Seonhwa Hospital

Wish List

Sehun's P.O.V

The first thing I noticed when I regained consciousness was that my head hurt incredibly, throbbing at almost every angle. Second thing I noticed was that my body felt incredibly stiff. I forced my eyelids open and examined my surroundings.

Everything was too white... Was I dead? I seriously considered this possibility until I trailed a cable that was attached to my arm to a UV machine. This was definitely not heaven nor hell. Either that or all I know is a lie.

There was a window besides my bed but the blinds were drawn. I realized I could barely move my limbs and had about a dozen casts in various places.

I heard the door open and a young man came in wearing even more white and clear glasses.

"You're finally awake Mr..." he looked at his clipboard, "Oh Sehun."

"Where am I?" I groaned and faced him.

"You are in Seonhwa Hospital. I am Dr. Kim Junmyeon. Tell me Mr. Oh, do you recall what happened last night? You were found well after midnight."

My head felt like it was going to explode from agonizing pain so I wasn't really looking forward to using my brain.

Slowly, vague, still-like images began coming back to memory. Father, Kris, Jongin... the car... Oh no... Jongin!

"Jongin was with me when the car went over! Where is Jongin?! Jongin!" I exclaimed like a maniac, forcing myself into a sitting position, "Did something happen to him?! Tell me!"

"Calm down or I'll have to inject you with sedatives."

I went limp as a sleepy child.

"And Kim Jongin is not only in the room next door, but in a much better state than you."

Cold relief washed over me in a most soothing manner. I don't know what would've happened if Jongin had been hurt because of me or worse...

I shook my head, avoiding thinking about the worst scenario. I would go crazy with guilt.

"You're young for a doctor."

He smirked and pretended to be shocked, "Oh no! You found my great secret, I am a genius."

He walked over and pulled the blinds up. I hissed instinctively and he chuckled.

"Sorry Mr. Dracula."

"How long will I be here?" I asked, already dreading having this cord thing stuck to me and feeling like a living mummy.

"Your parents were here last night and will come back soon. I will talk to them and decide something." The doctor said calmly while revising his file, "But at least a months’ worth of recovery."


Instant pain shot throughout my body and I really debated on whether or not to write a sticky note that said: Sehun stop violently jerking upwards...or trying to.


"Sorry... it’s just that I really want to get back to work."

He pushed his glasses back and started giving a strangled laugh, "That's a first."

"Well I'll come back soon," Junmyeon said and looked out the window, noticing something that made him sigh and rub his temples.

"Oh and one more thing Sehun."

I looked up and lifted an eyebrow in questioning.

"Here's a genius secret: Seatbelts are marvelous things. Jongin seemed to know."

He left while laughing and I frowned. I didn't know if I like this Junmyeon guy....

I looked out the window and saw something surprising. Some weird guy was running around in pink pajamas hiding from what seemed a nurse.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes. This would be a long month...


Jongin's P.O.V

The car had fallen off the side of the road... I remember my head banging on the steering wheel and then knocking out. When I regained consciousness, I was still in the car. My vision was hazy and dark, but I could make out my surroundings. There was smoke everywhere, making it hard to breathe. I turned to my left and saw Sehun wasn't there. Instead, the glass was shattered and the door mangled in a gruesome manner.

Exploding pain resonated from my head and I placed a hand on my throbbing skull only for my fingers to come in contact with a now cold fluid. Blood.

Using what little strength I could summon, I fought my way out of the car and stumbled outside. Sharp pain shot from my right arm throughout my body, giving me the clue that my head wasn't the only part of me that got damaged.

My legs gave way under me and I fell down to my knees, hard. I spotted a body a couple yards away from the car and immediately knew it was Sehun.

Using my left arm and weak legs, I dragged myself towards him, my fingers angrily clawing at the earth to pull forward.

"Sehun! Wake up!" I yelled and shook him, "Come on!"

Sehun didn't give any signs of life save for a slight beating pulse.

"Somebody help us!" I cried out and patted my pockets for my cellphone. It wasn't there. I fished Sehun's out of his own pocket but began seeing double of everything. I tried to concentrate and open the dial pad, but my fingers had grown numb and shaky. I managed to press one key before once again passing out.


A voice seemed to call me from far away, "Kim Jongin..."

"....broke his arm... fracture... wakes up..."

