The Beginning


A little Eunji woke up from her sleep. She heard noises from outside her room. She hugged herself, scared of what was happening. Her mom and dad were fighting again. Shouting harsh words at each other. She cried to herself, thinking of her family before. Before all those fights. They were happy, very happy, but one day, they fought. Eunji got scared because that was the first time she saw them fight. But when they saw her, they said it was nothing and promised it won't happen again. But they broke their promise. They didn't fight for a while, but as days passed, the fights get often and more serious. Like the one today.

"Umma.... appa... please stop...fighting..." She cried to herself inside her room. Until she heard a slamming of a door that made her cry more. Soon her mother came entering her bedroom and get her from the bed. She was just merely a five year old. Not fully understanding what was happening. She still cried while on her moms arm.

"I'm taking Eunji with me!" Her mom shouted to her dad that also entered her room.

"No you won't" he said and grab Eunji away from her mom "go away with that man but I'm not letting you take away my daughter!"

"She's also my daughter!"

"You don't deserve to be! You're a !"


In the end, her mom left, but not without promising.

"I'll be back and I'll get you my dear, mom promise"



Eunji's tears dried up, she already cried all day. But her small frame was sulkingly waiting at the doorstep, waiting for her mom to come back.

"Eunji... it's getting cold outside, get in now" her dad said

"But mom isn't home yet"


"Why did mom leave? she don't love me anymore? I'm a good daughter, why did she leave? Why did you fight? Don't you love her anymore? " she started crying again

"Hush dear, you're a good daughter. She loves you and I love her. I love her so much. You won't understand things right now. But mom promised that she will be back. For now, let's just sleep. Okay? Mom won't like it if she saw you looking like a zombie right?"

Eunji nodded and get to her room and sleep.





"I'm home" Eunji said to no one in particular when she entered the house. She always say it,even if she knew that no one is the house. She ran upstairs, heading to her room but noticed that the door to her father's room was open. Out of curiosity, she peeked at the door and saw that her father was there, which was not usual because he was always in his office, working.

She saw him sitting at the edge of his bed, hugging a framed photo of her mom and was crying to himself.

She then remembered, that today was supposed to be her parents' wedding anniversary. She thought to herself, the ten years that had passed. Since her mom left, her father tried to busy himself with work. Even forgetting that he has a daughter. She grew apart from his dad. She slowly learned to do things for herself at a young age. She lost her mother, but slowly, it was like she was losing her father too. But she knew that he was depressed, that he was still hurting. She wanted to be angry with her mom. Because she left them, but she also wanted her to return, and maybe her father won't be like that anymore,and everything will return to normal.

She didn't realize that she was already crying. And the moment she looked again at her father, he was already holding a gun and pointing it to his head.

Eunji's eyes widen, many things came to her mind. Why was her father holding a gun, where did he even get it and why was he pointing it to his self? She stood frozen, can't even move. Everything happened so fast that the sound of a gun shook her thoughts and finally let out a scream.




At a young age of five, her mom left her. At the age of 15, his father killed himself in front of her. She felt empty. She stopped crying a few days ago. After her father's burial. She didn't want to cry anymore. Her tears were all dried up that no matter how sad she was, there would be no more tears to fall. She sat alone in her room. Holding a framed photo of their complete family. Taken at the time when they were still happy.

Her father was buried just a few days ago. She was still a minor. At first she thought she would be a homeless kid after his death. But it seems that he actually already planned. There was more than enough money that her father left to her. For the house, her studies up to college and more.

She hated her father for doing it. She hated him for leaving her. She even thought that maybe, that was why her father was working so hard everyday, to save money that she will use when he will leave. She hated her father, because right from the start, he also wanted to leave her, all alone in this world. She hated him because she didn't need all the money, she needed him. He was her only family left. Her dad loved her mom so much. She knew it. When her dad was at home, all he would do was cry on his room, wishing for his wife to come back.

But she hated her mother more. If she didn't leave them, if she didn't cheat on her father, they would still be a happy family. Because of her, he died. Because of her, she was now alone.

No mom to care and be a bestfriend and no more dad to protect and be her hero.

