Twist of Fate

Wish List

Sehun P.O.V

My alarm rang and I easily dismissed it. I had been awake twenty minutes before.

What? You didn't expect me to be one of those guys who groan, press snooze, and roll up in blankets, did you? If you did, too bad.

I combed my hair neatly into place and checked my reflection in the mirror. I fixed my tie, adjusted my coat, and checked my watch. An hour to spare.

I left my room and nimbly walked down the stairs of my house. There was no smell of coffee to greet me nor breakfast for that matter. I lived alone. And I liked it.

I eyed my toaster and had an inner debate on whether or not to shove two pieces inside and eat them.

No. That would take about ten minutes and then depending on the traffic I could be late...though I do have time to spare...

I'll just pick something up at the office.

The chilly air slapped me outside and I quickly went inside my car. I started the engine and the heater. As soon as the warmth began to become noticeable, I pulled out of the driveway. My neighbor, Chanyeol, looked up and waved as I left. I simply nodded and kept on going. No need for trivial conversations.

In about twenty minutes I was already within the corporation's parking lot.

Oh Corp.

When Father built this company from scratch, he thought Oh Corporation stood for everything we did as people.

Sincerely, I just think it sounds funny.

I went into the lobby and everyone greeted me. No, this isn't an exaggeration.

I mean, who wouldn't greet the future owner of this corporation, and the future owner of their jobs??

Apparently someone didn't.

A shortish guy was fumbling for papers in his briefcase and ran into me, papers scattering everywhere.

"Yah! Be careful where you walk!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sir." The boy replied and tried picking up his papers, "I didn't see you walking and-"

"Do you even know who I am?" I stated in a demanding voice, causing the guy's already white filled eyes to become wider, "I am Oh Sehun, next heir to this company!"

Someone approached us and knelt down to help the guy. I sighed and rubbed my temples. After helping him pick everything up, he smiled and turned to me. He grabbed my arm, bowed to the guy, and dragged me away.

"You are so conceited, you spoiled brat." He said as he walked towards the cafeteria.

"If anyone else told me that, they'd be fired on the spot. You're lucky you're my friend, Jongin."

"You should clarify that I'm your only friend." He said and laughed, "Coffee?"


I sat down at a table and waited as he brought two coffees.

Everyone around me bowed and I nodded my head in response. People kept on giving me sideway glances. What? Had they never seen me before?!

I couldn't wait to become the head of this company. I'll fire every incompetent fool.

Jongin came back with two coffees and I immediately began drinking mine.

"Are you meeting with your father to discuss the transfer of power? You ready for it?"

I nodded, "I've been learning the business since I was little. Actually, I'm meeting him tonight."

"Good luck with that." Jongin stated and raised his cup in salute.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine."


"The year is almost over so let's get things done with dedication to begin the next year strong!" I spoke to my team as they assembled.

"Will we have a Secret Santa?" Someone asked.

"Ah right, yes we will. Hyoyeon start working on the papers with the names and we'll pick this afternoon."

They cheered and I looked around at all the familiar faces until my eyes landed on someone new.

"Hey, you're that guy from this morning!" I exclaimed.

Jongin came up behind him and glared at me, warning me to be nice, "He is a new employee."

"Ah, that explains everything. Name?"

"Do Kyungsoo."

"What's your job?"

"You haven't appointed me one yet..."

"I don't have time for this!" I groaned, "I don't need someone following me around!"

Kyungsoo plainly stared at me with his owl like eyes.

Jongin opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "Yah! Jongin! Do you have a secretary?"

"Well I had Sulli but she left so..."

"He's all yours. Merry Christmas."

Jongin P.O.V

I stared at the back of my friend as he walked away.

"I still better get another gift!" I yelled after him and then quickly turned to Kyungsoo.

"I didn't mean it like that! I don't think you’re not special. I mean, that I don't care. No, he didn't mean it like that, stupid me!"

Kyungsoo simply gave me a cute heart shaped smile and bowed, "I am in your care, please take good care of me."

I blushed and turned around immediately. Damn he was cute.

He looked around nervously, "What do I do, boss?"

Boss. He made me sound so important. Okay, now I must make a good impression. Jongin, whatever you do, try to sound cool…

"P-paperwork. Let's go do paperwork."

Fail #1.

After taking a few steps I realized that Kyungsoo wasn't following. He stood his ground and simply stared. I awkwardly walked backwards until I reached him once again.