My eyeballs rolled around under my eyelids in a failed attempt to pry them open.

Then, I heard a familiar voice ring in my ears. It can't be...

The bright light hurt my eyes as it infiltrated past my parted eyelashes. As soon as my vision adjusted, I noticed two people were in the room, a doctor and...


He looked over at me, a small smile on his lips, and gave me a tiny wave with the tips of his fingers.

"Glad to see you're awake, Mr. Kim Jongin." The doctor said and flipped to a page in his clipboard, "I am Dr. Kim Junmyeon. How're you feeling?"

"My body feels like it's been trampled by an elephant, especially my head, but nothing else really." I replied, instinctively feeling my head which was now bandaged, that is when I realized my right arm and left ankle hurt... and were in casts.

Oops, I lied.

"Well before assessing the damage," the surprisingly young doctor said, "I have to document why you came here so the police doesn't insist that someone tried to kill you."

"Where is Sehun?" I asked, looking around the room to find the other bed empty.

An image of his broken body filled my mind and I shuddered with fear.

"I actually just came from checking up on him. He, unfortunately, is in a much worse state than you. By the damage I assume he got projected quite some distance..."

He got thrown out the window! I thought but then thought of something more important.

"Is he in danger?!" I asked, sitting up in bed, careful not to hurt my arm that was now in a sling and cast.

"No no," he said with a chuckle, "He'll heal with no complications. Yet, he still has numerous injuries. How did this all happen?"

"I went to go pick him up since he was drunk," I started and looked at my assistant, "I had been with Kyungsoo until then. Afterwards, he began to get crazy and I was stupid for not putting him in the back of the car but what is done is done. We got stuck behind a trailer truck and Sehun, being the impatient drunk jerk he was, unbuckled his seatbelt and tried to force me to go around. There was a steep hillside and you can probably imagine the rest."

He nodded and Kyungsoo slowly slipped out of the room. I would've said something but Dr. Junmyeon kept speaking so I remained quiet.

"Drunken idiocracy, I see." He muttered, scribbled some stuff down and then smiled at me, "You got lucky. Only a slight injury to your head, though it wasn't severe seeing as you can recall everything from last night. You're right arm is broken and your left ankle is sprained."

I nodded and he clapped, "Well you can be discharged today after lunch hours if that is okay with you. We would just need to find someone-"

Two gentle knocks were heard, interrupting Junmyeon. He called the person to come in and Kyungsoo came in, holding a breakfast tray.

"Oh wow... did you bring that? Is Baekhyun being lazy again?" Junmyeon questioned.

"I asked to bring his food," Kyungsoo said and placed the tray at my side, "I took it from a nurse."

"Thank you Kyungsoo."

He nodded and stepped back.

"Well as I was saying," Junmyeon continued, "You can be released today, but you might need someone to care for you until your arm heals."

Help? Me? I am just fine!

While he was talking, I tried lifting up the spoon with my left hand to eat the soup. The contents kept on slipping from the utensil and I silently cursed.

"Yep, you definitely need someone."

"I do not!" I stated defensively.

I heard a sigh to my left.

Some soup was left behind on the corner of my lips. I tried it off to no avail.

Kyungsoo meekly went to my side, unfolded my napkin, and gently cleaned my mouth. I stared at him with wide eyes, breathing suddenly becoming an arduous task.

His eyes met mine and he muttered, "What?"

Pop. There goes my dream moment.


"Well... I could send Yixing or Baekhyun-"

Kyungsoo looked at me and then at Junmyeon, "I'll do it."

"Oh good!" The doctor said in an excited tone and clapped, "You are a relative right?"

"He's my boss."

Junmyeon stared at me and gaped, "And here I thought I was young."

I laughed, gripping my side with my left arm, "And Sehun is my boss!"

His eyes widened a little and I once again gave a fit of laughter. He pushed his glasses back and then decided to take them off.

"Who is the oldest?"

Kyungsoo looked at me and I shook my head in his direction.

"So the oldest is the assistant and the youngest is the supreme boss? Society these days is so weird."

At that, even Kyungsoo cracked a smile.

"Alright then, I will go get your release forms and stuff." Junmyeon said and walked towards the door but paused before leaving, "If a strange boy runs in here, please call a nurse."