And now, she was learning to be tough, not just outside, but also deep inside her heart. Because she came to the conclusion that everyone she love will leave her.






They were two ordinary students. Not even knowing each other.  He was a year older than her, and didn't even know that someone like her existed. Until one day, they met inside the discipline office.

Baekhyun entered the room, it was just normal for him to get detention. You can call him a mischievous kid, playing pranks to anyone he wanted even to a new teacher that caused him to be in that place. But he never thought to see someone else in that room aside from him and the teacher. She was sitting near the corner, staring out of the window. But he thought, why was she there. She looked like an angel who wouldn't do anything bad.

She was beautiful, and he couldn't take his eyes away.

"Mr. Byun" the teacher said that made him look to the guy

"You little brat, just because you are rich, you think you can do all you want huh," the teacher started scolding him. He cursed him in his mind for embarrassing him in front of that girl, even if she looked like that she didn't care.

"Now, both of you, clean all the rooms in the third level of this building"

The girl stood up and went out, not even glancing to him or the teacher. He followed her suit, they came to storage to get some cleaning materials before heading up to the third floor. They haven't exchange a single word.

In times like this, he would be annoyed because of two reasons: first, because the third floor level was full of dirty old rooms. And second, because never in his life a girl ignored him that long. But he wasn't annoyed. He really didn't bother the rooms they were cleaning but all he could think of was the girl, and somehow, he was fine even if they keep quiet.

"Let's separate" these were her first words to him.


"Are you deaf or something?" She said coldly "I said, let's separate. I'll clean all the rooms on the right, and you clean the other side. So we can finish fast" she said and walked away

"Ah, you don't have to be rude. Aish, she's just pretty, but her attitude is bad tsk tsk" Baekhyun then went  to the left and started his work.

After more than an hour, Baekhyun finished all the rooms assigned to him. He made it fast so that he could already go home. He went to the other side to see if she was done. He saw that the rooms were all clean. And when he turned around, he was surprised to see her there, handing him a bottle of water.

"You're so long to finish" she said as he grabbed the bottle

"Thanks, so you waited for me?" he asked with a grin

"Don't take it wrongly, I have the key, do you want me to lock you up here?" she said showing the keys of the building on her hands

"ah, is that so" he said and sat on the stairs where she also sat with him.

"Uhm, may I ask why are you on detention?" he asked

"Why do you want to know?" she asked boredly, not even looking at him

"It's just, because it's the first time I saw you, if you wouldn't ask I'm a regular at that office"

"you shouldn't boast about something like that"

"it's not that I'm boasting" he said scratching his head "Uh, okay forget about it but can I ask what's your name?"

"I'm Jung Eunji."

"ah, nice name, are you a freshman?"

"yes, how about you?"

"A year senior to you"

"your name?"

"You don't know?" He asked and she shook her head

"I'm Byun Baekhyun"

"Ah, okay"

"wait, you  really don't know me? Haven't heard of my name before?" he asked, totally surprised

"No, why are you famous here? Well sorry but I don't know" she looked at him and saw that he emptied the bottle "If you're done resting, we should go home now" she stood up and went ahead.

"ah sure"



Being a high school student was something that Eunji was not really interested doing. She didn't even know why was she still living. She already lose hope when her father died.

Her middle school graduation was a long awaited event for her. She did everything just to get to the honor list. She graduated with the highest rank, hoping that on her graduation, her father would be there and be proud of her. But all her efforts and dreams were crumbled into pieces. He never showed, because he was already gone.

Also, her bestfriend Yookyung went to America for her studies. Leaving her alone. They mail each other often before, but it was slowly fading too. Soon, their communication stopped.

And now she was a high school student. She didn't care about honors anymore, she didn't care if she had no friends, and she didn't care if everybody would hate her because of her coldness.

But then, she met him. On a very unlikely place  for them to meet.

He was a year senior to her. He was famous for being rich, handsome and a pain-in-the- kid for the teachers.

She knew him, she couldn't help especially when almost all the girls in her class talk about him and his group of friends. But she pretended not to know him.

She couldn't help but to think of him after that detention.

