Dr. Kim

The Upper Hand

Nothing much, you?

                Jae Joong is my psychologist. He told me that he wanted to know me better so he could help me. Knowing that I could depend on him for my problems made my heart lighter. We have been getting very close these days as well. He knows how to make me laugh and can tell if im sad just by my facial expression. 

I have the day off. Are you free at the moment?

-Jae joong

Yes I am

                The weight on my shoulders lifted at the thought of meeting him. I needed someone right now. Someone who would understand these random feelings of sadness. He knew. He always understood. Of course, it was probably because he was a psychologist but he never felt like a doctor, just a very good listener and a caring friend.

Lets go out for lunch :)

-Jae Joong

                I found a motivation to leave my bed and get dressed.

Be ready in an hour

                When I got out of the building, Jae joong was waiting outside by his car. When he saw me, I was greeted with a warm, comforting smile. He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. It was weird seeing him outside of the office. I wondered what this would be like. Maybe it would last an hour like our sessions and he would ask me how I feel. I giggled at the thought of it.

(Jae joongs POV)

I finally built up the courage to ask her outside of the office. Although it’s against the rules to be involved with a patient, I couldn’t help how I`ve been feeling about her. I’ve always been passionate about my occupation but making this girl happy was another thing. When she smiles, I want to preserve that beautiful expression on her face.

                “Where are we going?” Krystal asked.

                “Don’t worry about it” I said. I took her to my favorite Italian place.

                After a while, I started to realize that I had no clue what to say. Asking her about how she`s been doing would make this another session but telling her about myself might end up boring her. She opened to speak and I sighed in relief.

                “This pasta is so good” she exclaimed. I was glad that she was eating. She was finally starting to reach a healthy weight after 2 sessions. Her skinny wrists moved rapidly as she worked into the noodles.

                “Hyung!” A hand grasped my shoulder. I turned around to see my cousin gleaming at me.

                “Hey Ji yong” He was here with his bratty girlfriend Sulli. She tilted her head 20 degrees to greet me. I waved back.

                “This is Krystal” Suddenly, she didn’t look so good.

                “Dr. Jae. I don’t……. bleh” Next thing I knew, she barfed up all the pasta on my cousin`s shoes. 

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Waaaw interesting :O Krystal<3 GD<3 Sulli<3 Jaejoong<3?? OTL Sounds amazing! Looking forward :D