Fail #2.

He bowed, "I'm Do Kyungsoo."

I returned the gesture and introduced myself as well, "Kim Jongin."

Only then did he follow.

I showed Kyungsoo his desk and then went inside my own office. I instructed him on office hours and taught him how to use the phone, computer, and everything else he needed.

Then, his colleagues introduced themselves. Siwon, Minho, Chanyeol (yes, my neighbor), Taeyeon, Yoochun, Hyukjae and Yunho were the head of their respective departments. Kris, Taemin, Changmin, Jaejoong, Sungmin, Junsu, Key, Onew, Donghae, Hyoyeon, Victoria, and Seohyun were assistants like him. I laughed when Kyungsoo's eyes widened, as if wondering how he would remember everyone.

"You can help me file some papers." I said and he nodded, eager to get away and avoid all the glances thrown his way.

We worked in silence, the only sounds being heard were that of keys being pressed and papers being filed.

After a while, I built up my courage and cleared my throat.

Kyungsoo looked up.

"You don't seem very familiar around here..."

"I just moved here recently."

"Ah! Makes sense. So you haven't eaten at that one famous food place?"

He shook his head.

I pretended to be shocked and pulled on my tie, "This cannot do! I must change this immediately!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have any plans later?" I asked slyly.

He once again shook his head.

"Then it's a done deal. We're going for dinner."

His head snapped up from the paper work and his owl eyes questioned mine, only pausing to blink.


"Is... is this a date?" He asked slowly.

"Ehh? N-no! Just two collegues going to lunch. You know, normal stuff..."

Kyungsoo thought about it for a while before giving me his heart-shaped smile, "Okay then."

I smiled as I observed Kyungsoo work. This wasn't a bad idea afterall. Thank you Sehun.

Sehun P.O.V

I was so anxious for the day to end that when it finally came, I didn't know what to do. 

"Calm down, you'll be fine." Jongin said calmly and gave me a thumbs up, “If you need anything, you know who to call.”

I nodded and grabbed my briefcase and keys before saying goodbye both to him and that new guy. Kyungmin? Kyungdoo? Kungfu? Oh well, I’ll remember his name eventually.

As always, people bowed in respect as I passed and I simply nodded at them. Most people wouldn’t be leaving for another hour or so.

I reached the parking lot and swiftly got into my car. I don’t even know why I’m so nervous. I guess that I’d been waiting to become the president of the corporation for so long that I was afraid of something going wrong and everything getting ruined.

The street lights reflected on my black car as I drove towards our meeting place. It was a restaurant not too far from where work was. At a red light I anxiously ran my fingers through my hair, blowing air out of my cheeks. Calm down, Sehun. Everything will be fine.

I arrived in less than ten minutes. The air was cuttingly cold and I was thankful to Jongin for making me bring a scarf. I pulled it around my neck as I gave the valet the keys to my car.

At the door I gave my name to the young lady sitting at front.

“Oh, Oh… yes, you’re reserved at table 12 please. Thank you and have a good evening.”

I nodded in her direction and walked inside. My eyes scanned the crowd until I found a familiar, weary face.

“Father.” I said in greeting and bowed. Though he was my father, I had never really grown attached to him. There had always been an invisible wall between us that kept any affection at bay. He always kept me at arm’s length, only talking to me with measured words. I guess that is one of the reasons why I am who I am. Oh Sehun, nearly emotionless corporate business man. Has a nice ring to it, no?

“Sehun. Have a seat.”

Even now, after having grown closer to him due to work, it felt weird eating dinner together.

“How’s Mother?”

“She’s fine, as always.”

I nodded. I had left the house to get away from my Father’s pressure, but in the process had abandoned my mother. I was usually so caught up in work that I didn’t really see her much. Once every two weeks at most and that was on a lazy month.

I kept my head down, staring at the golden rimmed plates, wishing this to end soon. Father didn’t say much, no surprise there. There was no asking about my day, no questioning my department, nothing at all. Heck, I wouldn’t have minded some scolding. Even that would make him radiate a more fatherly aura.

I forget that what he raised was a robot for his corporation, not a son.

The food was brought in and we ate in silence. I only glanced up a couple of times and when I did, he never met my gaze.

After he had taken a sip of wine for what seemed the fifteenth time, he cleared his throat.

“Well, I have very information to relay to you.”

I nodded, waiting for him to say the magic phrase.