She thought that she would never see him again, or more likely  never talk to him again after their punishment. But she was wrong, he always showed up to her. And everytime, he would try talk to her, she would glare at him and ignore him. But he was so stubborn. Everyday, he would wait at the gate for her and walk her to her class. During lunch, he would leave his friends and join her at her table. And he would wait for her at the gates after school, and he would walk with her until the road where they separate.

She would ignore her at first, but then after his several attempts, she slowly gave in. She started to reply with his nonstop talk. For a guy, he's so noisy and so talkative.

"Are you gay?" She suddenly asked him, during lunch where he sat again beside her.

"WHAT?!, yah, I'm talking how that Chanyeol guy looks at you, then you'll ask me if I'm gay?"

"Because you are so talkative for a guy, you wear eyeliner thicker than mine, and you're talking about Chanyeol, why are you jealous?"

"On the last part,  what if I say yes?"

Eunji eyes widen

"So you're really gay?"


"You said you're jealous, because he's looking at me and not you. But don't worry, you can have him. I'm not interested."

"Whatever, I'm not gay"

Baekhyun can't believe that she called him gay. Of all people, Eunji was the first one to call him that. He was tricked by her question, when she asked if he's jealous, he thought that she meant he was jealous of Chanyeol, and not of Eunji.





It's now their vacation, Eunji was not seeing Baekhyun around lately. She thought about the days when he would stubbornly walk with her even if she ignored him.


"Are you trying to flirt with me? If yes then just back away, you don't have any chance" she said, glaring at him

"then I'm not flirting with you, I'm trying to be your friend" he replied with a smile.

"You being my friend? It's a no"


She smiled to herself remembering things. Also, one of the reason, she didn't like being around him was because of his fangirls, who were boring holes to her soul as they glared at her. But Byun Baekhyun louden her boring life, she hated it at first, but now she don't.


"Baekhyun, aren't you tired following me around?"

"no, and it's Baekhyun OPPA to you" he said emphasizing the word oppa "I'm older so you should respect me"

"ah, sorry for that, Baekhyun NOONA!" she said teasingly

"It's OPPA! O-P-P-A!"


"aish really"


"Why am I thinking of him?! Aish Eunji! You should control yourself, because in the end you'll just be hurt" she said to herself.

She stood from her bed and went out to check for any mail or bills. When she opened the gate, she saw Baekhyun. He was like deciding if he will ring the bell or not.

"What are you doing here?"

"Eunji ah, uhm, I just passed by, then remebered you so would you like to grab bubble tea with me?"

"Whatever" she said and checked her mailbox, she gets the content and scan each. Until she got to the last

"Yookyung!" She shouted, making Baekhyun jumped in surprise

"Yah, what was that?"

Eunji didn't answer him, she just entered the house quickly, leaving a dumbfounded Baekhyun outside.

"Oh" he said, still staring at the closed gate in front of him. But then it opened again

"Oppa, sorry I can't go today, but I will go tomorrow, promise. Bye!" She quickly said and closed the gate again.

She looks so happy, making him think, who's Yookyung to her. But more than that, even if she rejected his offer today, he was happy. Because for the first time, she called him oppa.






The next day, Baekhyun didn't know what to do, he was so bored. He thought of going to Eunji's house, because she said she will go with him today. But thinking that it's Eunji, he thought that she just said it because she was happy that time.

Just then, his phone vibrated.


From: Jagiya <3

>> Yah! Baek noona! I thought were getting bubble tea today?"<<


He smiled as he read, she didn't forget and didn't take it back. He replied quickly


To: Jagiya <3

>> of course we will, I thought you would take it back. Wait for me. And also, I'm your OPPA!"<<


another beep from his phone


From: Jagiya <3

>> arraseo noona :p <<


Aish, this kid.

He soon then went to Eunji. They went to the Bubbly OhMaknaes, a famous milk tea shop owned by a young couple named Oh Hayoung and Oh Sehun, who were also in the same school as them.

They sat on a table in the corner.

"This is rare" Baekhyun said after ordering

"What is?"

