to tell her how much he loves her. But all of it stayed on his mind. He didn't have any strength to talk. 

But he still forced to speak.


"Baekhyun please..." she cried harder



I love you. Those were his last words before closing his eyes, with a smile. 




"Baek? Baekhyun! Yah wake up! Baekhyun! Oppa!!!"




Soon, the doctor came rushing in... doing something to Baekhyun while Eunji was on the corner, crying.

"Baekhyun please don't leave me, don't break your promise again" she mumbled and pray at the same time

"He will be okay" Chorong said as she tried to comfort her. She went inside because she knew that Eunji needed someone 


The doctor then stop, a deafening sound of a flat line filled the room. All of them were shocked.


"I'm sorry, he didn't make it"



Baekhyun's body was taken away, but Eunji was still in the hospital, she excused herself from her friends and wanted to be alone so she went to the hospital garden Her heart just shattered into pieces. Baekhyun, her only love. The only one that inspired her to continue living, was now gone. 

She's thinking how much this world despised her to experience this kind of pain, this loss every time. Her tears were dry, she can't cry anymore. 

Footsteps were heard. She didn't have the strength to turn around, but the person walked in front of her. 

Baekhyun's mom.

Eunji lowered her head and closed her eyes, she knew how she hates her. Any moment now she will slap her and say harsh things to her. But none of this happened when she feel someone hugging her. She opened her eyes and saw Baekhyun's mom hugging her.

"I'm sorry" his mom said

She's confused of it. Why is she suddenly saying sorry? Then the older lady breaks the hug. Eunji finally saw her teary face.

"Eunji. I know I was really hard on you, I know that I’m not nice to you. And I'm sorry for that. I was blinded by my anger that I didn't saw how much you loved my son. I'm sorry, because now, everything is too late. My son was no longer here with us." 

Eunji can't say anything, she can't believe what's happening. The older lady then get something from her bag and gave it to her.

"It was my fault-- why Baekhyun died. If I didn't argue with him this morning, he won't drive so careless. It was my fault. I'm sorry" She cried as she say sorry

His mom leave her so she could think. Eunji look at the things she gave. A small box, a rose and a card similar to the cards she got earlier. And all of it were covered with blood. Baekhyun's blood.

Holding the rose on her on hand, she opened the box and saw a ring. A very beautiful ring. The card contains just a few words that were still readable despite the drops of blood on it.


Eunji, will you marry me?




It was supposed to be the last card from him which he supposed to give personally. He was supposedly giving her a bouquet, but a single bloody rose was all left. And supposedly, he will be on his knee, showing the ring while repeating the words on the card and saying I love you the moment she said yes. They would spend the time touring the school, reminiscing the past and have a dinner together at a fancy restaurant. 

And they would end the night with a sweet kiss.




Because it was what supposed to happen if Baekhyun didn't get into accident. If Baekhyun didn't die. But all of these would just be on Eunji's mind, imagining that all of it would happen.




Eunji just got home from Baekhyun's funeral. She wants to stay but all her friends demand her to get some rest. She didn't get any sleep since Baekhyun's death.

It was like yesterday for her, when she met Baekhyun, when they get together, when he came back, everything. But it was also just yesterday when he left. And this time, she knew that he won't come back.

"Eunji ah, what do you want to want to eat?" Chorong asked her


"Unni don't be like that, you should eat" Hayoung said

"Ji, please don't be stubborn" Bomi said

Her friends came with her. They are worried about Eunji.  All of her six girl friends were there for her, the boys were left at the funeral to help. 

Eunji looked at them before smiling, the most genuine smile she had since yesterday.  And then she hugged them tightly one by one.

"Hayoung, why did you leave your daughter there?" she asked the youngest while caressing her hair

"There's Sehun to take care of her, I know you need us now. Unni, we're worried you"

"I know, and I'm thankful for that. Just promise me that you will take care of her. She's like a daughter that I can't have so take care of her well"

"Of course unni"


"Namjoo! My Namjoo, take care of your voice okay, you're one of the most talented girls I've met. Use your talent and show it to the world, catch the dream that we build, a dream that I haven't reached." She said as she hugged Namjoo

"Unni?" Namjoo was puzzled by Eunji’s words, but then Eunji just smiled at her and went near to Naeun.


"Naeun-ie, don't be too cold on Kai. Don't be shy to show him how much you love him. You'll never know when the time came when you can't do that anymore." Naeun didn’t answer but just hugged Eunji tightly as she nodded


"Yookyung, I've known you the longest, and even if you also left me before. I'm glad that you came back."


"Bomi, you always cheer me up. You're one of the person who made my world bright. You're my partner when it comes to crazy things"


 "Chorong unni, I'm sorry if stressing you. You are pregnant and you should rest, but you are here with me. Please take care of yourself and the baby."

 "Yah, Jung Eunji, why are you saying all those things so suddenly?" Chorong asked, Eunji’s really suspicious

"I just want all of you to be happy and reminding you to enjoy life while you're with the person you love" Eunji sadly answered, she didn’t want her friends to feel how miserable she is.

They all went teary as they hugged each other. 


Eunji stayed in her room after that, telling the girls to call her when they are done cooking. She wanted to be alone, but then a knock was heard.

"Come in"


She turned around to the voice and saw her mom. It was a long time. She really missed her. Even though the last time they'd met was not a good one.

