Forward Flashback

Spring Field Daffodils

I am alone, the sun's searing brightly,the wind drifts serenely on my body and the clouds are least. It is a nice day, I say to myself as I walk towards my favourite place. It is a very old tree on top of a hill. I sit on a side of it, open my book and started reading few pages. I hear soft whimpers as I read the lines. Where do they come from? I was afraid and at the same time curious about it.

I check the other side of the tree, in it sits a boy crying, I think he is the same age as I am. I was about to go away and leave him but he noticed me. I feel unconscious as he stares at me, his small eyes judge me and I don't know what he's thinking over his head. I am stuck and can't move a muscle. I began to move my tongue and tried to speak. I managed to say hello. He fakes a smile on me. I find it rude on some point but I don't mind. I sit beside him and offered him my towel. He smiles again and I know it was genuine, this time. I stare at him for minutes, he cries, he sobs, until all is well."I'm sorry if I disturb you." He began. "Oh, it was nothing, I was just reading something."

"Thank you for comforting me." He ended. He seems fine by now but not happy. He has small round eyes, a small nose, and very nice lips. I ask what his problem is and he willingly narrates it. He have a boyfriend, and they had a cool off. That’s what he says, and he doesn't add more. I ask him to get up. He did, I ask him to shout and he did. He shouts until his voice almost got lost. Echoes trail as he screams. He laughs after he shouts.

"Thank you, thank you for making me feel okay. You're so kind." he says. “I have to go." he added and he sprinted really fast. I tried to stop him but he is fast. The clouds are least, the wind drifts serenely on my body, the sun's searing brightly, I am alone.

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