The First Encounter

The Upper Hand

The first encounter will always be memorable…

Jiyong`s pov

                And there I stood, dumbfounded, with the girl`s puke all over my brand new shoes. She looked up at me, terrified. Sulli ran off to the bathroom disgusted.

                I recognized her face from my school. Krystal Jung, she was fairly popular with the guys but I heard that she had mental issues and was taking therapy sessions. She straightened her back and focused her eyes onto her plate. Her face turned bright red and her fingers started to fidget. I laughed.

                “You know, at times like these, an apology would be appropriate” I leaned my arm onto the table and tilted my head at her.

                “I-im so sorry” she stuttered with her eyes plastered onto her plate. I nodded and took off my shoes.

                “Hyung, you owe me a new pair of sneakers”  I winked “-and don’t worry, I won`t say a word about you two. “ Jae joong hyung smiled gratefully at me. He gently placed his hand onto her shoulder.

                “Are you ok Krystal?” He asked quietly. She nodded. He grabbed her bag and helped her out of her seat. I could tell that he really cared about her. She lowered her head at me and left the restaurant.

                “Oppa!” Sulli screamed “Im not hungry anymore.” She stormed out behind Krystal and I was left standing there alone without any shoes on my feet.

Krystal`s pov

                I don’t know why but I suddenly felt nauseous as he came to our table. Then I remembered the cigarettes I smoked yesterday.

                “The first time, you may feel nauseous” A flashback of Victoria warning me played inside my head.

                Jae joong tried his best to make the situation less awkward. He brought up conversations about every possible subject he could think of, politics, sports, and celebrities. I felt a sharp sensation of guilt strangling my head.

                “Im sorry for ruining the day” I said apologetically.

                He responded with a smile. “don’t be sorry to me, be sorry for Jiyong`s new sneakers. “

                I remembered his name, Jiyong. He was an outgoing guy who always at a large grin stuck to his face. That was the first time I ever spoke to him. I hoped it was the last time I would ever have to apologize to him. 

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Waaaw interesting :O Krystal<3 GD<3 Sulli<3 Jaejoong<3?? OTL Sounds amazing! Looking forward :D