“I know you have been eager to become the next president, and you have worked very hard for it too.”

Of course I have! I’ve been waiting for ages!

“I am actually quite pleased with your progress and don’t doubt you will make a good leader.”

Go on…

“Yet, I’m displeased to tell you that things aren’t going so well.” He said and wiped his mouth his a fancy napkin.

I frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Our company is near a crisis. One of our top shareholders played some dirty tricks and now we are in a dire situation. I don’t know if it is the right time to give you the leadership.”

I froze in my spot. How did I not know about this? I thought I was doing everything I could in the company and it seems I’ve been blindfolded all along!

“It was Jookyun wasn’t it?! I told you to watch out for him!” I exclaimed, “I mean, what kind of a name is that in the first place?”

“Keep your voice down, Sehun!” My father said in a dangerous tone, “And that is beyond the point!”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything before?! How much of a crisis is it?”

“A near crash of the company.”

I groaned and gripped my head between my hands, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You don’t have too much experience, you could’ve done something wrong-”

I gave a stark laugh, “Something wrong?! Not enough experience? I have advanced business majors! Besides, I have seen you work the ropes since I was a toddler! I have seen how these things work for nearly twenty years! And you think I don’t have at least a little right to know what goes on with a company that isn’t only yours, but mine as well??!”

“I know that! It’s just that I have other people to confer with.”

“Other people!” I scoffed, “Talk about no faith. Have you forgotten I’m your son?”

“Oh Sehun…”

There he goes with that tone again.

I rose from my seat, “Goodbye.”

“Sehun, get back here!”

I waved behind me and didn’t even bother looking back. I kept on walking straight until I left the building.

Since I had no patience for the valet to bring me my car, I snatched my keys back and got inside my car, ignoring any glares being sent my way.

They could all disappear for all I cared.

My hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that I wouldn’t be surprised if I ripped it right off.

I needed to relax. I needed to get my mind off things. Off my father.

Almost instinctively, I followed a familiar path towards a bar I often frequented when things got bad. Let’s just say I found myself in there more times than I’m proud of.

I walked in through the front door and made my way until I reached the bartender.

“Give me anything, just something that will make me feel better.”

“You know how many times you come in asking that?” He replied in a snappy tone.

“Shut up and give me a drink.”

“Lousy kid! If only you weren’t my boss…” He mumbled, “I’m going to tell Chanyeol.”

“Deal with it Kris! Now give me a drink!” I groaned, “It’s not like I’m afraid of that giant!”

He growled and handed me some beer. His eyes glared at me but I knew he didn’t mind my company.

This was Wu Yifan, Kris for short. He is Chanyeol’s secretary. In order to gain enough money to send back to his family in China, he works as a bar tender after the office closes. Temper: very, very high. If you ever need a temper scale it would be on a scale of Siwon to Kris.

Though right now, I was nearly at the Kris level. Probably in the Chanyeol range.

I quickly drank all of the nasty liquid, ignoring as it burned its way down my throat. It would be worth it in the end.

“Give me more.”

“Aren’t you going to drive after this?” He questioned, hiding his concern quite well (or so he thought).

“None of your business Kris!” I spat and nearly snatched the alcohol out of his hand, “Besides, I drive better drunk!”

“Not that I really care,” He started nonchalantly as he cleaned a glass, “but what brought you here in this state?”

“I’m not telling you!” I exclaimed and stuck my tongue out in a childish manner. Already I was feeling out of character.

“It’s okay,” he said and handed me another glass in my outstretched hand, “You’ll tell me soon enough…”


3 glasses of scotch later…


“A-And then he said I wasn’t ready for the job! Do you know what that means??” I whined while drinking some more.


“I wouldn’t mind if he didn’t give me the position, but what hurts isth the trust!!! He has no faith in meh! He doesthn’t treat me like a son!!! I’m just a machine for him!” I wailed and slammed my glass down.

“That’s not plastic, I hope you know that. If it breaks, I’m adding it to your tab.” Kris stated calmly, “And you’re starting to slur your words.”

“G-great! Just what I needed! People pointing out my flaws!” I slurred and then stared at the apron he was wearing, “Ha-ha… you look funny wearing an apron!”

“Just shut up Sehun. For your sake and mine.”

“You don’t tell me what to do, Wu Yifan! Wu… Wu sounds funny. Woo woo~!”