"You hanging out with me, you always reject me" he said, even acting that he was hurt

"It's because I'm bored in the house"

"Oh may I ask, why are you happy after receiving that letter?"

"Ah, it's from my bestfriend. She is in America right now, I thought she already forget about me, that's why I'm really happy receiving that letter from her"


"Here's your drink. Enjoy. And we would be glad if you would take a photo on our Happy Customer's corner" a young lady said, she was Oh Hayoung.

Baekhyun and Eunji looked at the said Happy Customer corner. It was a bulletin full of photos of their customers, showing their smiles and the tea that they ordered. There were photos of friends, family, but mostly of couples.

"Let's try it" Baekhyun said happily, pulling Eunji with him. They grab their drink and positioned themselves in front of the camera.

"Smile" Baekhyun said and put his right arm around Eunji's shoulder, showing a peace sign, and his left hand was holding his drink. Eunji was suprised by his actions but still smiled and hold her drink up to Baekhyun's mouth, like he was going to drink it. The shutter clicked and automatically printed the photo. They also send the photo to their phone and saved it.

Baekhyun took the printed photo and draw some hearts to it.

"Yah, it will look like were a couple" Eunji said

"So what, we're a cute couple anyway" he said and pinned the photo to the wall. "There"


After having tea, they decided to go the mall, they played on the arcade, watched movies and ate. It was already dark when they reached the park.

"It's already late, aren't your parents looking for you?" he asked her.

She didn't answer, thinking to herself, if her dad was alive and her mom didn't leave them. Would they be texting her now? Asking why wasn't she home yet. Caring for her? Would they asked her if Baekhyun was her boyfriend? Many would they and what ifs  came to her mind.

"Eunji?" Baekhyun called, noticing that she wasn't answering

"ah, uhm I don't have any parents now. My mom left us when I'm five and my dad died, a year ago"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that"

"It's okay, it's not your fault that my mom leave with another man and my dad killed himself out of depression"

"How are you living now, that they're both gone?" He asked curiously

"My dad, he saved more than enough money for me before he killed himself right on my face. He's so bad right? Leaving me alone in this world." She said, tears running down on her cheeks as the horrible scene came back to her mind. Baekhyun comforted her, they were already sitting on a bench.

"Hush, I know you're hurt, thinking that they leave you, but there's always a hope. And we can't blame them. They just love. Love someone so much that they became irrational."


Eunji looks up to Baekhyun

"Why? Curious about my words? Well you know, we kind of have the same fate. But in my case, it's my dad who left us for another woman. Mom get depressed, cried herself to sleep every night, and busied herself to work. Totally forgetting about his son. But my mom was still alive today. She didn't kill herself, because she want to prove to my dad that we can survive without him."

"why, why are there people like that? Why did they have to leave and ruin a happy family."

"I don't know"





After that day, the two became closer. Eunji finally let Baekhyun in her life. Being a special friend who understands her. Who cheered her up when she's sad and a protector to all who wanted to hurt her.

The school year opened again. She was already in her second year. And he was in his third and final year.

Class just finished and Eunji was now walking to the gates with her friends. Yes, friends. Because somehow, in her second year, she managed to be more nice and eventually gain friends namely Bomi and Chorong.

"Hey Ji, I'm really curious of you and Baekhyun, are you now a couple?" Bomi asked

"No it's not like that, were just friends"

"But you really look like a couple" Choromg added

"Aish, just go to your boyfriends" she said when they reached the gate, seeing that Luhan and Junmyeon were there.

"How about you" Bomi asked again

"Where is your boyfriend?" Chorong teased

"He's not my boyfriend, but he's on his way now."

"Okay, see you"

"Bye!" the three waved to each other as they parted


The two were gone now. Baekhyun already informed her that he will be a little late. So she just stood there and waited for him.

"Eunji" a deep voice called her name

"Ah, Chanyeol oppa" she replied to the guy. He was also her senior. And was a good guy. Eunji received a lot of confessions before but she rejected them all, and she was surprised when Chanyeol also confessed, but rejected him too. He was a good friend, but she just needed to reject him. After that, Chanyeol didn't talk to her, until now.