"U..umma" she called. It was strange to her ears, to say that. To call someone like that.

It seems like she get back to her five year old self -- the one who was eagerly waiting for her mom to return. And now that she showed up, Eunji ran to her and hugged her. She wanted to erase all the pain in her heart. And forgiving her mother was a good start. She cried to her, like a kid who dropped her icecream. 

"Umma! Umma! It hurts... it hurts so much" she bawled out

"Hush dear, I know it hurts, but we need to accept it. Don't worry mom was here" Her mom hugged her and caressed her hair


After her crying, they sat on her bed, they were in each other's arm. Somehow Eunji felt warm. A mother's warm hug is something she needed, but it didn't take all the pain away.

"Eunji, thank you for forgiving me. Even though I left you before"

"You’re still my mom. Sorry if I’m hard on you the last time"

"Eunji, are you hungry now? You want mom to get you food?"

"No mom" she shook her head "can you sing me to sleep, with the lullaby you always sing to me before?"

"Of course" 

Eunji get into her blankets while her mom lied down beside her, her hair gently while humming a lullaby.



Eunji woke up; or rather open her eyes again.  She hadn't really slept. She wanted to but Baekhyun was there popping in her mind. She misses him so badly. She sat down on her bed, her mom was not there anymore-- she went out a few minutes ago, thinking that she was asleep. 

Eunji looked on her table, there was the rose, the ring and the card. She opened her phone and look through the pictures of her and Baekhyun together.

"Dad, now I know how it feels" she mumbled then look out the window. Before, she hated her father for shooting his self. Eunji thought he was crazy for doing it. But now, she also feels the same her father felt before. 

She got a blank card from her drawer and wrote something on it. She rummaged her drawer again and saw what she need. She wears the ring on her finger and she got the rose, with the thing the she got from her drawer, she did it, pain obvious from her face but it was nothing compared to the pain in her heart. After she’s done, she held Baekhyun's card on her hand and put it near her chest before lying down on her bed again.


"Baekhyun ah, I love you" she said as she closed her eyes. 



"Namjoo, wake Eunji up now, the food is ready" Chorong said to the younger girl

"Yes unni"

"I'm coming with you" Eunji's mom said

The two went up to her room. But not long after they get in, a shrieking scream was heard.




They were all gathered together. All the eleven guys and six girls were there. His mother, his father and her mother were also there. Some other friends, colleagues and relatives were also there to witness the event. 

Baekhyun and Eunji's wedding.

But it wasn't like any wedding. It was a wedding held not in a church, but a cemetery. The groom was not waiting down the aisle and the bride was not walking to him. Instead the bride and groom's coffins lay side by side in a hole on the ground.

It was a wedding full of smiles, but filled with pain, sadness and loss at the same time. They were happy for the two. Because after all the hardships they faced, they were now together, but unfortunately their wedding day was also the day that the people around have to say goodbye. 

Many of them still couldn't believe the tragedy for this lovely couple. How Baekhyun died on their anniversary and how Eunji killed herself the day after.

Inside their coffins, Eunji was holding the card from Baekhyun, and Baekhyun was holding Eunji's answer. In the card, Eunji wrote:


Yes Baekhyun, I will

 - Eunji


They were all tears as the priest blessed the souls of the couple. And as quiet as the ceremony took place, a sudden barking of a dog, namely Janggu, was heard.

"Shh, Janggu, I know you'll miss them too" Kai said as he patted his dog.

But the dog barked again, while looking away not far from where they are. 

There stood a happy couple, all in white, whom everyone cannot see, except for the dog, was watching the event with a smile. 

"Shh Janggu, I'll miss playing with you too" the female said with a voice that only the dog could hear and that stopped Janggu's barking.

Friends and family started to throw flowers in the hole where their body lies. The two bodies were buried on the ground. 

"Ji, it was now time to say goodbye" 

"Okay Baek."

A sudden blowing of strong winds was felt by the small crowd. And they knew that it was Baekhyun and Eunji.




And now the two were happy. They were finally free. They were finally together without any objections. Without any problems.

They walk hand in hand until they disappeared into the air, while promising to love each other forever.







This story that started sadly, now tell me...

Did it end differently?




[EDITED 151031]


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rina0807 #1
Chapter 2: huwa... you know i'm crying a river here... really. i couldn't stop the tears.. ottokhae...
nice job author-nim.. ;)
hana1029 #2
Chapter 2: Omg I cant control my tears
Chapter 2: I never cried reading any fanfic but this is just soo saddd
Nani_Mia #4
Chapter 2: This is the first story that I cried.I really ship Baekji.. But, please. do some more fanfic about Baekji.I really like them to be together.
Chapter 2: Wow,you should become a author.
This story make me cried!
Make more BAEKJI Stories please ~
EXOticsMia #6
Chapter 2: I'm crying when Baek is death
Jolyne #7
Chapter 2: you're story is really touching,it made my cried.
i think you can make writing as your job:p
heavyrosekookshipper #8
Chapter 2: This story reminds me of what happened to me in the past.
Thank you for making me cry In the middle of my studies. /sobs/
haziqahsone #9
Chapter 2: This is the first story I cried when I read it. This story is so good. Congratulation author-nim :) make more exopink story.
Min-tan #10
Chapter 2: I really cried, your stories are destroying me TwT