

"Meet me where the sky touches the sea. Wait for me where the world begins."

“Sehunnie, it’s time for me to go.” 

“Don’t go, Hyung, it’ll get better, I promise. You’ll feel better. You don’t have to leave to feel better.” He tries to reason with him, but Luhan only shakes his head and for the first time in a while, he smiles and it reaches his eyes.

“Aniyo, I have to go. It’s time, Sehun.” Luhan points to the window where the sky is a pinkish and orangish shade spreading out and eating the blue and white hues. The sun is about to set. 

*           *          *

“Of course; didn’t I tell you I’d always take care of you?” That’s when Sehun noticed it; the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes, the way he seemed paler than usual, the way he seemed sadder and how beneath him, his shadow had wings. 

Like an angel.



Author's Note: 

Annyeong everyone! Lately, I've been slowly falling in love with EXO's seemingly cold prince, the maknae, Sehun. So, in celebration of becoming a fan, I decided to write this Sehun-centric fic. While falling in love with him and the group, I also noticed that HunHan is cannon(?). I don't really ship HunHan, but I'm not a hater either. I think they're fine and they're adorable. 

Anyway, I hope I brought justice to the characters. Please comment and tell me your thoughts, what you felt, if I got any of the characterization wrong and also if you want me to make more fics like this because I've got a few plot bunnies hopping around somewhere around my brain. Again, favorite, comment, upvote, whatever. Thanks for reading and taking the time! 

x o x o, 


Alate - (adj.) having wings; lifted up in flight.


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ohxihun #1
Chapter 1: uwieeee great story omg im crying rn ; n ; so what have been happened is not real ugh no poor sehun bby tbh cries at the moment when everyone suddenly rushed into sehun's room and told him that Luhan had gone ;;;;;;; THIS IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE, i love it, absolutely love it ; u ; you've done a great job!!! <3