Joy. A maniac on the loose. Lovely.

Kyungsoo inched over closer to my side and I smiled at him.

"Where is your family?" He asked softly and looked down at his hands.

My smile faltered and I averted my gaze, "Why do you ask that?"

"Junmyeon couldn't find family contacts and no one asked about you. Not even a call to your phone..." He said and stared at me profoundly.

I sighed and looked away, not sure if I wanted to reveal something not so many people knew about me. Yet there was something about Kyungsoo that made me feel like I could trust him with anything.

"My parents died when I was ten. They sent me to live with my distant aunt who hated my mother for marrying her brother. So you can guess how happy they were to take me in. I tried staying. I really did. But on my sixteenth birthday I left home and began working at a diner. Then some jerk from school told me to work with him at his father's corporation. I made money, he helped me rent a house, and here you have me wearing suits all day long. Sehun can be extremely stubborn when he wants to be..."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he looked down, "I'm sorry about your parents..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine now." I replied easily, having repeated that phrase over the course of my life.

"All my family is now... oh no, my kids! They are at home alone! No one has fed them yet!" I exclaimed, having a panic attack.

Kyungsoo's reaction of horror and dismay almost made me laugh. Almost. But I was too busy freaking out to laugh.

"...You have kids? And you're barely twenty..." Kyungsoo muttered in disbelief, "And they alone?"

That is when I started laughing. I decided to play along for the sake of more laughs.

"Yes they are, my poor babies."

Kyungsoo's horror stricken face did not falter, "H-How many do you have?"


Kyungsoo cleared his throat and averted his gaze, "And their mom?"

"I dunno. They have different mothers. They were around eight months old when they were abandoned."

Now Kyungsoo's face drained of all color. He is so adorable, I swear.

"Where is Junmyeon? I need to take them on their morning walks!"

" walk your kids?"

I nodded in a serious manner, "My kids need their exercise. Don't they all?"

"Well yes, they do but-"

Knocking was heard and soon Junmyeon walked back in with some papers and a pen, "Sign this and you're ready to go."

I noticed that Kyungsoo remained quite some distance from me, eyeing me warily.

I hope I haven't scared him too much by this point.

Someone else came into the room, a male nurse with a box in hand.

"Thank you Baekhyun," Junmyeon said and gave Kyungsoo the box, "It’s his possessions."

The short guy looked like he wanted to say something, shoving his hands in his pockets and shifting weight from one foot to the other. Finally, he spoke, "I can't find him."

Junmyeon's right eye visibly twitched and he rubbed his temples in an exasperated manner, "You lost him...again."

He sighed and handed me the copies of the papers, "I'll see you around, right Jongin? Sehun will be staying here for a while."

"How long?"

"A month more or less."

I chuckled and sat up in bed, "I don’t know whether to feel bad for him or the hospital."

Junmyeon laughed and shook his head, "We'll manage. I'll let you change and then you can go see Sehun? You'll need to come once every week for us to check on that arm. It should heal in about three weeks more or less... Wait here and Yixing will bring you instructions for how to do some rehab exercises for that arm. Don't be too active and rest a lot. Well, I'm done here."

I nodded and the doctor turned to his nurse, "Now about our runaway..."

They proceeded to leave, Junmyeon complaining loudly about something.

Kyungsoo looked at me and took my clothes out the box. He stared at them, then at me, and then his cheeks dusted a light pink color.

"I guess you'll need help getting dressed..."

That's when it dawned on me. I blushed and felt stupid about not realizing it before.

I nodded, knowing that if I spoke, my voice would most probably crack.

Then I realized the clothes inside were all washed and clean.

"Junmyeon didn't think you'd like to wear a bloody shirt... and there was a washing Laundromat a couple streets down..."

"You washed it?" I asked incredously.

He nodded and helped the hospital gown. Once it was off, I noticed I had a small gauze on my shoulder and about ten band aids. Nothing too serious. I blushed once again, feeling exposed in front of my assistant. I could be in front of Sehun and it wouldn't have mattered, but Kyungsoo was different...

He helped me slide my good left arm through the sleeve and then gently removed my sling, rolling up the right sleeve so my bulky cast could pass through it. The top of my gown was puddled around my waist. Kyungsoo helped place both of my legs inside my slacks and pulled them up to my waist. I couldn't stop blushing, no matter how hard I tried to will it away.

