I Love your Imperfections

I Love your Imperfections

You woke up to delightful sounds of shouting that was taking place across the halls in your home. “EVERYONE!!! GET UP! WE HAVE TO GET TO THE RECORDING SET BY 6:30!!!”, Baekhyun frantically notified everyone. “SHUT UP! WE KNOW ALREADY! GOSH.”, a very tired and grumpy Kyungsoo yelled back. “Ughhh….” You grumbled into your pillow. Reluctantly, you got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You washed up, and just as you were about to leave the bathroom, the weight scale that sat next to the toilet caught your eye. “How long has it been since I last weighed myself??”, you thought to yourself as you pulled out the device. You set it down flat on the ground and stepped up on it. 

“145?!”, you said aloud. “NO, ITS 5:00 SWEETIE, NOT 1:45. WE HAVE 30 MINUTES SINCE IT TAKES ONE HOUR TO GET TO THE SET.” Baekhyun yelled from his room, hearing you. You ignored his misunderstanding and gawked at the scale, suddenly feeling insecure. “I gained like ten pounds, how did that happen?” you thought as you stepped down from the scale and returned it to its original place. As you passed the mirror, you looked closer at your face and suddenly noticed all the little blemishes and flaws on your complexion. Eyes not big enough, nose too un-proportional, lips not plump enough, and face not pretty enough was all that came to your mind. Your lips automatically drooped down into a frown and your self-esteem had plummeted. You finally left the bathroom and went into your room to change. 

“Hey, can I borrow your phone charger?” Suho, who was basically like a brother to you, asked. “Sure” you replied, voice barely audible, handing the balled up cord to him. “What’s wrong?” Suho asked coming closer to you. “Nothing!” you replied cheerfully, putting on a fake smile, “Just a little tired, that’s all.”  “Okay… but just know that you can always talk to me. Okay??” he reminded you. You replied with a smile, but as soon as Suho left, the smile faded and it was replaced with an empty and meaningless expression. You were looking through your closet for an outfit to wear, when suddenly you felt a pair of long, toned arms embrace you from behind. “Good morning, babe.” Jongin, your boyfriend, greeted, pecking your cheek. “Morning…” you murmured, still looking through your closet for some clothes that wouldn’t make you look fat.“Are you almost ready?” he asked into your hair, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Almost…” you replied. He let go and grabbed you by the waist to spin you around so you would look at him. “Hey… is anything wrong?” he asked in a concerned tone, placing his hand on one of your cheeks. “No. Im just tired.” You quickly used the same excuse and turned right back around, afraid that he’ll see your imperfections. “Oh… okay…” he said, “We’ll be waiting for you in the car…” With that, he left the room.


            “Want one?” Chanyeol asked, offering a cupcake, courtesy of the production staff. “Umm… no thanks…” you replied, thinking about how many calories that one cupcake contained. “Are you sure? It’s really good!” he asked. “Yeah I’m sure. You can have it.” you said. “Krystal noona! Here! Have a cupcake!” Chanyeol handed the cupcake to the girl group member that was filming with EXO that day. “Thanks!” she gladly took the cupcake and took a bite. “Wow… her legs are so skinny… and her face is completely flawless…” you thought in your head. On the variety show they were filming, they were playing couple games, and Kai's partner was Krystal. She’s such a sweet person and very beautiful too. Kai looked genuinely happy, in your eyes, and he looked like he was enjoying himself very much. “He should just dump me and go out with Krystal.” you said out of spite in your mind, “Why would he want someone like me when he could have a goddess like her.”


            “Ahh….. recording variety shows are fun, but they’re so tiring…” Lay complained, walking off into his room. You went to yours and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Jongin came in after you and took your hand in his, and started drawing circles on it. “Baby… what’s wrong? You’ve been down the whole day, and you don’t even look at me in the eyes when I’m talking to you…” he approached. You kept silent, and directed your gaze on the floor and tried your best not to let him see you. “Babe…” he cooed, lifting your chin up with his hand. You jumped back and moved away from him. “Don’t…” you breathed. “Why?” Jongin asked, startled and confused. After a few seconds of silence, you finally looked up into his eyes and asked, “Why did you choose me? Why did you choose me to be your girlfriend?”. “What?” he asked. “There are girls like Krystal who are skinnier and prettier than me. Why’d you choose me?” you ranted with ugly tears streaming down your face, “She has beauty, talent, and a nice personality. She has the prettiest eyes, the most perfect nose, and her lips are in absolute proportion with the rest of her face. Her thighs and her waist are a whole lot skinnier than mine. She’s practically a Goddess, and I’m just me…”  “Exactly.” Jongin said. “Huh?” you asked, clearly confused. “You’re you. That’s why I chose you. I like YOU. Not Krystal, or any other girl, but YOU. Yes, Krystal’s eyes are pretty, but I don’t like her eyes. I like yours. Sure, Krystal’s lips are pretty as well, but I like YOUR lips.” He said, pecking your lips. “I agree, Krystal is very nice and beautiful, but…. I like YOU. I love you. That’s why I chose you.” He said, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, “You’re right, she’s practically a Goddess, but you ARE a Goddess. You’re perfect to me and I love you even with your perfect imperfections.” Your heart did somersaults and your stomach did flips. You jumped into his embrace and cried it all out. He your hair and patted your back gently. Finally, you lifted up your face to look at him in the eyes and you gave him a light smile, “I love you.” You whispered. “I love you, too.” He returned and then captured your lips. 

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loveisKAI #1
Chapter 1: awwww he's so sweeet
Chapter 2: aaaaaaaa I love this story >_< jongin being sweet <3