"Eunji... I..I.. know you rejected me before but... I just can't take my eyes away from you. I still like you. So pl--"

"I'm sorry" she cutted his words. She didn't want to hear another confession from him, because he's a friend and it hurts to reject him. she could't just accept him because she didn't feel the same.

"Is it because of Baekhyun?"

She didn't answer. Partly, deep inside her heart it says yes. Because she was already falling for Baekhyun, no, she already fell for him. Baekhyun, a name that she always think of.

"I understand, but please accept these flowers, and can I hug you? Just a friendly hug?"

"okay" She accepted the flowers from Chanyeol, and he hugged her while saying "I'll still wait for you to like me back"

"Oppa, please don't, I don't want you to be hurt"

He broke the hug and bid goodbye. She sighed deeply and then saw Baekhyun standing not that far.


"Ah, oppa!" She called him

Baekhyun didn't answer but just walk past her.

"Yah!" She called him again but he ignored her  "Aish, I waited for you and then you'll just left me. What's your problem?!" She shouted while following him.

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun!"

Baekhyu stopped and faced her

"What?" he asked

"What? You're asking me that when you're the one who is acting weird, what really is your problem?"

"Why did you hug him?" He asked


"Chanyeol, why did you hug him? Do you accept his confession now?"

"wait are you--"

"Jealous? Yes I am! But not of you, I'm jealous of him because you two hugged and you accept his flowers. I'm jealous because I love you!" Baekhyun said that made Eunji widened her eyes, shocked with the confession that just came without a warning.


"I'm sorry" he said then walk away

"Yah! Where are you going?!" she asked and followed him again

"You don't have to know" he continued walking and face ahead

"Don't you want to hear my answer?"

"Why? You wan't to see me in pain? I already know that you'll reject me so no need for you to shove it to my face" he said

"Fine! You lost your chance of being my boyfriend!" she shouted that made him stop

"Huh?" he asked looking back at her

"Nothing, I said you're a stupid bacon" she said and started to walk away in another direction

"hey hey wait Eunji" this time it was Baekhyun who followed her

"Yah why are you following me?"

"The thing you said earlier"


"Me as your boyfriend"

"Ah, sorry but you already lost your chance. It's not my fault if you already think that I will reject you when in fact I will say.."

"say what?"


"I love you too"


They were at a cafe after their confessions.

"So you're my girlfriend now" he said with a wide smile

"Yeah, and you're my boyfriend now" she answered 

"I can't believe this" Baekhyun couldn't help but to smile

"I can"

"I knew it, you are deeply in love with me all the time" he said

"shut up, I know that it's you who fall for me at first sight"

"Yes, that's true" he said and smiled. Eunji was surprised because she thought that he will deny it. "Give me your phone"he said


"Just give it" 


"Hey, why is my name here like this? Baekhyun Noona? Okay I'll change this" he said and change it to Baekhyun oppa <3

"Hey what's with the heart?" She asked

"It's called love"

"Okay, give your phone too, change my name there too"

"No need"


Baekhyun get's his phone and showed her


[Jagiya <3]


"It's already like this, even before"

Eunji smiled and get his phone. She saw that  his wallpaper was their first photo together. The one taken at the bubble tea shop. She also checked his gallery and saw lots of stolen photos of her.

"Such a stalker" she .

"It's called L.O.V.E"

"Oppa, how many girlfriends you have before?"

"You're first"


"Yes, my first and only love"

"Eyy greasy bacon"





"Oppa, are you sure about this?" Eunji asked

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" he assured her

The couple entered the house. They were welcomed by maids and when they got to the living room, his mom was there

"Omma, were here" Baekhyun said

"Hello" Eunji greeted politely and bowed to her

Today, Baekhyun decided to let her mom meet Eunji.

"Umma, she's Jung Eunji, my girlfriend"

His mom looked at Eunji and studied her. She was nervous as she was like boring holes to her soul as she looked at her. They ate dinner in Baekhyun's house. His mom asked her about her background, especially her family. But she could already feel that his mom didn't like her.

After the dinner, Baekhyun walked her home.