"Thanks Kyungsoo, you're amazing. Th-thank you for helping me." I stammered and he smiled.

"I know you would've done the same for me." He said and smiled to himself, "You're the first person that made me feel at home here..."

I was about to reply when knocking interrupted me. A taller nurse with a thinner face came up and handed me some papers and a prescription for pain medications.

Kyungsoo helped me hobble over to Sehun's room. Then he took the prescription, "I'll get the medicine while you visit the boss."

I nodded and stared at him while he walked away.

From somewhere up there, God had sent me an angel named Kyungsoo.


Sehun's P.O.V

I was laying on my bed, feeling like a miserable mummy, when the door to my room opened and then slammed shut.

Thinking it was my parents, I turned my head as much as that cursed gauze would allow, and found myself staring into the eyes of a complete stranger.

I immediately realized that he was the guy from earlier today, the one who had been running around in pink pajamas.

He stared at me with round doe like eyes. His caramel colored hair only added to his boyish looks. His expression looked like that of a deer in headlights. Yep, that's it. A deer just walked into my room.

"Yah! Who are you?" I questioned loudly and he merely blinked in a confused manner.

"I thought this room was empty..."

"Well obviously either I'm invisible or you are wrong." I snapped, not feeling in the mood to deal with some stranger.

"I'm sorry-" he began but then froze at the sound of approaching footsteps.

He immediately scurried behind my bed, huddling in a tiny ball.

"What the-"

Someone then proceeded to walk into my room...a short male in a blue nurse uniform.

He looked around and sighed, "Sorry about barging in like that. I thought I saw someone come in here."

I looked to my right where the stranger was hiding, pleading me silently not to tell. If I gave him up, that would be less of a headache for me...

"Nope, no one came in here yet."

He nodded and left, bowing slightly in apology.

Once he was far away, I turned to the intruder, "You. Explain yourself."

He walked on his knees until he was sitting at the left side of my bed. I tried ignoring the fact that he was wearing pink pajamas.

"My name is Lu Han! I was born in China-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on..." I groaned and if my body was better, I would've face palmed, "I meant what are you doing here, not your life story!"

"Oh," He clapped his hands and gave me a bright smile, "I ran away from my nurse because he was going to give me some shots."

My eye twitched and I wanted to throw a pillow at Luhan.

"What are you, a kid for goodness sake?!"

He frowned, his bottom lip slightly jutted in a pout, "But it was a HUGE needle! Like the biggest ever! And I'm twenty three!"

"Shouldn't have said that. It only worsened things."

He shrugged and continued, "Baekhyun was being mean to be again as well."

I rolled my eyes. Does this guy hear himself talk? He sounds like a child.

Someone knocked on the door and Luhan went back to his position behind my bed.

To my surprise, Jongin came hobbling inside. He had his arm in a sling, his head wrapped in bandages, a bandage over his cheek, and a bandaged ankle. My heart sank as I realized that he was in that state because of my stupidness.

"Sehun-ah~?" He called out in a playful voice, "I don't know if that is you or simply a pile of bandages."

"It's me, you jerk."

He smiled widely and hopped on his good leg until he reached a chair and sat next to me.

"But in all seriousness, you look horrible."

"Yep, no photo-shoots any time soon." I joked, feeling relieved at seeing him in front of me.

"Look Jongin," I began, "I'm really sorry about everything. It's all my fault..."

He raised a hand to stop me, "It's fine. No one died, yes? That's what matters. I can now add 'survived a car crash' in my resume."

I smiled, Jongin always made the best out of everything.

"Besides, Kyungsoo will be taking care of me."

I was about to ask more when a sneezing sound floated from my right. .

"Dude... did your bed just sneeze?"

I could try my best to convince him of the fact, but Jongin is the only person I know I can trust. Maybe Kris and Chanyeol too.

"Luhan, it's okay to come out."

Luhan scurried out from behind the bed and for a moment I felt I was hiding a pet and not a human.

"Sehun, since when do you adopt strangers? I thought adopting that stray lizard was weird enough but this..."

"I'm Lu Han and I'm hiding from my nurse Baekhyun."

"Uhuh... and may I ask why?" Jongin questioned cautiously, as if unsure whether he really wanted to know.