“That’s it, you can’t go home like this.” He sighed and picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“Who are you calling WuWu~ your mom?!” I said and then began laughing at what in my brain seemed the funniest thing in the world.

“Hello? Jongin?” He began, “Yes, well if you don’t want me to cut Sehun into a million tiny bits to stick on tiny colorful umbrellas that I’ll use on martinis please come pick him up.”

At hearing my friend’s name I reached for the phone and managed to sneak a couple of words in, “Jonginnie!!! I wuv you! Don’t listen to WuWu, I’m perfectly fine~ Dude! Did you know there are blue lights in here?!”

Kris snatched the phone back and smacked me behind the head.

“Jongin!!” I whined, “He hit me! Beat him up! Beat him up!”

“Yes, please come quickly before I stick him in a barrel and roll him off a cliff.”

“I-I heard that!” I stated and then pretended to write something down, “I’ll remember to dock your pay!”

“If you remember anything at all, that is.”

“Shut up, WuWu.”



Jongin’s P.O.V

“Thanks for agreeing to eat dinner with me,” I said nervously and smiled, “It’s usually Sehun and I or maybe even Chanyeol and Kris, but I’m glad you’re here.”

I felt like smacking myself mentally. What am I? A highschooler on a first date or something?! Stupid Jongin, get a hold of yourself! Act cool!

He smiled and bowed his head, “Thank you for inviting me.”

I blushed and cleared my throat, “Y-You can stop being so formal around me. If you don’t mind me questioning, how old are you?”

“Twenty one.”

“Noooo! There is no way you’re older than me!” I exclaimed a little bit louder than I was supposed to, “Birthday?”

“January 12th.”

“Really?! Mine is January 14th! A year before, but only two days ahead! This is so cool!” I stated excitedly and the corners of his lips curled into a small smile.

The food was brought and we ate while discussing things we liked, where we came from, you know, colleague stuff.

“You like singing! No, that’s awesome! I like to dance, so what? Don’t be embarrassed!” I exclaimed and placed my right hand over his own.

His owl like eyes snapped to meet mine and he quickly retracted his hand.

“Oh , I’m sorry Kyungsoo… that happened kind of spontaneously. You see, Sehun and I do a lot of skin ship and and-”

“It’s okay…” He nearly whispered and turned his attention to the food in front of him that was nearly gone.

Way to go, Jongin. So much for that idea.

My phone began vibrating. I looked at the Caller ID and was surprised to see Kris’s name.

Oh no.

“Yes?” I answered hesitantly.

“Hello? Jongin?” He asked.

“Hey Kris what’s up? Please don’t tell me this has something to do with Sehun. I don’t have time for this,” I said and smiled at Kyungsoo.

 “Yes, well if you don’t want me to cut Sehun into a million tiny bits to stick on tiny colorful umbrellas that I’ll use on martinis please come pick him up.”

“Is he really that bad?” I asked, worry now filling my mind. Something told me things hadn’t gone well with his father.

There was a lot of commotion on the other end before Sehun’s voice was heard.

“Jonginnie!!! I wuv you! Don’t listen to WuWu, I’m perfectly fine~ Dude! Did you know there are blue lights in here?!”

WuWu…? What the hell? Sehun is seriously wasted…

“He’s worse than I thought,” I replied once Kris was back on the phone, “I’ll be there soon. Don’t let the idiot leave.”

“Yes, please come quickly before I stick him in a barrel and roll him off a cliff.”

“Got it.”

With that I hung up and turned to Kyungsoo, giving him an apologetic glance.

“Apparently Sehun is in some trouble. I’m sorry but I have to be a good friend and rescue him. Sorry.”

“No, I understand,” He said as he rose from the table, “Thank you for everything.”

“No problem, we should seriously repeat this, yes?” I asked hopefully.

He nodded his head and gave me a heart shaped smile.

“See you tomorrow at work!”


He turned around.

“Do you have a ride?” I asked, realizing he had never mentioned his car.

Kyungsoo slowly shook his head.

I threw him my car keys, “If you know how to drive, take my car. I’ll take a cab and drive Sehun’s car back.”

“Thank you…” He said, his eyes questioning every aspect of me.

“Mhm, and don’t worry about any scratches or something on my car. I don’t really care.”

He nodded slowly and turned around.

I watched him leave and sighed happily.

This is so much worse than a teenage crush… It’s hasn’t even been twenty four hours…

And I already want to see Do Kyungsoo every second of every day.

