The Café Downhill (Xiumin)

The Watch of Fate

Everyone had the soul mate watch these days. Literally everyone. You included. You couldn’t help but buy it with the positive responses everyone gave.  

It was just another winter for you to spend alone, and as usual you were heading out for your evening coffee. Well, to be frank, you loved coffee. It always had this heartwarming effect on you. The way the liquid would transfer heat all through your body with just one sip. You remembered your friends once suggesting a café which made really good coffee down the street you lived in. It was quite popular among all those in the neighborhood. And that’s where you planned in drinking your coffee today.

The café wasn’t too far from home, just a few buildings downhill. It was called the ‘Epitome Café’. You were now standing in front of its glass doors. It had a nice, warm and comforting ambience. It seemed very welcoming and at-home. As you entered a small bell announced your entrance. The place seemed perfect. Not too crowded nor was it empty. It wasn’t too big nor was it small. Not too bright either. It seemed, perfect, just like its name stated.

You’ve heard of the owner before. He’s apparently a barista and loves coffee. He supposedly works there too. Also, he was popular among the girls.

You walked up to the counter and that’s when you heard it, ‘Beep beep beep beep…’ You realized it was coming from you. You looked down at your watch. The countdown had stopped. And just as you lifted your head, you were greeted by a man. You couldn’t decipher if he was cute or good looking. He looked so angel-like. He wore an adorable smile which made your heart melt. His fringe was combed back and was kept in place by some hair gel. You couldn’t help but feel week in the knees. And that’s when it all started making sense. You were so oblivious to your watch that you hadn’t realized, here he was, your soul mate. Standing right in front of you. He looked down at his watch and probably realized the same too, judging by his reaction. His smile grew wider. “What would you like?” he asked, finally starting the conversation. Some people at the café seemed to have found out that you two were soul mates, for when you glanced at some of the customers they smiled at the two of you, or showed a thumbs up symbol.  “Uhm.. A.. Just a warm caramel latte with whipped cream would do.” You replied, smiling. “Anything. Will that be all?” he asked. You nodded. “I’m Minseok. Kim Minseok. I own the place. I see this is your first time here.” He said smiling. “Yes, it is my first time here.. I’m _______ ________” You shyly replied.  Just as you were about to pay for the coffee, you felt a hand grip at your shoulder. You looked up.  It was Minseok. “It’s on me.” He said, winking. You blushed a little, while widening your eyes feeling a pang of shock due to his sudden act of kindness.

“Here you are.” Minseok said, holding your caramel latte with whipped cream, ready for you to drink. Thanking him, you took hold of the cup.

It was only after you were seated at a table, did you notice little writings on the tissue. You read it.

‘We close down at 8. Mind accompanying me for some dinner? I’d like to get to know you. – Minseok. ;)’

After reading the letter, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. You looked in his direction. Noticing that he had his eyes on you, you nodded with a shy smile. He smiled back at you and chuckled a little at your flustered self. You knew that from now on, you’ll be visiting this café more often. 

[A/n: Gosh~ I don't know why, but while I was trying to think about which member I should write about, I remembered barista minseok, and my xiumin feels went haywire. He just makes my heart go.. Doki doki (>A<) I can't contain my feels for him~ /sobs/ and I can never have him~ TuT lol /crazy person/ . Hope you all liked this update! Please, comment, vote or subsicribe! Thank you~ (^^)v]

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Omona~ You certainly have a way with words! I found myself laughing inwardly with all of your silly chapters and I really rather enjoyed them! Kamsahamnida author-nim!
Chapter 12: Really cool story! Love it!
Chapter 12: This story was awesome just wow!
Really can't explain what I feel right now so much fluffiness aww >\\<
Keep writing author-nim! :)
Chapter 9: That was so awesome!!! Hope to see more!!! Im loving it!!! Keep Writing!!!
Chapter 1: Gull~ I Can't Explain what i feel~!! >///<