"I might've played a prank on him and he wants to give me shots."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, "You never told me that first part!"

"I thought you would've kicked me out if I did!" He protested and pouted.

And just like that, I began bickering with Luhan like if I were arguing with a close friend. The door swung open and Baekhyun walked in, followed by Chanyeol and Kris. His brown eyes widened when he saw Luhan. Then his eyes darted towards the exit, but it was too late.

 Luhan was already on the run once again, “See you around, Sehun~!!”

“You brat, come back!”

Wait… does that mean he plans to return soon? Oh no….

Baekhyun then immediately ran after him, chasing him down the halls, leaving Chanyeol and Kris merely staring after him.

“Well this is interesting,” Chanyeol muttered, still staring after the nurse, “I could get used to coming here.”

“Injured friend is over here,” I muttered, really dreading the fact that I had no objects to throw at people. I will need to convince Jongin to bring me a box of throwable stuff to throw at Luhans and Chanyeols.

“Did you have a wrestling match with an elephant?” Kris noted, trying to hide his laughter.

…and Krises.

“Wait, ‘till I get out of this bed…” I warned and Kris simply smiled, clearly enjoying this.

“So I guess you don’t remember that you told me you would give me a raise, huh?” He continued and I frowned.

“I think I would remember doing that…”

“See, WuWu? I told you.” Jongin told him and the elder Chinese man shot him a death glare.

“Yep, I am so lost.” I noted and Chanyeol walked over to pat me.

“Poor baby. Stuck in here like a mummy. I will come see you every day, okay?”

“Come to see me or Baekhyun?” I remarked, remembering how he had stared after the nurse.

The tall guy pretended to be shocked, “You of course!”

I stuck my tongue out at him and Jongin couldn’t stop laughing.

Kris then put a bag on the ground that I hadn’t been aware he was holding.

“What’s that?”

“Gifts from your employees.”

Chanyeol took everything out one by one, mostly stuffed animals, and then took out a card that had “Get Well Soon~!” in curly, pretty writing.

“Let me guess, Hyoyeon?”

The tall guy sighed and shook his head, “Jaejoong hyung would throw it at your face right now.”

I mouthed a silent “oh” with my lips and was about to say something else when someone knocked at the door.

Junmyeon poked his head into the room, “Sorry guys, but time’s up. His parents are here.”

Jongin flashed me a worried look and my smile slowly disappeared from my face. My jaw set in place and I nodded in reassurance to my friends. Chanyeol somberly but everything back in the bag and waved goodbye, helping Jongin get up from his seat and walk out the door. Kris nodded at me and also left.

Already, the air began to get heavy and for a moment I realized I wouldn’t mind having Luhan in the room once more.

Then, the door opened and my parents walked in. Had I been more in control of my body, I would've turned away. But I was stuck staring at the wall in front of me, seeing their figures approaching from the corner of my eyes. My mother’s pungent vanilla perfume infiltrated my nostrils.

"Sehun, I can't believe how s-"

"If you are just going to scold save it." I muttered, keeping my gaze straight.

"How dare you speak like that to me?" He yelled in a loud tone but was cut off.

"Let him rest. You should be glad he is even alive." My mother’s voice drifted across the silent room.

It was the first time I heard her speak against him. If I could without it hurting, I would've rolled my eyes. She finally takes a stand only after I was involved in an accident...

My father sighed and spoke in a cold manner, "You will stay in here until you get cured. I don't have time to deal with you and your mother isn't in shape either."

"I wouldn't want you to take care of me anyway," I snorted and closed my eyes, pretending to be tired, "If that is all, please leave. I'm tired."

I could feel the air around my father ripple, objection rising, but my mother calmed him down.

She looked like she wanted to say more, but resorted to a mere, "Get better son."

Then they both left.

I let out a deep breath and realized that my good hand had been gripping my bed sheets so tightly that my knuckles had turned white.

I can't wait for this to be over... I closed my eyes. Maybe sleep wasn't such a bad idea...

A now familiar face appeared in my mind.

Luhan, huh?


Luhan's P.O.V

I whined and complained as Baekhyun grabbed my arm and dragged me back to my room.

"And next time you switch my eyeliner with permanent marker, I swear-" Baekhyun ranted and then trailed off, "Are you even listening to me?"

"I made a new friend today."