“Sehun, you punk…” I muttered as I exited the building and made my way towards the curb to call a cab, "You drunken punk.”




“Jonginnie! You’re here! Kris has been bullying me the entire time!!” Sehun exclaimed as he flung himself at me.

The Chinese guy’s eyes narrowed and he growled, “You little…”

“Thank you Kris for taking care of this idiot.” I said and wrapped my arm around Sehun, “I’ll take it from here.”

“Please do.”

“See you tomorrow Kris!” I said as I led my boss away.


I swear that as soon as we left there was cheering inside the bar.

“Why are you so upset?” I asked as I fumbled for the keys in his coat.

“My so called f-father doesn’t believe in me!” He slurred and clung to my shoulder, “After twenty three years!”

“You’re twenty.”

“Whatever! He doesn’t think I havth a right to know about an impending crithis! I have given my all to dith company and dith isth how he treat me?!” He moaned as I got him into the passenger seat of his car, “Hey… why does your car look identical to mine?”

“Your talking is barely coherent and what the hell? You are so drunk…” I muttered as I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, “I’m sorry about your dad…”

He suddenly calmed down and sat there limp, staring in a trance at the streetlights as they sped across the glass windows of the car. This guy…

Before I continue, there is something to know about Sehun and his drinking habits. He has three phases he goes through: The depressed-whiney phase, the stupid idiotic phase, and finally the angry phase.

That last one should be starting in three-two-one…

“Damn everything!!!! Why can’t he trust me??! You know what?? He and his company can kiss my ! I don’t care! To hell with them!!” He exclaimed and punched the window pane.

Such a good idea to drive his car.

“Siwon would disapprove of so many of the words in your response right now…” I noted and got on the seemingly desolate freeway.

“Where is everyone?” I muttered as I continued driving, “I know this isn’t a popular route but to be this empty…”

“I see a car right there, damn it, can’t you see it?”

“I’m surprised Kris lasted so long without punching you.”

“Wow! So much for being my best friend!!! You jerk!”

I kept my gaze on the road ahead and ignored his y attitude. He could be the cause of so many accidents…

We were currently behind a large tractor trailer that seemed to be going at 30 miles per hour… on an empty highway.

“Go around it!” Sehun groaned, “We’ve been here for five hours!!!”

“It’s been fifteen minutes actually…”

“As I said, five hours!” Sehun growled and unbuckled his seat belt.

“Sehun, put that thing back on!!”

“Make me!” He taunted and reached for the steering wheel.

“What the hell are you doing??!” I exclaimed and tried to keep us steady in our lane, but it wasn’t working.

The headlights of our car violently drifted from left to right on the concrete path as we swerved in and out of our lane.

“Go around, you sissy!” He yelled and once again pushed the steering wheel.

“Oh Sehun, stop your stupidness this instant!! Do you want to get us all killed??!!”

I really shouldn’t have said that.

Sehun once again turned the wheel, using strength I didn’t know he had, and successfully got us into the next lane.

The lane in which a large van was coming towards us… and not at forty miles per hour… more like twice that speed.

“We’re going the wrong way, idiot!” I screamed and tried avoid the van. It screeched as it hit the brakes but it wasn’t enough.

I violently turned the wheel to the left, hoping to avoid the van, but the tractor blocked its path. As a result we ended up driving off the edge of the high way and down the steep valley below.

My ears rang with a loud clanging of metal and honking noises. My eyesight blurred at the swirling world around me. I only felt the first spirals that the car did as it rolled down before I hit my head on the steering wheel and passed out cold.

The last thing I remembered was Kyungsoo’s smile.


A/N: Well that's it for now~!! :) Thank you for the subsribers and to Pinkysaenghachai for commenting~! I really appreciate it! I hope you guys don't mind the switching p.o.v's :) Please comment and tell me what you think! I will update Roommates after this for those of you who read that and for those who haven't and have time, please give it a try? :)

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 4: Hope for a happy ending please update soon
noddy1 #2
Chapter 4: luhan is soo pure and innocent
belzky08 #3
Chapter 4: This is one of the heartfelt stories that ive read...I dont want luhan to die at the end..,hoping for miracles...!! ^_^
emptygirls #4
Chapter 3: update soon, I really like your story <3
Peaches-xo #5
Chapter 2: Luhan is so cute and innocent, I can't wait until he visits Sehun again. Keep up the good work! ^.^
Xxpinky #6
Update soon :)