"Oppa, your mom, she's scary"

"Yeah, I know. But don't worry, she's just like that at first. Soon she will like you too."

"I hope so"





Baekhyun and Eunji's relationship was not full of  happiness. No matter how hard Eunji tried, it seemed that his mother wouldn't like her. And some of his fans were getting worse. Before, they only glared at Eunji. But now, they were starting to hurt her physically.

Eunji was at the bathroom with her friends, they were helping her to wash the eggs off her hair.

"Those girls are seriously getting worse" Bomi commented 

"have you told Baekhyun about it?" Chorong asked her


"Aish, you should. He should protect you from them, but where is he now?" Bomi somehow was losing her temper seeing her friend's condition.

"He's busy studying. College entrance exam where coming near"

"But still." Chorong said

"Unni please let's not talk about it"

She didn't like to disturb Baekhyun on his study. His future was waiting for him.





Eunji decided to take a visit at Baekhyun's place.

"Eunji!" He hugged her as she entered his room "ah you don't know how much I missed you!"

"Me too, oppa"

"I'm really sorry, I'm just really busy"

"I understand oppa, and I'm here to cheer to up!" She said and give him a peck on the lips

"Hey Ji, may I ask, what will you take in college?"

"Uhm, I don't have any idea"

"You should think about it now"

"Okay, but I still have a year so don't worry about it"


Suddenly the door opened and revealed a maid

"Young mister, madam was calling for the both of you"

"Were going down" he informed the maid


They get down to his mother's office.

"Umma, why did you call us?"

"Oh, I just think that I have to make this announcement since the both of you are here"

"What's that?"

"Baekhyun, I think that it would be better if you would study abroad"

"Huh? But Seoul have lots of good university"

"I know, but the standards abroad are better."

"umma" he called but she ignored him


"Eunji" she turn to the younger lady


"Maybe you are curious as to why am I saying these with you. It's because I want you to break up with my son"


"b-but" Eunji stuttered

"you're not good enough for him. He deserve only the best and not just someone like you"

"umma stop!"

"Baekhyun, you will find someone better than her abroad. Those beautiful women, that comes from a prestigous family. Unlike her that comes from a broken family!"

Eunji's tears started to form in her eyes.

"No! I love her!"

"Love won't get you anywhere, look at her, she have a mother and a weak father, we couldn't boast her to my friends."

"umma, our family is broken too"

"I know, that's why I don't like her for you"

"Please stop!" Eunji just couldn't take how his mom talked about her family "I know my mom left us, but she's not a and my dad is not weak. He's just someone with a heart, unlike you!" Eunji said and ran out


"Don't follow her!"

"You.. who are you? You're not my mom!" He shouted then followed Eunji


"EUNJI! Wait!"

"No! Let's end all of this! She's right. I came from a broken family, I'm misserable. I don't even know my future, where my life is leading me. I'm hopeless!"

"Eunji, no, please don't say that!" He said as he hugged her tightly.






They started with a cute first love that was disagreed by many.



[151016- EDITED]










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rina0807 #1
Chapter 2: huwa... you know i'm crying a river here... really. i couldn't stop the tears.. ottokhae...
nice job author-nim.. ;)
hana1029 #2
Chapter 2: Omg I cant control my tears
Chapter 2: I never cried reading any fanfic but this is just soo saddd
Nani_Mia #4
Chapter 2: This is the first story that I cried.I really ship Baekji.. But, please. do some more fanfic about Baekji.I really like them to be together.
Chapter 2: Wow,you should become a author.
This story make me cried!
Make more BAEKJI Stories please ~
EXOticsMia #6
Chapter 2: I'm crying when Baek is death
Jolyne #7
Chapter 2: you're story is really touching,it made my cried.
i think you can make writing as your job:p
heavyrosekookshipper #8
Chapter 2: This story reminds me of what happened to me in the past.
Thank you for making me cry In the middle of my studies. /sobs/
haziqahsone #9
Chapter 2: This is the first story I cried when I read it. This story is so good. Congratulation author-nim :) make more exopink story.
Min-tan #10
Chapter 2: I really cried, your stories are destroying me TwT