"As I thought, you weren't listening... oh? A new friend?"

I nodded and sat on my white bed, dangling my legs over the side. This and a few others didn't even seem like a hospital room anymore, it seemed more like a regular bedroom. At least to me, I saw it more than I did my actual room...

"His name is Oh Sehun." I replied, watching my legs go back and forth in swift motions, "And I met Jongin too."

"Oh the new guy, huh? He gives Junmyeon a hard time, that kid." Baekhyun said while opening a plastic packet and taking out the injection, "So you were in there when I looked?"

I didn't want Sehun to get in trouble so I acted clueless, "You went there?"

"Never mind." He said while assembling the syringe.

I shuddered at the sight of it but tried thinking about Sehun to calm down.

"He's not that bad. I like him." I said, my voice quivering slightly as Baekhyun tested the syringe.

It really was a huge needle...

"He needs to have more respect for your brother."

"Hyung asks for it," I stated in defense and then added, "You should have more respect for me too!"

"Nope. If you act like a kid, I'll treat you like one." He said with a chuckle and I pouted.

"Keep on talking about Sehun and relax your arm."

"You just want me to get distracted so you can poke me with the needle of death!"

"Exactly, now talk."

I sighed and looked away from the needle, "He gets annoyed easily... and gets mad too. But..."

"But?" He asked as he stuck the needle through my skin.

My breath hitched but I didn't move, "But he seems sad..."

"There you have it," he said, putting a band aid where my skin had been pierced, "And I don't know why he should be happy, stuck in a bed and all."

"He's alive. That's all that matters." I muttered and got off the bed.

He paused and looked at me with a smile, "You're a good guy."

Then someone knocked at my door.

"Come in!" Baekhyun said and discarded the things he had used.

Yixing came in, hiding something behind his back, "Lulu, guess what I have?"

My head snapped up. It could only be one thing...


He chuckled and handed me a lollipop. I completely destroyed the wrapper and then popped it into my mouth.


I am now a happy man.

Yixing chuckled and sat on my bed. I raised an eyebrow but decided I would let him sit because he gave me candy... for now at least.

Though I like Baekhyun, Yixing is the one who I most trust and care for. He has known me for a longer amount of time.

"Baek, Junmyeon needs help with something in Room 32." He said, "He told me to tell you."

My nurse nodded and waved a lazy goodbye before leaving.

"How are you feeling? Better, I assume, if you are giving Bacon a hard time."

I giggled at the nickname, "It was just a little prank."

He smiled, "Do it better next time."

"Yixing, have you met Sehun?"

He nodded, "The new patient, right?"

Now I nodded and he smiled, "He looks like a cold guy."

"He's my new friend."


I was about to say more but something buzzed in his pocket.

"Gotta go Luhan. I'll be back with some tea later, yes? Then we can talk more."

I rolled the lollipop around in my mouth, nodding while loving the peanut flavor. He smiled and left the room.

I was once again alone.

I got off my bed and went to the desk next to the big chair that was in the room. I opened a drawer and took a notebook out. Quickly finding a pen, I went back to the bed and lay on the mattress. The first page was titled: Wish List.

I skipped the first two pages which had a list on it and turned to a new page to make a new entry.

"September 19th,” I read aloud as I wrote, "I met Oh Sehun..."

I wrote down a few more things before closing it and looking at my camera on my nightstand. I'll take a picture tomorrow.





September 19th.
I met Oh Sehun today.
He seems cold... and a little cranky... but I know he is a good guy. I want to become his friend. I will visit tomorrow.
P.S: Yixing gave me a peanut flavored lollipop today. It was good. Very good :)


Sorry for the wait, but that's it for now~! Next chapter will have more Luhan and Jongin's babies too x3 Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment or subscribe if you liked it! Thank you~!

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 4: Hope for a happy ending please update soon
noddy1 #2
Chapter 4: luhan is soo pure and innocent
belzky08 #3
Chapter 4: This is one of the heartfelt stories that ive read...I dont want luhan to die at the end..,hoping for miracles...!! ^_^
emptygirls #4
Chapter 3: update soon, I really like your story <3
Peaches-xo #5
Chapter 2: Luhan is so cute and innocent, I can't wait until he visits Sehun again. Keep up the good work! ^.^
Xxpinky #6
Update soon :)